Carryover Cash Fund List 2023-2024
Data provided by Kansas Department of Administration in Open Records requests.
Negative balances reflect accounts receivable, according to the Kansas Department of Administration.
* This data was most recently updated on December 20, 2024
* Our data is sourced from open government records. View our Data Notes for more info.
Agency Name | Fund Name | FY 2024 | FY 2023 |
** Accounts Receivable | Total of negative balances | 2,703,150,730.00 | 2,836,535,613.00 |
** Total as reported | Total of all funds | 7,708,163,556.00 | 6,988,402,270.00 |
** Total cash and receivables | Total cash and receivables | 10,411,314,286.00 | 9,824,937,883.00 |
Abstracters Brd of Examiners | Abstracters' FF | 43,948.00 | 43,073.00 |
Adjutant General | Inaugural Expense Fd | 276.00 | 276.00 |
Adjutant General | Nuclear Safety Emer Mgmt FF | 259,975.00 | 455,449.00 |
Adjutant General | General Fees Fund | 771,432.00 | 765,234.00 |
Adjutant General | Military FF | 791,000.00 | 667,819.00 |
Adjutant General | Armories & Units General FF | 59,076.00 | 58,401.00 |
Adjutant General | Ng-Federal Forfeiture Fd | 96,718.00 | 75,446.00 |
Adjutant General | Adjutant General Expense Fd | 4,129.00 | 4,129.00 |
Adjutant General | Conver Of Mat & Equp Fd-Mil Dv | 163,614.00 | 97,064.00 |
Adjutant General | State Emergency Fd | -987,719.00 | -976,004.00 |
Adjutant General | St Emer Fd-Wthr Dis 12-06,7-07 | 1,546.00 | 1,546.00 |
Adjutant General | Emergency Communications Fd | -10,798.00 | -39,265.00 |
Adjutant General | State Asset Forfeiture Fund | 3,923.00 | 3,923.00 |
Adjutant General | Ks Military Emer Relief Fd | 378,002.00 | 346,532.00 |
Adjutant General | Grt Plns Jnt Reg Trn Cntr FF | 3,117.00 | 3,117.00 |
Adjutant General | Military Honors Funeral Fund | 2,830.00 | 2,313.00 |
Adjutant General | Disaster Grnts-Pub Asst | -49,768,463.00 | -112,885,910.00 |
Adjutant General | Hazard Mit Grnt | -656,344.00 | -300,301.00 |
Adjutant General | Natl Guard Mil Ops/Mnt | -56,222,157.00 | -62,588,406.00 |
Adjutant General | Hzrd Mat Trn/Pl | -24,101.00 | -9,936.00 |
Adjutant General | Mil Const/Natl Guard | -11,092,041.00 | -18,224,437.00 |
Adjutant General | Natl Grd Cilvn Yth Oprt | -1,384,711.00 | -2,137,470.00 |
Adjutant General | Econ Adj Asst/Mil Instl | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 |
Adjutant General | Pub Sfty Prtnr/Comm Pol | 130.00 | 124.00 |
Adjutant General | Pre-Disaster Mitigation | -3,770,657.00 | -2,958,635.00 |
Adjutant General | Fire Mgmt Assistance Grant Fed | -70,416.00 | -193,735.00 |
Adjutant General | Citzn Corps | 466.00 | 466.00 |
Adjutant General | Emer Mgmt Prform Grnts | -2,521,451.00 | -2,295,637.00 |
Adjutant General | Applied Metrlgcl Rsch | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Adjutant General | Emer Mgmt Asst Compact Fdf | -714,231.00 | -1,314,535.00 |
Adjutant General | Law Enf Terrorsm Prvtn | 6,812.00 | 6,812.00 |
Adjutant General | St Homeland Sec Prg | -106,055.00 | -107,383.00 |
Adjutant General | Emer Sys Adv Reg Vol Hlth Prof | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Adjutant General | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 22,438,000.00 | 22,628,000.00 |
Adjutant General | Civil Air Pat Grnt/Contb Fdf | 123.00 | 123.00 |
Adjutant General | National Guard Museum Asst Fd | 10.00 | 10.00 |
Adjutant General | Ad Gen Trn Ctr Kdfa Prj Fd | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Adjutant General | Natl Grd Amry Reno Kdfa Prj Fd | 0.00 | 441.00 |
Adjutant General | Natl Grd Amry Reno Kdfa 01W-6 | 0.00 | 785.00 |
Adjutant General | Natl Grd Amry Reno Kdfa 03-1 | 0.00 | 5.00 |
Attorney General | Court Cost Fd | 2,412,971.00 | 2,309,390.00 |
Attorney General | Private Detective Fee Fund | 59,744.00 | 32,214.00 |
Attorney General | Scrap Metal Theft Reduction FF | 117,709.00 | 137,176.00 |
Attorney General | Batterer Intervention Prg Cert | 1,565.00 | 3,298.00 |
Attorney General | Ag'S Commt On Crime Prevent FF | 1,707.00 | 8,332.00 |
Attorney General | Protection From Abuse Fd | -72,364.00 | -45,718.00 |
Attorney General | Bond Transcript Review FF | 8,993.00 | 15,144.00 |
Attorney General | Bail Enforcement Agents FF | 26,130.00 | 29,161.00 |
Attorney General | Fraud&Abuse Criminal Proscutn | 28,675.00 | 23,373.00 |
Attorney General | Debt Collctns Adm Cost Rcvy Fd | 127,125.00 | 127,125.00 |
Attorney General | Interstate Water Litigation Fd | 1,609,767.00 | 1,670,824.00 |
Attorney General | Sexully Violent Predtr Exp Fd | 108,768.00 | 85,978.00 |
Attorney General | Tobacco Mstr Stlmt Agrmt Cmp F | 1,755,915.00 | 1,835,349.00 |
Attorney General | Concealed Weapon Licensure Fd | 18,160.00 | 582,458.00 |
Attorney General | County Law Enforcement Equp Fd | 205,595.00 | 196,228.00 |
Attorney General | Atty General'S Open Government | 1,510.00 | 2,443.00 |
Attorney General | Ag'S Antitrust Spec Rev Fd | 175,741.00 | 6,275.00 |
Attorney General | Crime Victims Compensation Fd | 7,222,182.00 | 5,408,390.00 |
Attorney General | Crime Victims Assistance Fd | 697,051.00 | 718,741.00 |
Attorney General | Tort Claims Fd | -3,435,458.00 | -3,222,344.00 |
Attorney General | Medicaid Fraud Prosectn Revl F | 221,327.00 | 409,040.00 |
Attorney General | False Claims Lit Revl Fd | 140,598.00 | 140,598.00 |
Attorney General | Childrens Advocacy Center Fd | 7,462.00 | -14,885.00 |
Attorney General | Roofing Contractr Registration | 1,194,643.00 | 1,181,958.00 |
Attorney General | Human TraFFic Victim Assist | 92,785.00 | 78,500.00 |
Attorney General | Criminal Appeals Cost Fund | 62,908.00 | 92,990.00 |
Attorney General | Kansas Fights Addiction Fund | 315,886.00 | 447,816.00 |
Attorney General | Municipalities Fight Addctn Fd | 6,601,305.00 | 125,179.00 |
Attorney General | Charitable Organizations FF | 142,069.00 | 106,870.00 |
Attorney General | Ed Byrne Mem Jsct Asst | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Attorney General | St Medicd Fraud Ctl Unt | 177,482.00 | 13,078.00 |
Attorney General | Suid Case Registry | 4,248.00 | 0.00 |
Attorney General | Crime Victim Comp | 70,314.00 | 23,704.00 |
Attorney General | Alch Imprd Drvg Cntrmsr | -115.00 | -190.00 |
Attorney General | Cvad Grant | 0.00 | -5,000.00 |
Attorney General | Medicaid Indirect Cost | 0.00 | 34,905.00 |
Attorney General | Federal Forteiture Fd | 37,837.00 | 24,425.00 |
Attorney General | State Agency Representation | 236,061.00 | 16,394.00 |
Attorney General | Crime Vic Grants & Gifts Fd | 911.00 | 911.00 |
Attorney General | Ag'S Consmr Prot Clrng Fd | -5,368.00 | -5,368.00 |
Bank Commissioner | Bank Exam & Investigation Fd | 36,794.00 | 25,344.00 |
Bank Commissioner | Consumer Edu Settlement Fd | 269,044.00 | 66,665.00 |
Bank Commissioner | Bank Commissioner FF | 3,202,974.00 | 3,784,251.00 |
Bd of Examnrs of Hearing Instr | Hearing Instrument Litigation | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 |
Bd of Examnrs of Hearing Instr | Hearing Aid Board FF | 137,918.00 | 128,139.00 |
Bd of Indigents Defense Svcs | Indigents' Defense Services Fd | 104,601.00 | 20,838.00 |
Bd of Indigents Defense Svcs | Inservice Edu Workshop FF | 10,869.00 | 5,601.00 |
Behavioral Sciences Reg Board | Behavioral Sci Reglty Board FF | 1,751,962.00 | 2,003,196.00 |
Behavioral Sciences Reg Board | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 0.00 | 2.00 |
Beloit Juvenile Correct Faclty | Beloit Juv Corr Fac FF | 2,465.00 | 2,465.00 |
Board of Accountancy | Board Of Accountancy FF | 526,329.00 | 564,608.00 |
Board of Accountancy | Special Litigation Reserve Fd | 275,000.00 | 255,000.00 |
Board of Cosmetology | Cosmetology FF | 570,806.00 | 695,695.00 |
Board of Healing Arts | Healing Arts FF | 5,530,434.00 | 5,739,979.00 |
Board of Healing Arts | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 2,724.00 | 45,741.00 |
Board of Healing Arts | Med Record Main Trst Fd | 33,356.00 | 17,402.00 |
Board of Mortuary Arts | Mortuary Arts FF | 214,338.00 | 267,447.00 |
Board of Nursing | Education Conference Fd | 11,999.00 | 11,999.00 |
Board of Nursing | Board Of Nursing FF | 4,565,559.00 | 4,445,129.00 |
Board of Nursing | Criminal Backgrd/Fingerprt Fd | -13,005.00 | -18,965.00 |
Board of Nursing | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 0.00 | 225,000.00 |
Board of Nursing | Gifts And Grants Fd | 270,392.00 | 270,392.00 |
Board Of Optometry Examiners | Optometry Litigation Fund | 93,606.00 | 186,606.00 |
Board Of Optometry Examiners | Criminal Hist & Fingerprinting | -329.00 | -123.00 |
Board Of Optometry Examiners | Optometry FF | 323,183.00 | 205,300.00 |
Board of Pharmacy | St Board Of Pharmacy FF | 3,187,372.00 | 3,123,742.00 |
Board of Pharmacy | Litigation Fund | 125,352.00 | 125,352.00 |
Board of Pharmacy | Prescription Mntrng Prgrm Fd | 17,666.00 | -1,658.00 |
Board of Pharmacy | Harold Rogers Prescriptn Fdf | -128.00 | -40,946.00 |
Board of Pharmacy | Strat Prev Frmwrk For Rx Drugs | -80,999.00 | -7,300.00 |
Board of Pharmacy | Prescription Drug Ovrdse-Ddpi | 28.00 | 0.00 |
Board of Pharmacy | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 0.00 | 37,492.00 |
Board of Regents | Ged Credentials Processing FF | 128,402.00 | 123,017.00 |
Board of Regents | Truck Driver Training Fd | 60,395.00 | 53,591.00 |
Board of Regents | Inservice Edu Workshop FF | 44,849.00 | 47,323.00 |
Board of Regents | Financial Aid Services FF | 261,620.00 | 267,249.00 |
Board of Regents | Grants Fd | 1,265,580.00 | 1,010,224.00 |
Board of Regents | Pvt/Out-St Postsec Edu Inst FF | 1,683,728.00 | 1,966,346.00 |
Board of Regents | Postsecondary Educ Perf-Incent | 0.00 | 61,868.00 |
Board of Regents | Hse Credential Processing FF | 1,380.00 | 1,150.00 |
Board of Regents | Ks Adult Learner Grt Prgm Fd | 1,000,000.00 | 0.00 |
Board of Regents | Adult Edu-Basic Grt | -67,991.00 | -90,752.00 |
Board of Regents | Career/Tech Edu-Bsc Grt | -87,910.00 | -614,449.00 |
Board of Regents | Gov Emer Ed Relief Fed Fund | 0.00 | -505,652.00 |
Board of Regents | Usac E-Rate Prg | 827,017.00 | 1,144,437.00 |
Board of Regents | Optometry Education Rpymt Fd | 191,987.00 | 120,641.00 |
Board of Regents | Teacher Svc Scholr Rpymt Fd | 220,495.00 | 455,780.00 |
Board of Regents | Nursing Svc Scholr Rpymt Fd | 805,505.00 | 764,723.00 |
Board of Regents | Osteo Med Svc Scholr Rpymt Fd | 951,736.00 | 1,051,736.00 |
Board of Regents | Nursing Svc Scholarship Prg Fd | 11,625.00 | 5,750.00 |
Board of Regents | Ks Natl Grd Asst Prg Rpymt Fd | 52,166.00 | 36,564.00 |
Board of Regents | Nurse Edu Svc Scholr Rpymt Fd | 622,700.00 | 566,130.00 |
Board of Regents | Rotc Svc Scholr Repayment Fd | 102,563.00 | 99,343.00 |
Board of Regents | Ks Promise Scholarship Prg Fd | 29,240.00 | 0.00 |
Board of Regents | Ks Ethnic Minor Fllwshp Prg Fd | 109,387.00 | 109,387.00 |
Board of Regents | Pvt Dntns/Gfts/Grnts/Bqust Fd | 34,463.00 | 80,566.00 |
Board of Tax Appeals | Duplicating FF | 0.00 | 1,524.00 |
Board of Tax Appeals | Bota Filing FF | 750,142.00 | 757,866.00 |
Board of Tax Appeals | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 451,574.00 | 88,375.00 |
Board of Technical Professions | Technical Professions FF | 3,254,229.00 | 2,863,743.00 |
Board of Technical Professions | Special Litigation Reserve Fd | 300,000.00 | 300,000.00 |
Board of Veterinary Examiners | Veterinary Examiners FF | 244,976.00 | 241,104.00 |
Citizens Utility Ratepayer Bd | Utility Regulatory FF | 203,911.00 | 75,076.00 |
Comm Peace Ofcrs Std and Trng | Ks Comm Peace OFF Stds/Trn Fd | 959,454.00 | 1,231,479.00 |
Comm Peace Ofcrs Std and Trng | Local Law Enfcmt Trng Reimb Fd | 123,897.00 | 137,118.00 |
Comm Peace Ofcrs Std and Trng | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 0.00 | -14,695.00 |
Corporation Commission | Public Service Regulation Fd | 4,467,990.00 | 2,892,190.00 |
Corporation Commission | Gas Pipeline Inspection FF | 46,444.00 | 305.00 |
Corporation Commission | Conservation FF | 3,046,605.00 | 4,401,756.00 |
Corporation Commission | Abandoned Oil & Gas Well Fd | 4,337,195.00 | 4,627,444.00 |
Corporation Commission | Natural Gas Undgrd Storage FF | 577,719.00 | 546,941.00 |
Corporation Commission | Inservice Edu Workshop FF | 37,416.00 | 44,672.00 |
Corporation Commission | Fac Conservation Imprv Fd | 1,012,470.00 | 1,012,639.00 |
Corporation Commission | Energy Grnts Mgmt Fd-Stripper | 778,173.00 | 742,941.00 |
Corporation Commission | Motor Carrier License FF | 2,904,162.00 | 2,045,297.00 |
Corporation Commission | St Engy Prg | 5,986,422.00 | 5,447,850.00 |
Corporation Commission | St Dmg Prvtn Prg | 59,045.00 | 39,483.00 |
Corporation Commission | Pub Sfty Prg Base Grnt | 39,389.00 | 224,710.00 |
Corporation Commission | Undrgd Nt Gas Strg | -459.00 | -329.00 |
Corporation Commission | Energy Comm Revitalization Grt | -1,653,908.00 | -12,373,131.00 |
Corporation Commission | St Engy Prg | -103,242.00 | -228,231.00 |
Dental Board | Dental Board FF | 1,259,212.00 | 1,181,928.00 |
Dental Board | Special Litigation Reserve Fd | 125,872.00 | 125,872.00 |
Department of Administration | Federal Cash Management Fd | 63,465.00 | 137,562.00 |
Department of Administration | Curtis OFF Bldg Mnt Resv Fd | 346,790.00 | 633,114.00 |
Department of Administration | Purchasing FF | 1,430,490.00 | 1,453,592.00 |
Department of Administration | Building And Ground Fd | 372,075.00 | 306,711.00 |
Department of Administration | Municp Acct & Trn Svcs Rcvy Fd | 81,364.00 | 35,750.00 |
Department of Administration | State Revlg Fd Svcs FF | 761,735.00 | 750,340.00 |
Department of Administration | Budget FF | 10,884.00 | 10,884.00 |
Department of Administration | General FF | 301,392.00 | 220,481.00 |
Department of Administration | Srpls Prop Prg Fd-On Budget | 124,433.00 | 264,480.00 |
Department of Administration | Arch Serv Conver Of Equp Fd | 0.00 | 32.00 |
Department of Administration | Conversion Of Mat & Equp Fd | 0.00 | 7,260.00 |
Department of Administration | Budget Equipment Conversion Fd | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Administration | Conver Of Mat/Equp Fd-Rcyl Prg | 118,387.00 | 126,080.00 |
Department of Administration | Preventitive Hlth Care Prg Fd | 1,140,055.00 | 2,785,119.00 |
Department of Administration | State Emergency Fd | 95,000.00 | 95,000.00 |
Department of Administration | Construction Defects Rcvy Fd | 0.00 | 144,457.00 |
Department of Administration | Property Contingency Fd | 3.00 | 3.00 |
Department of Administration | Gov Econc Council Priv Oper | 16,315.00 | 16,315.00 |
Department of Administration | Audit Services Fund | -182,313.00 | -102,963.00 |
Department of Administration | Dbt Sv Refndng-2019F/G St Hwy | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Administration | Statehouse Debt Svc-St Hwy Fd | 0.00 | 1.00 |
Department of Administration | Stwide Mant/Disaster Relf Fd | 54.00 | 54.00 |
Department of Administration | Ed Byrne Mem Jsct Asst | 0.00 | 89,185.00 |
Department of Administration | Spcl Prg 4 Agng Iiib | 165,585.00 | 361,311.00 |
Department of Administration | Spcl Prg 4 Agng Vii-2 | 116,678.00 | 238,532.00 |
Department of Administration | Medical Assistance Prg | -136,202.00 | -156,647.00 |
Department of Administration | Crrsa 2021 Ltc Ombudsman Fund | 146,342.00 | 148,379.00 |
Department of Administration | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 27,662,205.00 | 14,342,371.00 |
Department of Administration | Hr Info Sys Cost Recovery Fd | 102,744.00 | 84,504.00 |
Department of Administration | Accounting Svcs Recovery Fd | 4,278,878.00 | 6,594,749.00 |
Department of Administration | Motor Pool Service Fd | 123,264.00 | 118,370.00 |
Department of Administration | Digital Imaging Pgm Fd | 561,232.00 | 1,314,100.00 |
Department of Administration | State Buildings Operating Fd | -1,139,298.00 | 37,832.00 |
Department of Administration | St Bldg Depreciation Fd | 1,054,188.00 | 355,813.00 |
Department of Administration | Srpls Property Prg Fd-OFF Budg | 66,455.00 | 9,128.00 |
Department of Administration | Architectural Svc Recovery Fd | 750,681.00 | 96,967.00 |
Department of Administration | Intragov Printing Svc Fd | 100,091.00 | -3,665,248.00 |
Department of Administration | Intragov Print Svc Dep Resv Fd | 18,531.00 | -17,542.00 |
Department of Administration | St W/C Self-Insurance Fd | 33,380,561.00 | 30,057,200.00 |
Department of Administration | Kpers Kdfa 2004C | 3,645.00 | 12,129.00 |
Department of Administration | Dwight D. Eisenhower Statue Fd | 2,154.00 | 2,056.00 |
Department of Administration | Kansas SuFFragist Memorial Fd | 5,400.00 | 5,299.00 |
Department of Administration | Friend Of Cedar Crest Endmt Fd | 523,624.00 | 250,658.00 |
Department of Administration | Veterans Memorial Fd | 19,276.00 | 18,397.00 |
Department of Administration | Executive Mansion Gifts Fd | 8,101.00 | 8,101.00 |
Department of Administration | Ks Firefighters Memorial Fd | 18,832.00 | 17,975.00 |
Department of Administration | State Facilities Gift Fd | 109,127.00 | 106,127.00 |
Department of Administration | Ad Astra Sculpture Fd | 10,381.00 | 6,092.00 |
Department of Administration | Top St Hos Cemetery Mem Gft Fd | 143.00 | 136.00 |
Department of Administration | Hlth Ins Premium Reserve Fund | 532,205.00 | 163,166.00 |
Department of Administration | Bid And Contract Deposit Fd | 0.00 | 66,519.00 |
Department of Administration | Non St Emp Group Benefit Fd | 289.00 | 1,741,277.00 |
Department of Administration | Cafeteria Ben Fd-Hlth Ins | 6,606,179.00 | 6,619,577.00 |
Department of Administration | State Leave Pymt Resv Fd | 9,222,474.00 | 2,638,448.00 |
Department of Administration | Dependent Care Asst Prg Fd | 19,921.00 | 23,718.00 |
Department of Administration | Hlth Benefits Admin Clearg Fd | 72,560,575.00 | 77,785,869.00 |
Department of Administration | Emp Fthfl Perform Bnd Clrnd Fd | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Administration | St Bldg Reno Kdfa 2001O Pjt Fd | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Administration | St Cap Restrtn Kdfa Prj Fd | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Administration | Jdcl Ctr Imprv Kdfa 01W-4 Prj | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Administration | Cap Restrtn Kdfa 01W-5 Prj Fd | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Administration | Cap Restrtn Kdfa 04G-1 Prj Fd | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Administration | Pooled Rfndng Rev Kdfa 2004G-2 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Administration | Comp Trnsp Prg Kdfa 06A Prj Fd | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Administration | Kdfa 2013-1 Nbaf | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Administration | Kdfa 2013-A St Of Ks Proj | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Administration | Kdfa 09A Rev/09B Tax Rev Rfndg | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Administration | Kdfa 2015-A St Of Ks Proj | 16.00 | 15.00 |
Department of Administration | Kdfa 2015-G Nbadf Project | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Administration | Kdfa 2015H St Of Ks-Kpers | 34,164.00 | 14,173.00 |
Department of Administration | Pbc Digital Conver Kdfa Prj Fd | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Administration | Kdfa 2016-H St Of Ks Proj | 329.00 | 121.00 |
Department of Administration | Kdfa 2019F-G St Of Ks Proj | 905.00 | 290.00 |
Department of Administration | Kdfa 2020R-S St Of Ks Projects | 1,070.00 | 157.00 |
Department of Administration | Kdfa 2021P St Of Ks Projects | 6,583.00 | 1,657.00 |
Department of Administration | Kdfa 2020K Sok Doa Lease | 4,145.00 | 8,515.00 |
Department of Administration | Kdfa 2021K Sok - Kpers | 7,176.00 | 6,100.00 |
Department of Administration | Bor Insts Prjs Kdfa 01P Rfndng | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Administration | Kdfa 2015L Refund Fd | 0.00 | 1.00 |
Department of Administration | St Of Ks Prjs Kdfa 2009M-N | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Administration | Equp Lse Purch Prg Adm Clrng F | 102,353.00 | 56,343.00 |
Department of Administration | Master Lease Program Fd | 2,344,351.00 | 7,659,304.00 |
Department of Administration | St Fac Conserv Imprv Mlpp Fd | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Administration | Lease Purch Agreement Fd-Fcip | 32,096.00 | 30,634.00 |
Department of Administration | 7Th-Harrison Sob Kdfa Lse Rev | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Administration | Pooled Rfndng Lease Kdfa 1994C | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Administration | Energy Conserv Kdfa 96J Prj Fd | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Administration | Regents Payroll Clrng Fd | 57.00 | 57.00 |
Department of Administration | State Gaming Revenues Fd | 922,072.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Administration | Qhdhp Health Savings Account | 110,049.00 | 113,734.00 |
Department of Commerce | Creative Arts Ind Com CheckoFF | 50,423.00 | 44,502.00 |
Department of Commerce | Publication And Other Sales Fd | 28,000.00 | 61,888.00 |
Department of Commerce | Conference Regs & Disbmt Fd | 48,750.00 | 19,244.00 |
Department of Commerce | Impact Program Services Fd | 77,004.00 | 376,221.00 |
Department of Commerce | Reimbursment & Recovery Fd | 6,497,213.00 | 4,118,833.00 |
Department of Commerce | General FF | 372,347.00 | 180,965.00 |
Department of Commerce | Indirect Cost Fd | 362,023.00 | 310,066.00 |
Department of Commerce | Enterprise Facilitation Fd | 87.00 | 83.00 |
Department of Commerce | Publication & Other Sales Fund | -717,189.00 | -565,122.00 |
Department of Commerce | Job Creation Program Fund | 59,601,406.00 | 44,453,971.00 |
Department of Commerce | Athletic FF | 22,438.00 | 7,333.00 |
Department of Commerce | Tech Enabld Fiduciary Fin Inst | 289,246.00 | 249,503.00 |
Department of Commerce | Ks Ed Reg Apprentice Gnt Prgm | 3,000,000.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Commerce | Ks Nonprofit Apprentice Grnt | 2,062,750.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Commerce | Engineering Graduate Incentive | 1,500,000.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Commerce | Attracting Pro Sports To Ks Fd | 4,098,097.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Commerce | Child Care/Devlp Blk Grt | 1,486.00 | 1,486.00 |
Department of Commerce | Wia Youth Activities | -235,633.00 | -200,349.00 |
Department of Commerce | Sr Comm Svc Empmt Prg | 84,784.00 | 33,643.00 |
Department of Commerce | Reg Apprenticeship Works Fdf | 2,830.00 | 2,830.00 |
Department of Commerce | Art Commisn Gft/Grnt/Bqust Fdf | -1,285,222.00 | -3,306,018.00 |
Department of Commerce | Wia Pilot/Demo/Rsch Prj | 1.00 | 1.00 |
Department of Commerce | Greensburg Neg Fdf | 391,783.00 | 391,783.00 |
Department of Commerce | Wia Adult | -103,682.00 | -867,046.00 |
Department of Commerce | Trade Adj Asst | 144,235.00 | 143,354.00 |
Department of Commerce | Veterans Asst Prg | 136,376.00 | 162,338.00 |
Department of Commerce | Wagner/Peyser Empmt Svc | -467,301.00 | -434,319.00 |
Department of Commerce | Southeast Ks Flood-Neg-Fdf | 939.00 | 939.00 |
Department of Commerce | Unemployment Insurance | -86,868.00 | -51,412.00 |
Department of Commerce | Job Training Grnt-H-1B | 51,713.00 | 51,713.00 |
Department of Commerce | Economic Adjustment Assistance | -3,351,487.00 | -2,964,303.00 |
Department of Commerce | Wia Dislocated Workers | -5,649,431.00 | -3,576,064.00 |
Department of Commerce | Wrkr Opp Tax Credit Prg | -177,175.00 | -70,799.00 |
Department of Commerce | Temp Lbr Cert-Frgn Wrk | 11,892.00 | -176.00 |
Department of Commerce | Transition Asst Prg | 2,995.00 | 2,995.00 |
Department of Commerce | St Sm Business Credit Initiat | -25,303,290.00 | -48,229,068.00 |
Department of Commerce | Sba Step Grant | -138,542.00 | -75,839.00 |
Department of Commerce | Reemployment Connections Initv | -5,292.00 | -19,746.00 |
Department of Commerce | Comm Dev Blk Grnts | -11,825,570.00 | -12,286,294.00 |
Department of Commerce | Pathway Home 2-Fed Fund | -1,523,260.00 | -1,840,812.00 |
Department of Commerce | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 63,679,534.00 | 280,438,139.00 |
Department of Commerce | Arpa Capital Projects Fund | -44,709,494.00 | -75,395,061.00 |
Department of Commerce | Retain Extension | -6,622,537.00 | -9,670,912.00 |
Department of Commerce | St Broadband Data/Dev | 15,225.00 | 15,225.00 |
Department of Commerce | Broadband Techncl Assistnce Fd | -200,000.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Commerce | Second Chance Act | 2,765.00 | 3,804.00 |
Department of Commerce | St Dgtl Equity Planning Grt Fd | 0.00 | -144,877.00 |
Department of Commerce | Brdbnd Equity Access & Dplymt | -419,143.00 | -806,162.00 |
Department of Commerce | Middle Mile Broadband Grant Fd | -457,838.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Commerce | Apprenticeshipusa | -7,588,358.00 | -3,668,772.00 |
Department of Commerce | Creative Are Ind Com Spec Gift | 286,410.00 | 231,170.00 |
Department of Commerce | Ks Comm Us Semiquincnt Gft Fd | 10,000.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Commerce | National Mainstreet Ctr Fd | 30,552.00 | 30,552.00 |
Department of Commerce | Kcdc Gfts/Grnts/Dntns Fd | 395.00 | 395.00 |
Department of Commerce | Impact Program Repayment Fd | 1.00 | 1.00 |
Department of Commerce | Kdfa 2020T Comm Impact Program | 37.00 | 12,007.00 |
Department of Commerce | Kdfa 2001W P&I Acct | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Corrections | Supervision FF | 457,130.00 | 461,267.00 |
Department of Corrections | Juv Alternatives 2 Dentention | 9,291,593.00 | 10,221,890.00 |
Department of Corrections | Juvenile Justice FF | 60,955.00 | 61,654.00 |
Department of Corrections | Alcohol & Drug Abuse Trtmt Fd | 106,080.00 | -366,361.00 |
Department of Corrections | General FF | -2,002,269.00 | -6,412,369.00 |
Department of Corrections | Community Corrections Sr Fd | 0.00 | 500,000.00 |
Department of Corrections | Doc Forensic Psychologist Fd | -302,621.00 | -17,832.00 |
Department of Corrections | Communty Crrctns Supervsn Fd | 1,247,550.00 | 1,082,247.00 |
Department of Corrections | Corr Fac Infra Prj Fd | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Corrections | Res Sub Abs Trrmt-Prsnr | -26,611.00 | -36,245.00 |
Department of Corrections | Ttl I-Negl/Delq Chldrn | 371.00 | -17,631.00 |
Department of Corrections | Dstnc Learning & Telemedicine | -21,288.00 | -84,622.00 |
Department of Corrections | Ed Byrne Mem Jsct Asst | 2.00 | 3.00 |
Department of Corrections | Prsnr Rentry Intv Demo | 6,133.00 | 6,133.00 |
Department of Corrections | Violnc Agnst Women-Arra | -2,127.00 | 1.00 |
Department of Corrections | Bulletproof Vest Prtnr | 74,486.00 | 14,500.00 |
Department of Corrections | Title Vi-B Special Education | -30,544.00 | -42,456.00 |
Department of Corrections | Crime Victim Asst | -2,587.00 | -6,811.00 |
Department of Corrections | Juv Jstc/Delq Prvnt | -109,246.00 | -240,539.00 |
Department of Corrections | Juvenile Justice Fdf | 32.00 | 32.00 |
Department of Corrections | Impv Tchr Quality Grt | 543.00 | 543.00 |
Department of Corrections | Usms Reimbursement | 4,291.00 | 585.00 |
Department of Corrections | Elem&Sec Schools Emerg Relief | 0.00 | -11,739.00 |
Department of Corrections | Detection&Mtgtn Of Covid 19 | -353,769.00 | -212,273.00 |
Department of Corrections | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 1,033,050.00 | 4,449,494.00 |
Department of Corrections | Reinvest Tech Asst State Govt | 1.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Corrections | Second Chance Act | -233,445.00 | -102,990.00 |
Department of Corrections | St Crim Alien Asst Prg | -60,551.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Corrections | Kdfa Refunding Rev Bond 2013B | 80.00 | 76.00 |
Department of Corrections | Ks Juv Delinqcy Prevnt Trst Fd | 56,947.00 | 54,352.00 |
Department of Corrections | Doc Inmate Benefit Fd | 1,466,650.00 | -89,480.00 |
Department of Corrections | Correctional Infra Kdfa Prj Fd | 478.00 | 204.00 |
Department of Corrections | Corr Fac Expn Kdfa Prj Fd | 6.00 | 6.00 |
Department of Credit Unions | Credit Union FF | 954,568.00 | 798,309.00 |
Department of Education | Technical Ed Transp State Aid | 61,937.00 | 74,227.00 |
Department of Education | Inservice Edu Workshop FF | 935,880.00 | 934,568.00 |
Department of Education | Federal Indirect Cost Reimb Fd | -8,690.00 | -425,516.00 |
Department of Education | Conversion Of Mat & Equp Fd | 8,080.00 | 6,969.00 |
Department of Education | School Bus Safety Fd | 37,793.00 | 27,230.00 |
Department of Education | State Safety Fd | 1,031,778.00 | 829,704.00 |
Department of Education | Motorcycle Safety Fd | 98,345.00 | 88,932.00 |
Department of Education | Teacher & Administrator FF | 1,555,383.00 | 1,760,980.00 |
Department of Education | Service Clearing Fd | 380,536.00 | 390,380.00 |
Department of Education | School Dist Capital Imprv Fd | 328.00 | 328.00 |
Department of Education | Naep Fee Fund | 495,792.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Education | Child Care And Dev Block Grant | -7,656,622.00 | -1,037,532.00 |
Department of Education | Reimb For Services Fd | 5,823,154.00 | 6,454,440.00 |
Department of Education | Essa-Studspprt Academic Enrich | -64,000.00 | -46,420.00 |
Department of Education | Edu Deprived Grants Prg Fdf | -18,225.00 | -73,174.00 |
Department of Education | Food Assistance Fdf | 245,884.00 | 144,626.00 |
Department of Education | Elem/Secndry School Aid Fdf | -7,562,070.00 | -7,945,947.00 |
Department of Education | Comm Bsd Chld Abuse Prvtn | -1,313,986.00 | -2,092,002.00 |
Department of Education | Temp Asst-Needy Famlies | 0.00 | -738,966.00 |
Department of Education | 21St Cen Comm Learning Ctr-Fdf | -48,689.00 | -80,712.00 |
Department of Education | State Assessments Fdf | -1,099,263.00 | -990,540.00 |
Department of Education | Language Asst St Grnts Fdf | -10,000.00 | -10,000.00 |
Department of Education | St Grt-Impr Tch Qual Fdf-St Op | -163,182.00 | -65,569.00 |
Department of Education | School Breakfast Prg | 117,170.00 | 118,690.00 |
Department of Education | Natl Schl Lnch Prg | 301,594.00 | 301,863.00 |
Department of Education | Food Ast-Chld/Adlt Cr Food Prg | 1,086,231.00 | 941,161.00 |
Department of Education | Edu Of Hndicpd Chld St Op Fdf | -5,611,767.00 | -3,443,934.00 |
Department of Education | Ed Of Hndcpd Cld-Pschl-St Op | -40,400.00 | -102,568.00 |
Department of Education | El/Sec Schl Aid-Mgrnt Ed-St Op | 143.00 | -3,489.00 |
Department of Education | Career/Tech Edu-Bsc Grt | 0.00 | 11.00 |
Department of Education | Voc Edu Title Ii Fdf-St Ops | -91,797.00 | -100,508.00 |
Department of Education | Edu Rsch Grnts & Prj Fdf | -3,158,115.00 | -4,405,756.00 |
Department of Education | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 1,733,349.00 | 23,443,611.00 |
Department of Education | Arpa Capital Projects Fund | -37,731,471.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Education | Ks Endowment For Youth Fd | -1,898,118.00 | -1,638,509.00 |
Department of Education | Usd Contribution CheckoFF Fund | 3.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Education | Gov Tchr Exclnc Schlr Prg Rpy | 300.00 | 300.00 |
Department of Education | Pvt Dntns/Gfts/Grnts/Bqust Fd | 541,801.00 | 553,699.00 |
Department of Education | Fam/Chd Invst Fd-F/C Trst Acct | 1,138,670.00 | 979,986.00 |
Department of Labor | Dept Of Labor Spec Prjs Fd | 217,694.00 | 265,336.00 |
Department of Labor | Special Employment Security Fd | 21,336,309.00 | 19,734,940.00 |
Department of Labor | Workmen'S Compensation FF | 16,282,230.00 | 16,309,674.00 |
Department of Labor | Wage Claims Assignment FF | 49,592.00 | 48,212.00 |
Department of Labor | Amusement Ride Safety Fund | 195,913.00 | 217,641.00 |
Department of Labor | Federal Indirct Cost OFFset Fd | 83,525.00 | 83,525.00 |
Department of Labor | Emplymt Sec Intrst Assmt Fnd | 0.00 | 1,052,117.00 |
Department of Labor | Indirect Cost Fund | 1,534,092.00 | 571,166.00 |
Department of Labor | Wagner/Peyser Empmt Svc | 19,390.00 | 3,269.00 |
Department of Labor | Employment Security Admin Fund | -3,422,829.00 | -10,330,671.00 |
Department of Labor | Consultation Agreement | 17,244.00 | 12,867.00 |
Department of Labor | Unemployment Lwp | 17,896.00 | 7,668.00 |
Department of Labor | Labor Force Stats | -1,452.00 | -10,498.00 |
Department of Labor | Comp/Working Cond | 1,717.00 | -1,020.00 |
Department of Labor | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | -404.00 | 20,776.00 |
Department of Labor | Kdol OFF Budget Fd | 1,036,270.00 | 1,121,589.00 |
Department of Labor | Unemployment Insurance | 1,315,014.00 | 3,052,112.00 |
Department of Labor | Empmt Sec Fd-Clrng Acct | 119,957.00 | 92,219.00 |
Department of Labor | Empmt Sec Fd-Trust Acct | 1,444,811,000.00 | 1,304,126,022.00 |
Department of Labor | Empmt Sec Fd-Special Susp Acct | -67,365.00 | -55,698.00 |
Department of Labor | Spec Wage Pymt Clrng Trust Fd | 83,908.00 | 67,093.00 |
Department of Revenue | Special Training Fd | 232,800.00 | 216,047.00 |
Department of Revenue | Rcvy Fd-Enfrcmt Acts/Att Fees | 86,973.00 | 86,424.00 |
Department of Revenue | Photo FF | 1,002,787.00 | 1,759,231.00 |
Department of Revenue | Sand Royalty Fd | 299,904.00 | 320,827.00 |
Department of Revenue | Div Of Vehicles Operating Fd | 8,364.00 | -297,930.00 |
Department of Revenue | Commercial Vehicle Admin Systm | 968,388.00 | 765,319.00 |
Department of Revenue | Vehicle Dealers & Mfg FF | 92,314.00 | 95,125.00 |
Department of Revenue | Distinctive License Plate Fd | 62,840.00 | 27,840.00 |
Department of Revenue | Vips/Cama Technology Hdwr Fd | 216,303.00 | 173,129.00 |
Department of Revenue | Msa Compliance Fund | 117,733.00 | 109,424.00 |
Department of Revenue | Electronic Databases FF | 353,614.00 | -980,390.00 |
Department of Revenue | Cigret/Tobacco Prod Regltn Fd | 334,611.00 | 216,144.00 |
Department of Revenue | Alcoholic Beverage Cntrl Modrn | 102,913.00 | 49,003.00 |
Department of Revenue | State Charitable Gaming Regula | 311,991.00 | 237,138.00 |
Department of Revenue | Conversion Of Mat & Equp Fd | 22,440.00 | 22,440.00 |
Department of Revenue | Forfeited Property FF | 442,622.00 | 448,029.00 |
Department of Revenue | Publications FF | 318,627.00 | 399,634.00 |
Department of Revenue | Reappraisal Reimbursement Fd | 35,044.00 | 35,044.00 |
Department of Revenue | Fleet Rental Vehicle Admin Fnd | 412,278.00 | 398,703.00 |
Department of Revenue | Comm Drvrs License Drv Tst FF | 224,286.00 | 214,593.00 |
Department of Revenue | Commercial Driver Eductn Fund | 9,095.00 | 3,770.00 |
Department of Revenue | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 4,701,576.00 | 472,085.00 |
Department of Revenue | Intragovernmental Service Fd | 297,070.00 | 966,501.00 |
Department of Revenue | Miscellaneous Trust Bonds Fd | 108,590.00 | 106,590.00 |
Department of Revenue | Mtr Cr Ind Prmts Esrw Clrng Fd | 2,945,939.00 | 3,063,798.00 |
Department of Revenue | Liquor Excise Tax Guar Bnd Fd | 1,624,357.00 | 1,542,005.00 |
Department of Revenue | Non-Rsdnt Contrctr Cash Bnd Fd | 5,225.00 | 5,225.00 |
Department of Revenue | Bond Guarantee Fd | 2,231,557.00 | 2,123,905.00 |
Department of Revenue | Intrst Mtr Fuel Usr Csh Bnd Fd | 451,784.00 | 415,384.00 |
Department of Revenue | Motor Fuel Distb Cash Bond Fd | 55,803.00 | 61,803.00 |
Department of Revenue | Spec Co Mineral Prodtn Tax Fd | 2,413,267.00 | 2,444,740.00 |
Department of Revenue | County Drug Tax Fd | 113,323.00 | 156,188.00 |
Department of Revenue | Cigarette Tax Refund Fd | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 |
Department of Revenue | Motor-Vehicle Fuel Tax Rfd Fd | 1.00 | 0.00 |
Department of Revenue | Income Tax Refund Fd | 679,860.00 | 679,857.00 |
Department of Revenue | Sales Tax Refund Fd | 11,131.00 | 11,131.00 |
Department of Revenue | Intrnatl Reg Pln Distb Clrng | 17,234,059.00 | 17,338,051.00 |
Department of Revenue | Special Fuels Tax Refund Fd | 15,040.00 | 15,040.00 |
Department of Transportation | Rail Service Improvement Fd | 10,449,629.00 | 3,908,600.00 |
Department of Transportation | Seat Belt Safety Fund | 87,626.00 | 301,581.00 |
Department of Transportation | Conversion Of Materials And Eq | 7,008,273.00 | 3,419,353.00 |
Department of Transportation | Interagy Mtr Veh Fuel Sales Fd | 518,217.00 | 202,465.00 |
Department of Transportation | TraFFic Records Enhancement Fd | 772,282.00 | 967,156.00 |
Department of Transportation | Coordinated Pub Trnsp Asst Fd | 11,397,091.00 | 12,476,315.00 |
Department of Transportation | Transportation Tech Dev Fd | 7,375,524.00 | 6,506,024.00 |
Department of Transportation | Brdbnd Infrstrct Const Grnt Fd | 10,092,944.00 | 5,433,011.00 |
Department of Transportation | Short Line Rail Improvement Fd | 737,965.00 | 2,229,474.00 |
Department of Transportation | Drivers Edctn Schlrshp Grt Fd | -8,370.00 | 300,000.00 |
Department of Transportation | Other Federal Grants Fd | 6,053,639.00 | 5,592,164.00 |
Department of Transportation | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 0.00 | 3,000,000.00 |
Department of Transportation | State Highway Fd | -1,802,679,840.00 | -1,800,311,085.00 |
Department of Transportation | Pub Use Gen Aviation Dev Fd | -5,674,871.00 | 885,614.00 |
Department of Transportation | Spec City & Co Hwy Fd | 41,170,068.00 | 39,849,176.00 |
Department of Transportation | Hwy Bonds Debt Svc Fd | 111,213,539.00 | 110,671,153.00 |
Department of Transportation | Transportation Revolving Fd | 14,602,630.00 | 12,255,944.00 |
Department of Transportation | Communications System Revlg Fd | 4,541,730.00 | 4,288,738.00 |
Department of Transportation | Trnsp Ln Kdfa Revlg Fd Rev Bnd | 196,169.00 | 171,701.00 |
Department of Transportation | Kdot Comm Lease Prg Kdfa 2008G | 333,837.00 | 318,627.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Medicaid Mis & Data Analysis | 482,191.00 | 482,191.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Air Quality FF | 9,067,185.00 | 4,148,941.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Kansas Newborn Screening | 940,930.00 | 1,217,008.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Lab Medicaid Cost Rcvy Fd-Env | 1.00 | -6,664.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Hazardous Waste Collection Fd | 96,621.00 | 82,332.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Driving Undr The Influ Fd | 2,497,333.00 | 2,301,547.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Power Generating Fac FF | 85,307.00 | 86,148.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | OFFice Of Laboratory Svcs Oper | 296,729.00 | 468,590.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Hlth & Envir Trn FF-Envir | 208,457.00 | 200,458.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Hlth & Envir Trn FF-Hlth | 73,852.00 | 81,729.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Medical Assistance Fund | 453,560.00 | 0.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Subsurface Hydrocarbn Strg Fd | 51,084.00 | 351,843.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Mined-Land Conserv/Reclamt FF | 8,880.00 | 8,325.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Insurance Statistical Plan Fd | 124,632.00 | 124,632.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Salt Soltn Mining Well Plug Fd | 38,306.00 | 36,561.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Ssa FF | 880,898.00 | 660,863.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Solid Waste Management Fd | 5,230,144.00 | 4,404,813.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Public Water Supply FF | 96,783.00 | 109,953.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Voluntary Cleanup Fd | 471,920.00 | 670,220.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Lead Based Paint Hazard FF | 602,433.00 | 540,717.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Civil Reg & Hlth Stats FF | 6,875,641.00 | 5,965,032.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Environmental Control Use Fd | 2,998,688.00 | 2,850,494.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Storage Tank FF | 1,258,968.00 | 1,140,231.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Childcare Crim Bkgrnd Fngrprt | 76,262.00 | 66,544.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Kansas Right-To-Know Fee Fd | 1,035,936.00 | 961,358.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Khpa Special Revenue Fund | 7,122.00 | 7,049.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Sml Emplyr Cafe Pln Dev Prg Fd | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Association Asst Plan Fd | -7,217,495.00 | -4,830,336.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Medical Programs FF | -2,056,760.00 | 4,099,409.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Conver Of Mat & Equp Fd-Hlth | 526.00 | 526.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Nuclear Sfty Emer Prepar Sprvf | 207,647.00 | 254,699.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Other State Fees Fund | 345,867.00 | 345,867.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Health Care Access Imprv Fd | 73,709,663.00 | 50,321,704.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Health Facilities Review Fd | 168,396.00 | 380,894.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Trauma Fd | 983,457.00 | 802,444.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Hazardous Waste Mgmt Fd | 53,975.00 | 375,980.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Radiation Control Op FF | 3,046,108.00 | 2,679,136.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Publication FF-Health | 454.00 | 454.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Preventitive Hlth Care Prg Fd | -22,619.00 | -22,913.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Health Committee Insurance Fd | 597,718.00 | 585,376.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Bicycle Helmet Revolving Fd | 9,068.00 | 9,068.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Health Care Data Base Fee Fund | 285,748.00 | 258,580.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Waste Tire Management Fd | 903,306.00 | 768,785.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | District Coroners Fd | -502,627.00 | -178,609.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Loc Air Qual Ctl Auth Reg Sv F | 2,400.00 | 7,650.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Environmental Response Fd | 630,563.00 | 863,876.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Mined-Land Reclamation Fd | 78,854.00 | 98,583.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Mat Ctr/Chld Care Lic FF | 175,270.00 | 176,020.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Water Program Management Fd | 292,333.00 | 314,132.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Adult Care Licensing Revlg Fd | 7,974.00 | 7,974.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Sponsrd Prj Overhead Fd-Envir | 639,253.00 | 1,200,978.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Sponsrd Prj Overhead Fd-Hlth | 7,195,473.00 | 7,013,050.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Disaster Grnts-Pub Asst | -118,120.00 | -2,660,225.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Cancer Registry Fdf | 1.00 | 1.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Usda Conservation Partnership | 0.00 | -33,750.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Chld Care/Devlp Blk Grt | -882,274.00 | 1,023,093.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Rural Health OFFice Ops | -34,042.00 | -35,142.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Pol Sbdv/Ind Trb St Cop | -586,427.00 | -251,198.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | St Srvy/Crt-Hlth Cr Pro | -446,564.00 | -296,466.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | St Memo Agmt-Reimb Tech | -19,879.00 | 56,650.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Consolidated Hlth Ctrs | -936,519.00 | -1,278,735.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Prvnt Hlt-Sxly Trns Dis | -377,731.00 | -258,115.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Tubrc Ctl Grt/Coop Agr | 47,111.00 | 11,515.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Air Poll Ctl Prg Sprt | -195,433.00 | -175,228.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Spc Sup Nutr-Wm/Inf/Chd | -9,084,357.00 | -13,413,848.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Tech Assist Ag Peer Mentoring | -184,102.00 | -212,055.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Wtr Poll Ctl-Inrst/Trbl | 35,417.00 | 33,522.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Disablt Prevtn | 22,130.00 | 22,130.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Intoxilyzer Replacement | -111,154.00 | -4,700.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Comdty Ln/Ln Defcy Pymt | 78,059.00 | 91,402.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Vr Quality Improvement | -5,734.00 | -1,358.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Epa Multi-Purpose Grant | 0.00 | -108,932.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Dis Ctl/Pvtn-Inv/Tch As | -16,445,429.00 | -33,895,046.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Special Edu St Grnts | 68,489.00 | 68,489.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Cln Air Act-Spc Prp Act | -75,196.00 | -82,084.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | St Clean Diesel Grt Prg | -653,683.00 | -533,510.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Wtr Quality Mgmt Plng | -12,768.00 | -93,288.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Envir Info Exchng Ntwrk | -15,982.00 | -282,784.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Brnflds Asst/Clnup Coop | 2,670.00 | 2,670.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Sub Abs/Mntl Hlth Svc | -338,632.00 | -284,883.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Expndg Public Hlth Wrkforce Fd | -326,800.00 | -250,645.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Emer Med Svc- Chldrn | -429.00 | -3,340.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Coor/Dev Prmy Cr Ofc-Co | -851.00 | -1,347.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Injy Prvtn/Ctl Rsch-Com | -1,170,560.00 | -1,851,921.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Perform Prtnrshp Grts | -264,746.00 | -73,840.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Chld Lead Poisong Prvnt | -68,800.00 | -27,046.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | St Rural Hosp Flex Prg | -147,783.00 | -59,960.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | 93.568-Low-Income Hm Engy Asst | 0.00 | -2,906.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Food Stamp Assistance Fdf | 0.00 | -4,177.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Temp Asst For Needy Families | 0.00 | -10,574.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Hiv Care Formula Grant | -315,320.00 | -2,378,286.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Pub Hlth Emer Prep | -978,594.00 | -923,152.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Title Iv-E-Adoption Assistance | 0.00 | -112.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | St/Trbl Resp Prg | -1,461,520.00 | -861,730.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Matrnl/Chld Hlth Consld | -1,045,553.00 | -898,321.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Immunization Grnt | -9,179,149.00 | -16,469,915.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Refugee/Entrant Asst | 734.00 | 734.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Sml Rural Hosp Impv Grt | -81,746.00 | -1,118,055.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Natl Biotrsm Hosp Prep | -331,915.00 | -199,873.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Chrnc Dis Prvnt/Ctl Ast | -6,526.00 | -99,646.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Sr Farmr Mrkt Nutr Prg | -36,099.00 | -71,805.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Medical Assistance Prg | -165,991,687.00 | -131,306,303.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Childrens Hlth Ins Prg | -7,303,622.00 | -4,514,299.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Uni Newborn Hrng Scrng | -5,796.00 | -3,913.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Adlt Lead Srvlnc Dara | 14,533.00 | 14,533.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Med Resv Small Grt Prg | -290,101.00 | 0.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Aca-Home Visiting Prg | -3,988,051.00 | -4,648,994.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Mamgrphy Qlty Stndr Act | 380,369.00 | 314,028.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Secp Edu-Inf/Fmlys | -1,454,502.00 | -2,303,972.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Healthy Homes Lead Poison Prev | 19.00 | 19.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Hzrd Wst Mgmt Prg Sprt | -7,302.00 | -4,647.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Kansas Tobacco Control Program | -109,142.00 | -133,246.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Colorectal Cancer Screening | -589,929.00 | -390,331.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Public Hlth Crisis Rspnse Fund | -3,304,676.00 | -6,542,601.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Dibetes&Hrt Dis&Stroke Pvntn | -404,802.00 | -543,733.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Inv Strgt Dbts/Hrt Ds/Strk Prv | -30,189.00 | -579,553.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Alzheimers Assn Inclusion Fund | -7,184.00 | 31,500.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Essa/Preschl Dvlpmnt Grnt 0-5 | -944.00 | -271,529.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Ks Nbhs Info Sys M&E | -577.00 | -2,038.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Prvnt Hlth/Hlth Svc Blk | -81,611.00 | -55,807.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Matrnl/Chld Hlth Svc | -1,161,879.00 | -1,280,141.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Natl Ctr For Hlth Stat | 453,092.00 | 401,876.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Family Planning Svc | -237,790.00 | -353,371.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Tsca Ttl Iv Lead Grts | 72,877.00 | 72,877.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Adlt Vrl Hptts Prvtn And Cntrl | -9,017.00 | -19,488.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Ship Covid Testing And Mtgn Fd | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Sm & Disadv Comm Drinking Wtr | -12,750.00 | -15,000.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Drg Endangerd Chldrn In Ks Fnd | -1,879,709.00 | -187,647.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Solid Waste Infra For Recyl Fd | -214,193.00 | 0.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Ks Enviro Health Capacity Prog | -24,811.00 | -18,293.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Lead Tst Schl/Chld Care Water | -6,515.00 | -5,549.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Covid19 Health Disparities | -7,167,691.00 | -15,357,491.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Gulf Of Mexico Program | -189,307.00 | -260,672.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Maternal Dths Due To Violence | -226,587.00 | -137,056.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Undgrd Stgtk Prv/Dt/Com | -9,743.00 | 6,395.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Hiv Prvtn Act-Hlth Dept | -55,201.00 | -3,167.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Arthritis Evdnce Bs Int Fd Fnd | 65,371.00 | -50,555.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 1,323,502.00 | 25,942,173.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Ln Repymt Prg St Grts | -438,409.00 | -107,983.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Census-Traum Occp Fatal | 393,500.00 | 393,500.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Lkng Undgrd Stgtk Corr | -585,225.00 | -871,116.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | St/Comm Highway Safety | 11,128.00 | 8,850.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Reg Undgrd/Srf Coal Mng | -415.00 | -538.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Abnd Mine Land Reclam | -2,915,662.00 | -1,975,861.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Comm Hlthwrk Covid Response | -1,541,065.00 | -891,070.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | St Indoor Radon Grts | -128,852.00 | -86,653.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Nonpnt Source Impl Grt | -607,582.00 | -841,665.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Preventing Maternal Deaths Fd | -86,483.00 | -122,849.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Climate Polution Redctn Grt Fd | -195,195.00 | 0.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Adv Hlth Equity For Diabete Fd | -187,451.00 | 0.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Pollution Prvtn Grts | 0.00 | 1,658.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Ks Act Imp Oralhlth Outcome Fd | -3,591.00 | -45,016.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Strengthen Us Public Health Fd | -9,534,066.00 | -1,109.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Expnding Covid-19 Vaccinatn Fd | -20,000.00 | -35,000.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Wisewoman Fund | -22,390.00 | 0.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Ks Ccr State Permitng Prg Fund | -3,893.00 | 0.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | St W/C Self-Insurance Fd | -128,550.00 | -132,481.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Nat Resources Damages Trst Fd | 17,966,465.00 | 16,795,349.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Volkswagen Environmental Trust | 2,042,053.00 | 1,985,425.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Gifts Grnts & Dntns Fd-Health | 1,281,318.00 | 1,211,147.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Asbestos Remediation Fund | 164,298.00 | 141,705.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Spec Bequest Fd-Health | 218,560.00 | 212,745.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Environmental Stewardship Fund | 3,685,215.00 | -1,750,237.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Ust Redevelopment Fund | 6,150,913.00 | 2,902,972.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Abvgrd Petr Strg Tnk Rel Trt F | 2,478,152.00 | 29,141.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Undgrd Petr Strg Tnk Rel Trt F | -33,858,360.00 | -42,928,846.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Risk Management Fund | 533,668.00 | 544,576.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Dryclng Fac Release Trust Fd | 783,081.00 | 765,340.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Contaminated Property Redevlop | 99,734.00 | 98,438.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Water Poltn Ctrl Kdfa Revlg Fd | 28,824.00 | 886,628.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Drnkg Wtr Rvlg Cap Grt | 53,955.00 | 143,071.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Spec Bqust-Rouch Nexp Endw Act | 141,264.00 | 141,264.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Cafeteria Ben Fd-Hlth Ins | -21,255.00 | -28,197.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Hlth Benefits Admin Clearg Fd | -86,648.00 | -86,791.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Kwpc Revolving Fund | -2,237.00 | -1,196.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Kwpc Surcharge Fund | 4,212,600.00 | 6,467,972.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Kpws Revolving Fund | -2,837,492.00 | -1,057,473.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Kpws Surcharge Fund | 7,904,383.00 | 7,872,141.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Suspense Fd | -617,613.00 | -617,613.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | Qhdhp Health Savings Account | -400.00 | -400.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Social Welfare Fd | 15,863,050.00 | 17,481,558.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Project Maintenance Reserve Fd | 556,485.00 | 465,954.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Other State FF | 4,544,212.00 | 5,523,121.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Chld Care/Devlp Blk Grt | -32,806,016.00 | -46,645,770.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Promotng Safe/Stbl Fmly | -1,420,755.00 | -414,259.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Low-Income Hm Engy Asst | -1,093,641.00 | -765,148.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Chld Welfare Svc St Grt | -154,868.00 | -137,991.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Soc Svc Block Grnt | 3,440,159.00 | 3,106,192.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Commodity Supp Food Prg | -101,027.00 | -72,124.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Soc Sec-Disablt Ins | -278,265.00 | -361,245.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Supp Nutr Asst Prg | -5,058,458.00 | -3,863,912.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Emergency Food Asst Prg | -1,016,492.00 | -499,636.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Rehab Svcs-Voc Rehab | -453,561.00 | -355,226.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Child Sprt Enfrcmt | -5,417,177.00 | -6,078,791.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Chld Care/Dev-Mand Mtch | -180,989.00 | -146,546.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Temp Asst-Needy Famlies | -7,076,783.00 | -6,916,060.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Snap Tech App Proj For Success | -577,750.00 | 818.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Ttl Ive-Foster Care | -663,322.00 | -425,789.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Chafee Edu/Trn Vchr Prg | 2,219.00 | -1,060.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Adoption Inctv Pymts | 142,440.00 | -2,004,946.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Adoption Assistance | -239,476.00 | -254,690.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Chafee Fstr Care Indpnc | -212,170.00 | -146,619.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Head Start | -4,837.00 | -183.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Devlp Dsblts/Bsic Sprt | -88,826.00 | -68,361.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Childrens Justice Grnt | -119,615.00 | -123,578.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Child Abuse/Neglect | -213,453.00 | -553,403.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Independent Living | -86,583.00 | -48,623.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Indpdnt Lvng-Oldr Blnd | -95,277.00 | -12,388.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Medical Assistance Prg | 6,310.00 | 2,530.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Supp Nutr Asst Prg | 0.00 | 100.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Essa Preschool Develop Grant | 0.00 | 921.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Low-Incm Household Water Asst | 214,916.00 | -820,486.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Snap Pandemic Ebt Admin-21 Fd | -3.00 | -305,897.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Snap Summer Ebt Admin Fund | -769,477.00 | 0.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Adult Prtctve Srvcs Crrsa21 Fd | -308,224.00 | -408,126.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Title Iv-E Kinship Nvgtr Fund | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 10,099,700.00 | 18,000,000.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Prevention Services Grant Fund | -1,684,793.00 | -1,924,931.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Tefap Era Food Distribution Fd | -6,000.00 | 0.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Srs Enterprise Fd | -25,287.00 | -18,412.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Ks Endowment For Youth Fd | -13,245,863.00 | -13,245,863.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Receipt Suspense Clrng Fd | -472,052.00 | -464,189.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Client Assist Pymt Clrng Fd | 7,526.00 | 6,435.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Child Support Colltns Clrng Fd | 3,260,326.00 | 2,816,437.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Ebt Settlement Fd | 4,712,548.00 | 8,684,940.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | Closed Federal Program Refunds | 0.00 | 0.00 |
El Dorado Correctional Faclty | General FF | 59,024.00 | 232,292.00 |
El Dorado Correctional Faclty | Inmate Benefit Fd | 921.00 | 0.00 |
Ellsworth Correctional Faclty | General FF | 45,239.00 | 33,146.00 |
Emergency Medical Services | Emer Medical Svcs Operating Fd | 5,483,172.00 | 4,349,902.00 |
Emergency Medical Services | Edu Incentive Grnt Pymt Fd | 1,051,590.00 | 889,339.00 |
Emergency Medical Services | Ems Revolving Fd | 147,489.00 | 19,411.00 |
Emergency Medical Services | Ems Criminal Hist/Fngrprnt Fd | 21,284.00 | 17,066.00 |
Emporia State University | General FF | 12,827,207.00 | 11,434,676.00 |
Emporia State University | Faculty Of Distiction Match Fd | 225,746.00 | 117,858.00 |
Emporia State University | Deferred Mnt Support Fd | 3,010,977.00 | 1,428,455.00 |
Emporia State University | Restricted FF | 28,136,853.00 | 27,778,457.00 |
Emporia State University | Commencement FF | 280,920.00 | 275,868.00 |
Emporia State University | Ks Career Work Study Prg Fd | 35,311.00 | 25,869.00 |
Emporia State University | Rsch/Inst Overhead Fd | 981,421.00 | 880,821.00 |
Emporia State University | Edu Opportunity Grants Fdf | 14,280.00 | 14,280.00 |
Emporia State University | University Fdf | -396,790.00 | -429,970.00 |
Emporia State University | Gov Emer Ed Relief Fed Fund | 0.00 | 177.00 |
Emporia State University | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 1,106,469.00 | 888,571.00 |
Emporia State University | Student Health FF | 315,999.00 | 332,795.00 |
Emporia State University | Bureau Of Edu Measurements Fd | 1,390.00 | 1,390.00 |
Emporia State University | Twin Towers Prj Rev Fd | 121,223.00 | 15,774.00 |
Emporia State University | Stdnt Union Refurbishing Fd | 672,187.00 | 873,263.00 |
Emporia State University | Housing System Operations Fd | 1,186,663.00 | 1,341,790.00 |
Emporia State University | Parking FF | 508,350.00 | 411,310.00 |
Emporia State University | Housing Sys Rep-Equp/Imprv Fd | 19,110.00 | 49,169.00 |
Emporia State University | Housing System Suspense Fd | 342,975.00 | 209,603.00 |
Emporia State University | Service Clrng Fd | 611,408.00 | 551,796.00 |
Emporia State University | Int On State Normal School Fd | 5,377.00 | 5,377.00 |
Emporia State University | Ks Comprehensive Grant Fd | 562.00 | 300.00 |
Emporia State University | National Direct Stdnt Loan Fd | 481,460.00 | 492,466.00 |
Emporia State University | Kdfa 2017D-Esu Projects | 339.00 | 498.00 |
Emporia State University | Kdfa 2020F Esu Projects | 808.00 | 101.00 |
Fire Marshal | Boiler Inspection FF | 299,735.00 | 402,181.00 |
Fire Marshal | Fire Marshal FF | 11,126,202.00 | 9,282,863.00 |
Fire Marshal | Explosives Regulatory&Training | 130.00 | 31,093.00 |
Fire Marshal | Emergency Response Fund | -197,575.00 | 88,237.00 |
Fire Marshal | Fire Sfty Std/FFtr Prot Enfr F | 258,487.00 | 250,802.00 |
Fire Marshal | Elevator Safety Fee Fund | 220,181.00 | 65,585.00 |
Fire Marshal | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 0.00 | -183,529.00 |
Fort Hays State University | General FF | 8,525,887.00 | 5,726,111.00 |
Fort Hays State University | Oil And Gas Royalties Fd | 59,988.00 | 55,264.00 |
Fort Hays State University | Faculty Of Distiction Match Fd | 165,498.00 | 63,655.00 |
Fort Hays State University | Deferred Mnt Support Fd | 2,174,749.00 | 1,045,298.00 |
Fort Hays State University | Restricted FF | 16,871,414.00 | 17,659,474.00 |
Fort Hays State University | Ks Career Work Study Prg Fd | 15,905.00 | 16,497.00 |
Fort Hays State University | Sponsrd Rsch Overhead Fd | 547,115.00 | 375,503.00 |
Fort Hays State University | Economic Opportunity Act Fdf | -18,003.00 | -14,282.00 |
Fort Hays State University | University Fdf | -798,900.00 | -1,167,581.00 |
Fort Hays State University | Education Opportunity Act Fdf | -204,053.00 | -181,980.00 |
Fort Hays State University | Gov Emer Ed Relief Fed Fund | 0.00 | -23,013.00 |
Fort Hays State University | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 2,999,903.00 | 0.00 |
Fort Hays State University | Lws Fld Stdm Rn Kdfa 03D-2 Rfn | 0.00 | 1.00 |
Fort Hays State University | Health FF | 271,162.00 | 140,899.00 |
Fort Hays State University | Student Union FF | 731,172.00 | 1,116,077.00 |
Fort Hays State University | Housing System Revenue Fd | 132,981.00 | 335,055.00 |
Fort Hays State University | Lewis Fld Stdm Kdfa 93C Rev Fd | 20,271.00 | 23,726.00 |
Fort Hays State University | Parking FF | 345,845.00 | 737,845.00 |
Fort Hays State University | Fhsu Mem Union Reno Kdfa 05G-1 | 0.00 | 1.00 |
Fort Hays State University | Fhsu Mem Union Reno Kdfa 05G-2 | 0.00 | 1.00 |
Fort Hays State University | Housing System Suspense Fund | 3,041,654.00 | 2,670,075.00 |
Fort Hays State University | Service Clrng Fd | 130,681.00 | 336,303.00 |
Fort Hays State University | Fed Perkins Student Loan Fd | 370,200.00 | 328,709.00 |
Fort Hays State University | Kdfa 2016B-Fsu Projects | 244.00 | 197.00 |
Fort Hays State University | Kdfa 2020C Fhsu Projects | 39.00 | 73.00 |
Governmental Ethics Commission | Governmtl Ethics Commission FF | 387,925.00 | 370,131.00 |
Governor | Special Programs Fd | 269,578.00 | 182,758.00 |
Governor | Conversion Of Mat & Equp Fd | 1,129.00 | 1,129.00 |
Governor | Ks Comm Disability Concerns FF | 3,005.00 | 3,005.00 |
Governor | Federal Grants Fd | 272.00 | 272.00 |
Governor | Com Def Sol-Vil Agst Wm | -115.00 | 42.00 |
Governor | Violnc Agnst Women-Arra | -1,294.00 | -643.00 |
Governor | Project Safe Neighborhoods Grt | -4.00 | -10.00 |
Governor | Crime Victim Asst | 63,395.00 | 32,208.00 |
Governor | Pandemic Assist/Vaccine Equity | -1.00 | 0.00 |
Governor | Access/Vistn St Grnts | -96.00 | -59.00 |
Governor | Btrd Wmn/Fam Viol Prvtn | 2,983.00 | 3,791.00 |
Governor | Sexl Asslt Svc Frml Prg | 1,415.00 | 1,875.00 |
Governor | Family Viol Prev Serv-Arpa/Sv | -100.00 | -5.00 |
Governor | Emergency Rental Asst Fund | 20,356.00 | 19,428.00 |
Governor | Coronavirus Emerg Supp Fund | 0.00 | -186.00 |
Governor | Coronavirus Relief Fnd-Fed Fnd | 822,060.00 | 778,732.00 |
Governor | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 51,334,455.00 | 148,464,362.00 |
Governor | Ed Byrne Mem Jsct Asst | 1,782,513.00 | 1,714,086.00 |
Governor | Homeowner Assistance Fund | 338.00 | 10,976.00 |
Governor | His/Lat Amer AFFr Comm-Dntn Fd | -1,635.00 | 4,969.00 |
Governor | Advs Comm Af-Amer AFFr Dntn Fd | 4,580.00 | 4,580.00 |
Health Care Stabilization Fund | Conference FF | 4,013.00 | 4,013.00 |
Health Care Stabilization Fund | Health Care Stabilization Fd | 16,810,770.00 | 14,590,703.00 |
Hutchinson Correctional Faclty | General FF | 156,902.00 | 129,716.00 |
Hutchinson Correctional Faclty | Inmate Benefit Fd | 1,615.00 | 1,610.00 |
Information Network of Kansas | Information Network Of Ks Fd | 1,365.00 | 68.00 |
Insurance Department | Ins Company Examination Fd | 43,585.00 | 49,236.00 |
Insurance Department | Ins Company Annl Stmt Exam Fd | 226,662.00 | 213,438.00 |
Insurance Department | Ins Company Examiner Trn Fd | 127,676.00 | 102,184.00 |
Insurance Department | Securities Act FF | 11,102,088.00 | 6,320,801.00 |
Insurance Department | Investor Education Fd | 3,180,491.00 | 3,023,260.00 |
Insurance Department | Insurance Dept Svc Regltn Fd | 70,154,791.00 | 64,848,365.00 |
Insurance Department | Captive Insurance Reg & Super | 15,131.00 | 20,131.00 |
Insurance Department | Insurance Edu & Trn Fd | 65,003.00 | 64,169.00 |
Insurance Department | Settlements Fd | 211.00 | 211.00 |
Insurance Department | Pharmacy Benefit Mgr Licens Fd | 139,979.00 | 165,454.00 |
Insurance Department | Professional Employer Org Reg | 834,339.00 | 784,310.00 |
Insurance Department | Flexibility To Stablz Mrkt Grt | 0.00 | -604,824.00 |
Insurance Department | Workers Compensation Fd | 5,362,929.00 | 6,706,922.00 |
Insurance Department | Municipal Grp Funded Pools FF | 0.00 | 40,527.00 |
Insurance Department | Group-Funded W/C Pools FF | 0.00 | 112,719.00 |
Insurance Department | Group Funded Pools Refund Fd | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Insurance Department | State Firefighters Relief Fd | 841,776.00 | 690,184.00 |
Insurance Department | Ins Company Tax & Fee Rfd Fd | 4,275,858.00 | 13,711,542.00 |
Insurance Department | Sec Enfrcmt Restitution Fd | 31,113.00 | 31,113.00 |
Judicial Branch | Client Protection Fd | 2,474,043.00 | 2,769,469.00 |
Judicial Branch | Library Report FF | 810.00 | 6,725.00 |
Judicial Branch | Dispute Resolution Fd | 97,922.00 | 90,441.00 |
Judicial Branch | Judicial Branch Docket Fee Fnd | 5,764,615.00 | 10,407,294.00 |
Judicial Branch | Jdcl Br Nonjdcl Slry Intv Fd | 27,814.00 | 26,494.00 |
Judicial Branch | Judicial Branch Education Fd | 210,202.00 | 262,770.00 |
Judicial Branch | Judicial Br Nonjdcl Slry Adj F | 530,978.00 | 511,191.00 |
Judicial Branch | Dist Magistrt Judge Supp Comp | 106,849.00 | 116,758.00 |
Judicial Branch | Correctional Supervision Fund | 533,029.00 | 590,577.00 |
Judicial Branch | Duplicate Law Book Fd | 27.00 | 168.00 |
Judicial Branch | Child Support Enforcement | 375,165.00 | 564,178.00 |
Judicial Branch | Sji Grant Fund | -135,279.00 | -56,250.00 |
Judicial Branch | Bar Admission FF | 811,657.00 | 899,822.00 |
Judicial Branch | Court Reporters FF | 146,880.00 | 143,814.00 |
Judicial Branch | Bar Discipline FF | 3,329,157.00 | 3,065,389.00 |
Judicial Branch | Electronic Filing Mgmt Fund | 109,352.00 | -1,383,945.00 |
Judicial Branch | Ed Byrne Mem Jsct Asst | -868.00 | -6,302.00 |
Judicial Branch | Natl Crim Hst Imprv Prg | -124,112.00 | 1.00 |
Judicial Branch | Violnc Agnst Women-Arra | -39,483.00 | 1.00 |
Judicial Branch | Byrne Discretionary Grt Prg Fd | -24,481.00 | -2,856.00 |
Judicial Branch | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 464,139.00 | 1,951,810.00 |
Judicial Branch | Bja Vet Treat Crt Disc Grt Fd | -3,992.00 | -15,009.00 |
Judicial Branch | St Court Impv Prg | -9,749.00 | -9,344.00 |
Judicial Branch | Perm Fams-Fam/Child Invest Fd | 49,762.00 | 71,438.00 |
Judicial Council | Judicial Council Fd | 0.00 | 75,586.00 |
Judicial Council | Publications FF | 31,354.00 | 116,186.00 |
Kansas Board of Barbering | Board Of Barbering FF | 100,382.00 | 80,485.00 |
Kansas Bureau of Investigation | Record Check FF | 2,455,133.00 | 1,690,279.00 |
Kansas Bureau of Investigation | Forensic Lab & Mat FF | 1,133,280.00 | 937,083.00 |
Kansas Bureau of Investigation | General FF | 151,430.00 | 51,826.00 |
Kansas Bureau of Investigation | State Forfeiture Fd | 89,950.00 | 51,096.00 |
Kansas Bureau of Investigation | Kbi Motor Vehicle Fd | 5,200.00 | 20,108.00 |
Kansas Bureau of Investigation | Crim Jstc Info Sys Line Fd | 981,165.00 | 1,044,232.00 |
Kansas Bureau of Investigation | Dna Database Fd | 352,729.00 | 172,041.00 |
Kansas Bureau of Investigation | Ed Byrne Mem Jsct Asst | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Kansas Bureau of Investigation | Ecitation Natl Priority Safety | -149,823.00 | -3,173.00 |
Kansas Bureau of Investigation | Natl Crim Hst Imprv Prg | -65,857.00 | -72,150.00 |
Kansas Bureau of Investigation | Homeland Nsgp Grant Program | -6,379.00 | -625.00 |
Kansas Bureau of Investigation | Violnc Agnst Women-Arra | 0.00 | -9,000.00 |
Kansas Bureau of Investigation | Pub Sfty Prtnr/Comm Pol | 0.00 | -5,091.00 |
Kansas Bureau of Investigation | Forensic Dna Bcklg Rdct | -8,319.00 | -175,426.00 |
Kansas Bureau of Investigation | P Covrdll Frnsc Sci Imp | 0.00 | -20,189.00 |
Kansas Bureau of Investigation | Crime Vctm Asst Discrtnry Grnt | 0.00 | -258.00 |
Kansas Bureau of Investigation | Substance Use Disorder Fed Fnd | -5,774.00 | 0.00 |
Kansas Bureau of Investigation | Hgh Intns Drug Trfc Area | -248,516.00 | -378,981.00 |
Kansas Bureau of Investigation | Federal Grants Fd | -21,664.00 | -257.00 |
Kansas Bureau of Investigation | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 911,382.00 | 771,152.00 |
Kansas Bureau of Investigation | Federal Forteiture Fd | 27,935.00 | 36,939.00 |
Kansas Bureau of Investigation | Kbi Agency Motor Pool Fd | -2,195.00 | 45,856.00 |
Kansas Bureau of Investigation | Intergovernmental Service Fd | 1,601,327.00 | 899,986.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Meat & Poultry Inspection FF | 111,046.00 | 62,889.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Plant Protection Fee Fund | 321,747.00 | 408,549.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Livestock Mkt Brand Inspect | 111,515.00 | 111,177.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Veterinary Inspection | -321,751.00 | -117,544.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Livestock Brand Fee Fund | 34,747.00 | -323.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Grain Commdts Commisn Svcs Fd | 832.00 | 0.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Water Structures Fd | 51,783.00 | 58,634.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Water Structures-St Hwy Fd | 97,166.00 | 118,449.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Ks Agricultural Remediation Fd | 1,918,799.00 | 1,831,185.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Dairy FF | 1,235,876.00 | 1,311,992.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Water Resources Cost Fd | 298,984.00 | 276,895.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Soil Amendment FF | 164,052.00 | 150,826.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Agricultural Liming Mat FF | 29,957.00 | 3,838.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Weights And Measures FF | 170,089.00 | 166,804.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Water Appropriation Cert Fd | 1,576,991.00 | 757,028.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Agricultural Seed FF | 2,408.00 | 73,271.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Chemigation FF | 110,289.00 | 87,217.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Animal Disease Control | 1,258,280.00 | 1,266,185.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Animal Dealers | 125,279.00 | 36,479.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Plant Pest Emer Response Fd | 78,845.00 | 73,069.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Water Transfer Hearing Fd | 41,985.00 | 1,359.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Publications FF | 44,790.00 | 36,320.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Market Development Fund | 102,063.00 | 153,856.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Trademark Fd | 24,665.00 | 92,522.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Alt Crop Research Act Licensng | 229,816.00 | 336,338.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | General FF | 1,581,393.00 | 1,242,839.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Conversion Of Mat & Equp Fd | 247,150.00 | 151,325.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Lodging Fee Fund | 43,992.00 | 43,177.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | BuFFer Participation Inctv Fd | 178,284.00 | 225,111.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Land Reclamation FF | 241,377.00 | 207,091.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Petroleum Inspection FF | 1,218,539.00 | 1,755,675.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Us Geo Svc Coop Gage Agrt Gt F | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Arkansas River Gaging | 84,628.00 | 81,075.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Lab Testing Services Fee Fd | 203,554.00 | 189,435.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Compliance Education Fee Fund | 290,034.00 | 136,501.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Conference Registration & Disb | 49,591.00 | 61,081.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Reimbursement & Recovery Fund | 36,430.00 | 23,664.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Agricultural Chemical FF | 669,853.00 | 587,348.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Feeding StuFFs FF | 1,872,605.00 | 1,750,595.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Fertilizer FF | 861,842.00 | 582,783.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Pesticide Use FF | 173,853.00 | 282,691.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Egg FF | 150,239.00 | 68,707.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Warehouse FF | 430,303.00 | 342,701.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Food Safety Fd | 4,075,492.00 | 3,563,407.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Ks Pesticide Waste Disposal Fd | 46,063.00 | 102,238.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Water Structures Emergency Fd | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Meat & Poultry Inspection Fdf | -182,851.00 | -133,539.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Nrcs Grant Cfda 10.932 | 7,764.00 | 12,141.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Homeland Nsgp Grant Program | -104,947.00 | -6,407.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Cooperating Tech Prtnrs | -9,588,487.00 | -7,988,135.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Perform Prtnrshp Grts | -151,222.00 | -86,927.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Plnt/Amnl Dis & Pst Ctl | -154,616.00 | -144,897.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Fema Dam Safety Fdf | -8,423.00 | -64,016.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Coop Forestry Asst | 0.00 | -19,157.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Ag Stats Report | -20,302.00 | -27,431.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Com Ast-St Sprt Svc Elm | -67,889.00 | -12,484.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Food/Drug Admin/Rsch | -360,178.00 | -324,425.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Spec Crop Blk Grt Prg | -207,518.00 | -473,638.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Fed-St Market Improvement Prog | -822.00 | -24,392.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Local Food Prchs Asst Coop Ams | -1,732,533.00 | -2,357,626.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Rfsi Prg Coop Ams Grt | -202.00 | 0.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Hrtlnd Rgnl Fd Busn Cntr Fd | -496.00 | 0.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Farm & Ranch Stress Assist | 0.00 | -7,201.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 19,140.00 | 360,900.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Wtrshd Prot Aprch-Wtr R | 26,723.00 | 96,205.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Nrsc Contb Agreement | 11,960.00 | 11,960.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Nrcs Grant Cfda 10.069 | -5,390.00 | 41,192.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Nrcs Grant Cfda 10.924 | 6,089.00 | 31,934.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Flx Fnding Mdl Coop Agrmt Fd | 0.00 | -38,527.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Nrcs Grant Cfda 10.912 | 37,934.00 | 68,474.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | Gifts And Donations Fd | 93,398.00 | 96,437.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | Ks Hwy Patrol Operations Fd | 815,500.00 | 800,547.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | General FF | 1,302,021.00 | 1,263,565.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | Mtr Carrier Safety Asst Prg Fd | 2,867,870.00 | 2,180,062.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | Khp StaFFing And Training Fund | 12,185,851.00 | 13,305,112.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | Vehicle Id Number FF | 1,964,918.00 | 2,682,024.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | Highway Safety Fd | 129,580.00 | 127,771.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | State Forfeiture Fund –Pending | 1,025,674.00 | 991,150.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | Hwy Patrol Training Center Fd | 2,041,007.00 | 1,515,454.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | Ks Hwy Patrol Motor Vehicle Fd | 4,518,424.00 | 1,453,209.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | Aircraft Fd-On Budget | 62,480.00 | 187,140.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | Dui-Iid Designation Fund | 256,352.00 | 263,917.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | State Forfeiture Fd | 1,583,968.00 | 2,150,140.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | For Patrol Of Ks Turnpike Fd | 585,748.00 | 993,318.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | Drug Tax Stamp Enforcement Fnd | 118,036.00 | 117,626.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | Natl Mtr Carrier Sfty Asst Pgm | -204,663.00 | 235,924.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | Bau Fund | 583,173.00 | 543,349.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | Homeland Nsgp Grant Program | -685.00 | -1,664.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | Ed Byrne St/Loc Law Enf | 129,333.00 | 129,974.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | Ft Hays De-Escalation Grant | 434.00 | -9,418.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | Perfrm/Reg Info Sys Mgm | 71,306.00 | 71,306.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | Cmcrl Veh Info Sys/Ntwk | 541,586.00 | 389,451.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | Highway Planning/Const | 121,270.00 | 333,132.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | Khp Fed Forfeiture Fd | 2,786,083.00 | 2,718,173.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | Hgh Intns Drug Trfc Area | 1,432,209.00 | 1,490,769.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | St Homeland Sec Prg | 38,644.00 | -139,881.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | Coronavirus Emerg Supp Fund | 0.00 | -3,491.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 53,221.00 | 2,750.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | St/Comm Highway Safety | 655,120.00 | 612,483.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | Capitol Area Security Fd | 159,635.00 | 197,276.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | Executive Aircraft Fd | 507,771.00 | 449,481.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | Mtr Veh Fuel/Storerm Sales Fd | 1,173,181.00 | 1,084,776.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | 1122 Program Clrng Fd | 10,027.00 | 8,410.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | Gifts And Donations Fd | 96,827.00 | 127,810.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | Hp Fac Aqu Kdfa 04A-1 P&I | 0.00 | 4.00 |
Kansas Historical Society | General FF | 1,165,134.00 | 1,107,189.00 |
Kansas Historical Society | Historic Properties FF | 130,750.00 | 298,451.00 |
Kansas Historical Society | State Histrcal Society Fac Fd | 102,855.00 | 102,912.00 |
Kansas Historical Society | Land Survey FF | 375,742.00 | 340,292.00 |
Kansas Historical Society | Microfilm FF | 127,502.00 | 130,087.00 |
Kansas Historical Society | Archeology FF | 468,549.00 | 472,079.00 |
Kansas Historical Society | Historic Preservtn Overhead FF | 651,833.00 | 522,568.00 |
Kansas Historical Society | Soil/Water Conserv | 127,917.00 | 141,341.00 |
Kansas Historical Society | Hist Presrv-Grnt-In-Aid | -307,359.00 | -971,828.00 |
Kansas Historical Society | Highway Planning/Const | 91,261.00 | 113,333.00 |
Kansas Historical Society | National Trails | 2,230.00 | 2,230.00 |
Kansas Historical Society | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Kansas Historical Society | Ntv Amrcn Grvs Protect & Repat | -12,035.00 | 0.00 |
Kansas Historical Society | Save Americas Treasures | 41,424.00 | 41,424.00 |
Kansas Historical Society | Ntl Endwmt Fr Humanites-Fed Gt | 0.00 | 1,886.00 |
Kansas Historical Society | Veh Repair & Replacement Fd | 284,862.00 | 265,410.00 |
Kansas Historical Society | Pvt Gifts Grnts & Bequest Fd | 16,260.00 | 128,249.00 |
Kansas Historical Society | Law Enforcement Memorial Fd | 11,073.00 | 6,414.00 |
Kansas Historical Society | Heritage Trust Fd | 1,515,026.00 | 1,142,415.00 |
Kansas Housing Resources Corp | State Housing Trust Fd | 15.00 | 7.00 |
Kansas Human Rights Commission | Education And Training Fd | 7,944.00 | 8,874.00 |
Kansas Human Rights Commission | St/Loc Fair Emplmt Prct | 853,670.00 | 758,818.00 |
Kansas Lottery | Sports Wagering Receipts Fund | 13,310,131.00 | 5,825,254.00 |
Kansas Lottery | Lottery Operating Fd | 1,612,904.00 | 2,786,579.00 |
Kansas Lottery | Expanded Lottery Receipts Fd | 1,857,033.00 | 2,483,893.00 |
Kansas Lottery | Lottery Prize Payment Fd | -6,713,305.00 | -1,652,513.00 |
Kansas Neurological Institute | Ks Neurological Inst FF | 901,798.00 | 787,207.00 |
Kansas Neurological Institute | Title Xix Fd | 951,966.00 | 612,645.00 |
Kansas Neurological Institute | Foster Grandparent Prg | -49,738.00 | 505.00 |
Kansas Neurological Institute | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 130,000.00 | 130,000.00 |
Kansas Neurological Institute | Fgp Gifts Grants & Dontns Fd | 3,874.00 | 4,293.00 |
Kansas Neurological Institute | Work Therapy Patient Ben Fd | 2,873.00 | 4,954.00 |
Kansas Office of Veterans Serv | Veterans' Home FF | 149,315.00 | -330,432.00 |
Kansas Office of Veterans Serv | Soldiers' Home FF | 241,278.00 | -132,238.00 |
Kansas Office of Veterans Serv | Veterans Benefit Lottery Game | 682,489.00 | 1,026,874.00 |
Kansas Office of Veterans Serv | Soldiers Home Medicaid Fund | 1,097,166.00 | 105,528.00 |
Kansas Office of Veterans Serv | Veterans Home Medicaid Fd | 101,938.00 | 22,106.00 |
Kansas Office of Veterans Serv | Const St Home Fac | 887.00 | 887.00 |
Kansas Office of Veterans Serv | State Cemetery Grts | -226,751.00 | 18,092.00 |
Kansas Office of Veterans Serv | Ks Soldier Home Const Grnt Fdf | 38,040.00 | 38,040.00 |
Kansas Office of Veterans Serv | Soldiers' Home Medicare Fd | 63,690.00 | 63,660.00 |
Kansas Office of Veterans Serv | Va Burial Reimb Fdf | 246,763.00 | 99,125.00 |
Kansas Office of Veterans Serv | Federal Dom Perdiem | 82,492.00 | 0.00 |
Kansas Office of Veterans Serv | Federal Ltc Perdiem | 308,780.00 | 108,270.00 |
Kansas Office of Veterans Serv | Commisn On Vet AFFairs Fdf | 346,976.00 | 259,881.00 |
Kansas Office of Veterans Serv | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 107,016.00 | 500,000.00 |
Kansas Office of Veterans Serv | Veterans Home Medicare Fund | 13,392.00 | 19,547.00 |
Kansas Office of Veterans Serv | Ks Hometown Heros Fund | 98,742.00 | 78,688.00 |
Kansas Office of Veterans Serv | Vietn War Era Vet Recg Awrd Fd | 365.00 | 249.00 |
Kansas Office of Veterans Serv | St Vet Cemtry Dntns/Contb Fd | 52,032.00 | 38,552.00 |
Kansas Racing and Gaming Comm | Tribal Gaming Fd | 272,843.00 | 274,004.00 |
Kansas Racing and Gaming Comm | Ks Horse Breeding Dev Fd | 51,913.00 | 51,913.00 |
Kansas Racing and Gaming Comm | Expanded Lottery Regulation Fd | 5,403,631.00 | 3,897,116.00 |
Kansas Racing and Gaming Comm | Gaming Background Invest Fd | 268,188.00 | 266,065.00 |
Kansas Racing and Gaming Comm | Illegal Gambling Enforcemt Fd | 72,212.00 | 74,482.00 |
Kansas Racing and Gaming Comm | State Racing Fd | 130,509.00 | 137,915.00 |
Kansas Racing and Gaming Comm | Racing Applicant Deposit Fd | 2,070.00 | 501,521.00 |
Kansas Sentencing Commission | General FF | 694,163.00 | 659,916.00 |
Kansas Sentencing Commission | St Jstc Stat Prg | 2.00 | 3,684.00 |
Kansas State University | Animal Health Research Fund | 89,224.00 | 89,224.00 |
Kansas State University | National Bio Agro-Defns Faclty | 8,062,835.00 | 8,143,584.00 |
Kansas State University | General FF | 72,273,945.00 | 71,190,441.00 |
Kansas State University | General FF | 1,112,915.00 | 5,144,097.00 |
Kansas State University | Kan-Grow Engineering Fund-Ksu | 587,853.00 | 350,000.00 |
Kansas State University | Fertilizer Research Fd | 399,139.00 | 289,916.00 |
Kansas State University | Faculty Of Distiction Match Fd | 817,347.00 | 336,403.00 |
Kansas State University | Faculty Of Distiction Match Fd | 11,171.00 | 20,087.00 |
Kansas State University | Faculty Of Distiction Match Fd | 61,544.00 | 32,524.00 |
Kansas State University | Deferred Mnt Support Fd | 14,798,369.00 | 6,081,924.00 |
Kansas State University | Restricted FF | 51,723,893.00 | 72,621,172.00 |
Kansas State University | Ks Career Work Study Prg Fd | 143,921.00 | 81,512.00 |
Kansas State University | Restricted FF | 7,949,942.00 | 5,618,250.00 |
Kansas State University | Interest Bearing Grants Fund | 1,465,012.00 | 591,124.00 |
Kansas State University | Restricted FF | 27,524,396.00 | 28,748,742.00 |
Kansas State University | Sponsored Research Overhead Fd | 25,215,132.00 | 27,844,416.00 |
Kansas State University | Sponsored Research Overhead Fd | 11,234,128.00 | 11,377,842.00 |
Kansas State University | University Fdf | -7,530,409.00 | -12,535,068.00 |
Kansas State University | University Fdf | -393,878.00 | -298,456.00 |
Kansas State University | University Fdf | -20,844,092.00 | -19,039,366.00 |
Kansas State University | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 24,608,512.00 | 6,250,000.00 |
Kansas State University | Fed Awrd Adv Pymt Usdoe Awrd F | 1,562.00 | 1,491.00 |
Kansas State University | Federal Awards-Advance Pymts | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Kansas State University | Student Health FF | 2,377,607.00 | 2,031,254.00 |
Kansas State University | Salina Student Life Ctr Rev Fd | 142,904.00 | 123,249.00 |
Kansas State University | Salina Student Union FF | 68,230.00 | 98,083.00 |
Kansas State University | Salina Housing Sys Revenue Fd | 105,264.00 | 307,228.00 |
Kansas State University | Ksu Child Care Facility Rev Fd | 112,741.00 | 203,343.00 |
Kansas State University | Vet Med Tchng Hos Rev Fd | 2,311,960.00 | 2,880,639.00 |
Kansas State University | Housing System Operation Fd | 14,994,806.00 | 5,267,684.00 |
Kansas State University | Parking FF | 2,677,348.00 | 1,797,040.00 |
Kansas State University | Stdnt Un Reno/Expan Rev Bdn Fd | 0.00 | 18.00 |
Kansas State University | Sal Stdnt Life Ctr Kdfa Prj Fd | 839,695.00 | 779,391.00 |
Kansas State University | Coliseum Rep-Equp/Imprv Fd | 301,228.00 | 287,504.00 |
Kansas State University | Hsng Sys Kdfa 99F Susp/Rev Fd | 768,794.00 | 5,562,995.00 |
Kansas State University | Service Clrng Fd | 4,192,848.00 | 3,866,366.00 |
Kansas State University | Scholarship Funds Fd | 91,687.00 | 76,992.00 |
Kansas State University | Ks Comprehensive Grant Fd | 580,851.00 | 596,330.00 |
Kansas State University | Perkins Student Loan Fd | 1,004,745.00 | 1,269,756.00 |
Kansas State University | Hlth Professions Stdnt Loan Fd | 578,187.00 | 1,146,591.00 |
Kansas State University | Kdfa 2015B Ksu Projects | 2,181.00 | 1,099.00 |
Kansas State University | Kdfa 2021A Ks St Univ Projects | 3,354.00 | 2,062.00 |
Kansas State University | Kdfa 2022D Ksu Projects | 4,872.00 | 2,787.00 |
Kansas State University | Rec Complex Kdfa 01G-2 Prj Fd | 0.00 | 18.00 |
Kansas State University | Farrell Libary Expn Rev Fd | 0.00 | 7.00 |
Kansas State University | Ksu Child Care Fac Kdfa 2009K | 471.00 | 47.00 |
Kansas State University | Rec Cmpx Expn/Dp/Rp Kdfa 01G-2 | 2,426.00 | 2,316.00 |
Kansas State University | Kdfa 2016 A Ksu Projects | 2,064.00 | 1,077.00 |
Kansas State University | Kdfa 2017B Ksu Salina | 110.00 | 32.00 |
Kansas State University | Kdfa 2017E Elec Dist Sys Proj | 750.00 | 4,462.00 |
Kansas State University | Kdfa 2019C Ksu Projects | 999.00 | 458.00 |
Kansas State University | Suspense Fd | 26,192.00 | 17,990.00 |
Kansas State University | Fed Ext Emp Clrng Fd-Emp Contr | -1,474,320.00 | -1,275,755.00 |
Kansas State University | Pre-Tax Prkng Clrng Fd-Emp Ded | 8.00 | 8.00 |
Kansas Water Office | General FF | 168,880.00 | 147,008.00 |
Kansas Water Office | Water Supply Access Fund | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Kansas Water Office | Water Marketing Fd | 11,223,330.00 | 7,140,762.00 |
Kansas Water Office | Indirect Cost Fund | 1,282.00 | 1,605.00 |
Kansas Water Office | St Conserv Strg Water Sply Fd | 4,470,244.00 | 2,032,501.00 |
Kansas Water Office | Local Water Project Match Fd | 60,226.00 | 60,226.00 |
Kansas Water Office | Water Sply Strg Assurance Fd | 169,349.00 | 161,579.00 |
Kansas Water Office | Repblcn Rv-Wtr Cnsv Prj-Ne $ F | 1,102,710.00 | 994,303.00 |
Kansas Water Office | Repblcn Rv-Wtr Cnsv Prj-Co $ F | 1,113,618.00 | 1,278,745.00 |
Kansas Water Office | Water Technical Assistance | 5,000,000.00 | 0.00 |
Kansas Water Office | Water Project Grants | 11,859,467.00 | 0.00 |
Kansas Water Office | Multipurpose Grant | 25.00 | 0.00 |
Kansas Water Office | Emer Mgmt Prform Grant | 2,964.00 | 2,964.00 |
Kansas Water Office | Hhpd Rehab | 28,931.00 | 95,828.00 |
Kansas Water Office | Xvi Water Reclamation & Reuse | -199,175.00 | 0.00 |
Kansas Water Office | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Kansas Water Office | Reg Wetland Prg Dev Grt | 329.00 | 0.00 |
Kansas Water Office | Agy Mtr Pool Veh Rep & Rplm Fd | 23,311.00 | 34,632.00 |
Ks Correctional Industries | Correctional Industries Fd | 12,745,548.00 | 14,737,305.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Dads Social Welfare Fund | 2,051,461.00 | 1,445,768.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Mental Health Grants - St Hwy | 361,266.00 | 361,266.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Indirect Cost Fund | 1,423,486.00 | 109,603.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Health Occupations Credential | 1,740,940.00 | 1,608,314.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Comm Mental Health Center Impr | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Comm Crisis Stabilizn Centers | 7,733,421.00 | 8,941,954.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Clubhouse Model Program Fund | 423,768.00 | 423,768.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Medical Resources & Collctn Fd | 8,242,722.00 | 6,769,579.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Prblm Gambling & Addict Grant | 1,251,202.00 | 852,729.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | State Licensure FF | 4,195,287.00 | 3,996,822.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | General FF | 1,667,456.00 | 1,477,032.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Title Xix Fund | 11,344,795.00 | 2,848,407.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Sr Citzn Nutrition Chk-OFF Fd | 37,340.00 | 37,339.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Other State Fees Fund | 19,977,340.00 | 16,676,582.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | County Competency Expense Fund | 137,600.00 | 0.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | 988 Suicd Prv & Mntl Hlth Htln | 2,090,243.00 | 3,065,693.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Hlthplcy Nursing Fac Qlty Care | 5,712,409.00 | 2,251,269.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Opioidabusetreatment&Prevent | -1,856,865.00 | -3,384,939.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Money Flws Person Grt | -411.00 | 20.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | St Srvy/Crt-Hlth Cr Pro | 515,555.00 | -14,452.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Substance Abuse/Mental Health | -3,179,804.00 | -1,243,727.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Spcl Prg 4 Agng Iiid | -536,025.00 | -1,004,426.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Spcl Prg 4 Agng Iiib | -4,144,697.00 | -10,214,734.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Spcl Prg 4 Agng Iv & Ii | -113,026.00 | -225,127.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Ntl Fmy Crgvr Sprt Iiie | -2,041,977.00 | -4,721,006.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Nutr Svcs Inctv Prg | -984,101.00 | -1,999,176.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Prvnt/Trtmt Substc Abs | -7,033,688.00 | -8,525,088.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Soc Svc Block Grnt | 41,339.00 | 41,339.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Community Mental Hlth Block Gt | -4,396,079.00 | -9,610,642.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Assist Transition Frm Homeless | -96,640.00 | -220,105.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Spcl Prg 4 Agng Vii-2 | 0.00 | -1,856.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Tbi Partnership Program | -92,099.00 | -127,082.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Disaster Response Fund | -700.00 | -52,573.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Spcl Prg 4 Agng Vii-3 | -41,885.00 | -5,460.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Ctr Medcr/Medcd Svc Rsc | -206,922.00 | -253,152.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Medical Assistance Prg | -6,035,833.00 | -6,715,820.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Childrens Health Insurance Fdf | 1.00 | 1.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Spcl Prg 4 Agng Iiic | -7,597,992.00 | -19,147,083.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Medcr Enrlmt Asst Prg | -32,658.00 | -83,992.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Systems Of Care Sed | 4,004.00 | 3,004.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Kansas Covid-19 Response Fund | 0.00 | -75,046.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Ks Asst Outpatient Trmt Fd | -415,405.00 | -568,326.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 88,314.00 | 67,250,144.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Adas Data Collection Grant FF | 1,487,457.00 | 1,282,180.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Ccbhc Planning Grant | -10,602.00 | -26,456.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Lng Trm Care Ln/Grnt Fd | 1,180,907.00 | 1,154,334.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Kdfa Refunding Rev Bond 2013B | 420.00 | 397.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Trust Fd | 52,122.00 | 52,122.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | Gifts And Donations Fd | 27,145.00 | 27,125.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | St Of Ks Pjts Kdfa 2010E-F | 45.00 | 43.00 |
Ks Development Finance Auth. | Kdfa-State Operations Fd | 3,389.00 | 667.00 |
Ks Development Finance Auth. | Kdfa Rebate Fd | 55.00 | 1.00 |
Ks Juvenile Correctional Cmplx | Ks Juv Corr Complex FF | 58,374.00 | 56,046.00 |
Ks Juvenile Correctional Cmplx | Ttl I-Negl/Delq Chldrn | -21,943.00 | -130,279.00 |
Ks Juvenile Correctional Cmplx | Wia Youth Activities | 262.00 | 0.00 |
Ks Juvenile Correctional Cmplx | Wioa Reserve-Adult | 346.00 | 0.00 |
Ks Juvenile Correctional Cmplx | Wioa Reserve-Dislocated Worker | 574.00 | 0.00 |
Ks Juvenile Correctional Cmplx | Ed Byrne Mem Jag-Arra | 1.00 | 1.00 |
Ks Juvenile Correctional Cmplx | School Breakfast Pgm | -6,529.00 | -114,370.00 |
Ks Juvenile Correctional Cmplx | Natl Schl Lnch Prg | 13,954.00 | -11,045.00 |
Ks Juvenile Correctional Cmplx | Gifts, Grants & Donations Fd | 175.00 | 175.00 |
Ks Public Employees Rtrmnt Sys | Non-Retirement Adm Fd | 140,124.00 | 130,336.00 |
Ks Public Employees Rtrmnt Sys | Kpers Defer Compnsation FF | -10,301.00 | -4,135.00 |
Ks Public Employees Rtrmnt Sys | Ks Endowment For Youth Fd | 46,434,253.00 | 54,066,073.00 |
Ks Public Employees Rtrmnt Sys | Ks Pub Emp Retirement Fd | -18,159,894.00 | -17,549,065.00 |
Ks Public Employees Rtrmnt Sys | Opt Death Ben Plan Resv Fd | 1,208,893.00 | 2,012,296.00 |
Ks Public Employees Rtrmnt Sys | Group Insurance Reserve Fd | 5,434,746.00 | 4,364,356.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Prairie Spirit Rails/Trails FF | 36,324.00 | 36,324.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Bridge Maintenance Fd | 1,835,252.00 | 1,627,309.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | St Agricultural Production Fd | 1,537,849.00 | 1,280,423.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Non Federal Grants Fd | 1,570,928.00 | 1,434,160.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Wildlife & Parks Nonrestrct Fd | -16,188.00 | 25,953.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Development & Promotions Fd | 210,289.00 | 193,511.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Wildlife Conservation Fd | 9,284,463.00 | 7,835,356.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Parks FF | 5,273,631.00 | 3,668,197.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Parks Restitution Fd | 36,930.00 | 16,463.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Fish & Wildlife Restitution Fd | 428,252.00 | 411,854.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Department Access Road Fd | 1,581,132.00 | 997,525.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Boating FF | 2,745,941.00 | 2,341,468.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | OFF Of The Sec Building Fund | 476,034.00 | 368,357.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Wildlife FF | 25,272,203.00 | 20,774,912.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Free Licensed & Permits | 7,218.00 | 7,218.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Nongame Wildlife Imprv Fd | 677,581.00 | 656,021.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Migrtry Wtrfwl Propg & Prot Fd | 1,754,993.00 | 1,793,722.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Feed The Hungry Fd | 268.00 | 1,000.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Cabin Revenue Fd | 1,612,392.00 | 1,096,240.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Fed Licensed Wildlife Areas Fd | 5,365,646.00 | 4,123,159.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Disaster Grnts-Pub Asst | 2,304,739.00 | 1,250,908.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Wetlands Reserve Program | 12,825.00 | 16,044.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Soil/Water Conserv | -105,451.00 | -223,849.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Navigation Prjs | 54,662.00 | 350,120.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Recrtn Rsrc Mgmt-Arra | -733,358.00 | -170,397.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Coop Endgrd Spec Consrv | -188,537.00 | -122,671.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | St Wildlife Grnts | 207,238.00 | -247,171.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Endangered Species-Recovery | 3,940.00 | 3,940.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Recreational Trails Prg | 123,511.00 | -577,704.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Boating Sfty Fincl Asst | -573,061.00 | -372,198.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Highway Planning/Const | -364,532.00 | -145,620.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Americorps | 76,074.00 | 95,435.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Economic Adjustment Assistance | 43,390.00 | 41,790.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Wildlife Restoration | -10,012,095.00 | -9,731,298.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Coop Forestry Asst | 4,794.00 | 4,794.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Wildlife Services | -21,900.00 | -61,657.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Sport Fish Restortn Prg | -4,771,669.00 | -2,482,107.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Fish/Wldlf Mgmt Asst | -706,536.00 | -132,804.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Clean Vessel Act | 2,407.00 | -996.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Fish/Wldlf Cor Act-Arra | 6,300.00 | 6,300.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Vol Publc Accss/Habitat | 213,844.00 | -191,412.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Interior Dept Rsch Grt | 20,989.00 | 20,989.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Law Enforcement Agy Support Fd | -43,445.00 | -54,051.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 4,618,176.00 | 4,540.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Outdr Rec Acqu/Dev/Plng | 829,152.00 | 289,733.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | White-Nose Syndrome Response | -22,023.00 | -11,668.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Wtrshd Prot/Flood Prvnt | 7,304.00 | 7,304.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Central Aircraft Fd | 189,013.00 | 180,013.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Wildlife & Parks Gfts/Dntns Fd | 2,013,631.00 | 1,618,118.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Kdfa Ban Series 2012-1 | 71.00 | 67.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Kdfa 2013-A St Of Ks Proj | 12.00 | 12.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | St Of Ks Prjs Kdfa 2009M | 39.00 | 37.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | Suspense Fd | -26.00 | -26.00 |
Lansing Correctional Facility | General FF | 140,278.00 | 140,551.00 |
Larned Juvenile Correct Faclty | Larned Juvenile Corr Fac FF | 6,698.00 | 6,698.00 |
Larned Juvenile Correct Faclty | Juv Act Blt Blk Grnt | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Larned Juvenile Correct Faclty | Byrne Justice Asst Fdf-Arra | 13.00 | 13.00 |
Larned State Correction Faclty | General FF | 66,717.00 | 7,956.00 |
Larned State Correction Faclty | Coronavirus Emerg Supp Fund | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Larned State Correction Faclty | Inmate Benefit Fd | 74.00 | 74.00 |
Larned State Correction Faclty | Larned Infra Kdfa Prj Fd | 15.00 | 15.00 |
Larned State Hospital | Larned State Hospital FF | 1,620,120.00 | 697,829.00 |
Larned State Hospital | Title Xix Fd | 819,346.00 | 13,268,259.00 |
Larned State Hospital | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 110,011.00 | 200,000.00 |
Legislative Coordinating Cncl | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 71,100,000.00 | 142,100,000.00 |
Legislative Div of Post Audit | Federal Audit Svcs Clrng Fd | -146,000.00 | -146,000.00 |
Legislature | Legislative Spec Revenue Fd | 280,282.00 | 266,133.00 |
Legislature | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 5,000,000.00 | 0.00 |
Legislature | Cap Restrtn-Gift & Donation Fd | 2,389.00 | 2,389.00 |
No agency | State General Fund | 3,210,649,914.00 | 2,409,813,277.00 |
No agency | Budget Stabilization Fund | 1,687,114,261.00 | 1,610,295,396.00 |
No agency | Expanded Lottery Act Rev Fd | 149,621.00 | 0.00 |
No agency | State Water Plan Fund | 31,343,236.00 | 18,246,418.00 |
No agency | Econ Development Initiatives | 11,001,760.00 | 8,315,517.00 |
No agency | Children'S Initiatives Fund | 4,200,705.00 | 2,222,122.00 |
No agency | Educational Building Fund | 60,214,046.00 | 57,124,155.00 |
No agency | St Institutioins Building Fund | 37,789,337.00 | 32,915,383.00 |
No agency | Corr Institutions Bldg Fund | 1,758,421.00 | 2,267,294.00 |
Norton Correctional Facility | General FF | 375,348.00 | 203,504.00 |
Norton Correctional Facility | Inmate Benefit Fd | -23,057.00 | -20,351.00 |
Office Administrative Hearings | Adminstrtve Hearings OFFice Fd | 994,198.00 | 621,812.00 |
Office of Info Technology Serv | Gis Contracting Services Fund | 178,929.00 | 178,929.00 |
Office of Info Technology Serv | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 11,486,210.00 | 16,160,940.00 |
Office of Info Technology Serv | Gis Contracting Srvcs | 1,557,273.00 | 1,008,611.00 |
Office of Info Technology Serv | Information Technology Fund | 7,456,895.00 | 13,833,751.00 |
Office of Info Technology Serv | Info Technology Reserve Fund | 257,135.00 | 257,135.00 |
Osawatomie State Hospital | Osawatomie St Hospital Fee Fd | 2,323,084.00 | 3,261,333.00 |
Osawatomie State Hospital | Title Xix Fd | 1,023,359.00 | -28,580.00 |
Osawatomie State Hospital | Cottage Revenue & Expenditures | 20,544.00 | 3,853.00 |
Osawatomie State Hospital | Oswtm St Hos-Trn Fees Revlg Fd | 870.00 | 810.00 |
Osawatomie State Hospital | Cares Provider Relief Fund | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Osawatomie State Hospital | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 195,000.00 | 195,000.00 |
Osawatomie State Hospital | Canteen Fd | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Parson St Hosp and Trng Cnt | Parsons St Hos & Trn Ctr FF | 190,937.00 | 60,386.00 |
Parson St Hosp and Trng Cnt | Title Xix Fd | 4,589,869.00 | 2,514,248.00 |
Pittsburg State University | General FF | 24,692,219.00 | 22,304,088.00 |
Pittsburg State University | Faculty Of Distiction Match Fd | 14,975.00 | 9,992.00 |
Pittsburg State University | Deferred Mnt Support Fd | 5,739,484.00 | 2,859,140.00 |
Pittsburg State University | Restricted FF | 28,185,287.00 | 27,094,811.00 |
Pittsburg State University | Ks Career Work Study Prg Fd | 7,999.00 | 1,425.00 |
Pittsburg State University | Overman Stdnt Ctr Ren Kdfa 94D | 565,009.00 | 747,955.00 |
Pittsburg State University | Stdnt Hlth Ctr Kdfa Rev Acct | 392,634.00 | 374,614.00 |
Pittsburg State University | H. Mann Bldg Reno Prty Bd Revf | 828,662.00 | 587,871.00 |
Pittsburg State University | Sponsored Research Overhead Fd | 1,779,562.00 | 1,369,527.00 |
Pittsburg State University | University Fdf | -276,534.00 | -298,930.00 |
Pittsburg State University | Nurse Faculty Loan Program | 127,541.00 | 62,544.00 |
Pittsburg State University | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 1,604,184.00 | 0.00 |
Pittsburg State University | 2014-A Psu Projects | 627,572.00 | 628,389.00 |
Pittsburg State University | Hospital/Student Health FF | 1,372,213.00 | 1,268,422.00 |
Pittsburg State University | Housing System Operations Fd | 3,167,390.00 | 3,059,659.00 |
Pittsburg State University | Parking FF | 479,277.00 | 540,894.00 |
Pittsburg State University | Housing Sys Rep-Equp/Imprv Fd | 1,230,671.00 | 5,963.00 |
Pittsburg State University | Housing System Suspense Fd | 2,619,623.00 | 2,400,134.00 |
Pittsburg State University | Service Clrng Fd | 311,567.00 | 601,511.00 |
Pittsburg State University | Nursing Student Loan Fd | 163,410.00 | 102,155.00 |
Pittsburg State University | Perkins Student Loan Fd | 245,137.00 | 294,701.00 |
Pittsburg State University | Overman Ctr Kdfa 03A-2 Taxbl | 0.00 | 16.00 |
Pittsburg State University | Psu Armory Kdfa 06L-2 Prj Fd | 14.00 | 14.00 |
Pittsburg State University | Kdfa 2011D Psu Projects | 0.00 | 102.00 |
Pittsburg State University | Kdfa 2014-A Psu Projects | 0.00 | 254.00 |
Pittsburg State University | Kdfa 2020H Psu Projects | 258.00 | 109.00 |
Pittsburg State University | Kdfa 2022E Psu Projects | 11.00 | 324.00 |
Pittsburg State University | Kdfa 2015K Psu Bond Res 336 | 3.00 | 3.00 |
Pittsburg State University | Kdfa 2015M Psu Bond Res 338 | 444.00 | 423.00 |
Pittsburg State University | Psu Sci Rsch/Dev Fac Kdfa Fd | 78.00 | 75.00 |
Pittsburg State University | H.Mann Adm Bldg Reno Prty Srpl | 403,285.00 | 384,911.00 |
Pittsburg State University | Overman Stdnt Ctr Ren Kdfa 94D | 45,140.00 | 41,630.00 |
Pooled Money Investment Board | Pooled Money Investmnt Port FF | 1,018,257.00 | 1,016,664.00 |
Pooled Money Investment Board | Municipal Investment Pool Fd | 1,249,431,641.00 | 1,435,417,248.00 |
Real Estate Appraisal Board | Special Litigation Reserve Fnd | 79,392.00 | 100,000.00 |
Real Estate Appraisal Board | Appraiser FF | 245,558.00 | 238,632.00 |
Real Estate Appraisal Board | Federal Registry Clrng Fd | 14,180.00 | 4,140.00 |
Real Estate Appraisal Board | Amc Federal Registry Clrng Fd | 1,775.00 | 1,625.00 |
Real Estate Commission | Real Estate FF | 1,433,270.00 | 1,383,661.00 |
Real Estate Commission | Background Investigation FF | -15,991.00 | -6,759.00 |
Real Estate Commission | Special Litigation Reserve Fd | 100,000.00 | 80,000.00 |
Real Estate Commission | Real Estate Recovery Revlg Fd | 342,948.00 | 331,571.00 |
School for the Blind | Local Services Reimb Fd | 202,839.00 | 133,929.00 |
School for the Blind | General FF | 1,241,464.00 | 375,830.00 |
School for the Blind | Wia Youth Activities | 0.00 | 2.00 |
School for the Blind | Special Edu St Grnts | -1,107.00 | -66,953.00 |
School for the Blind | School Breakfast Prg | 209.00 | 8,328.00 |
School for the Blind | Natl Schl Lnch Prg | 2,587.00 | 19,503.00 |
School for the Blind | Child & Adult Care Food Prog | 0.00 | -400.00 |
School for the Blind | Safe Drug-Free Schl Comm Nati | 0.00 | 655.00 |
School for the Blind | Sped_Tech Assist Improv Serv | 4,773.00 | 32,098.00 |
School for the Blind | Summer Food Service Program | 346.00 | 9,711.00 |
School for the Blind | Covid19 Federal Relief Fund | 1,872.00 | 0.00 |
School for the Blind | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 0.00 | 710,671.00 |
School for the Blind | Education Improvement Fdf | 0.00 | 13,282.00 |
School for the Blind | Nine Month Payroll Clrng Fd | 64,000.00 | 0.00 |
School for the Deaf | Local Services Reimb Fd | 128,860.00 | 90,187.00 |
School for the Deaf | General FF | 735,882.00 | 714,259.00 |
School for the Deaf | Student Activity FF | 92,612.00 | 97,410.00 |
School for the Deaf | Language Assessment Fee Fd | 129,598.00 | 9,061.00 |
School for the Deaf | Special Edu St Grnts | 19,429.00 | -27,778.00 |
School for the Deaf | Univ Hearing Screening Inter | 19,461.00 | 23,093.00 |
School for the Deaf | School Breakfast Prg | 2,893.00 | 8,814.00 |
School for the Deaf | Natl Schl Lnch Prg | 9,227.00 | 17,586.00 |
School for the Deaf | Special Edu-Preschl Grt | 0.00 | 6,229.00 |
School for the Deaf | Summer Food Service Program | 878.00 | 30,049.00 |
School for the Deaf | Esser-Federal Fund | 1.00 | 24,817.00 |
School for the Deaf | Covid19 Federal Relief Fund | -19,387.00 | -1,766.00 |
School for the Deaf | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | -1,124.00 | 1,179,151.00 |
School for the Deaf | Special Bequest Fd | 531,932.00 | 421,353.00 |
School for the Deaf | Gift Fd | 4,632.00 | 6,137.00 |
School for the Deaf | Special Workshop Fd | 42,895.00 | 46,695.00 |
Secretary of State | Cemetery & Funeral Audit FF | 29,105.00 | 29,101.00 |
Secretary of State | Hava Elvis Fd | 459,696.00 | 427,428.00 |
Secretary of State | Information & Services FF | 5,695,020.00 | 5,690,543.00 |
Secretary of State | State Register FF | 428,871.00 | 374,251.00 |
Secretary of State | Uniform Commercial Code FF | 613,286.00 | 647,716.00 |
Secretary of State | Technology Communication FF | 4,450,189.00 | 3,809,420.00 |
Secretary of State | Athlete Agent Registration FF | 96,557.00 | 91,122.00 |
Secretary of State | Democracy Fd | 1,730,613.00 | 1,253,191.00 |
Secretary of State | Help Amer Vote Act | 510,049.00 | 486,811.00 |
Secretary of State | Hava Ttl I | 2,193,044.00 | 2,165,618.00 |
Secretary of State | Hava Election Sec Fd 2018 | 6,674,565.00 | 7,045,049.00 |
Secretary of State | State Flag And Banner Fd | 70,395.00 | 66,206.00 |
Secretary of State | Secretary Of State Fees Rfd Fd | 15.00 | 15.00 |
Secretary of State | Electrnc Votng Machine Exam Fd | 12,229.00 | 11,929.00 |
Secretary of State | Prepaid Services Fd | 425,085.00 | 425,566.00 |
State Fair Board | Sef-Bldg Rep Damg Mar 27/29 09 | 385.00 | 385.00 |
State Fair Board | St Fair Capital Imprv Fd | 712,696.00 | 494,583.00 |
State Fair Board | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 247,680.00 | 250,000.00 |
State Fair Board | St Fairgrd Reno Kdfa 01W-3 Prj | 92.00 | 88.00 |
State Fair Board | St Fairgrd Reno Kdfa 04A-2 Prj | 23.00 | 22.00 |
State Fair Board | Kdfa 2013-A St Of Ks Proj | 12.00 | 12.00 |
State Fair Board | State Fair FF | 77,914.00 | 2,164,758.00 |
State Fair Board | Kdfa 2021J - Ksfb Projects | 33.00 | 69.00 |
State Library | State Library Fd | 6,204.00 | 7,802.00 |
State Library | Grants To States | 202,866.00 | 593,788.00 |
State Library | Grants And Gifts Fd | 268,512.00 | 266,308.00 |
State Treasurer | Spirit Bonds Fd | 259,149.00 | 198,491.00 |
State Treasurer | Bond Services FF | 1,983,227.00 | 2,142,084.00 |
State Treasurer | Postscndry Edu Svgs Prg Exp Fd | 608,701.00 | 473,279.00 |
State Treasurer | Kansas Able Savings Expense Fd | 60,880.00 | 96,835.00 |
State Treasurer | Unclaimed Property Expense Fd | 221,782.00 | 3,936.00 |
State Treasurer | State Treasurer Operating Fd | 98,884.00 | 113,489.00 |
State Treasurer | Building Ks Matching Grt Fd | 50,000,000.00 | 0.00 |
State Treasurer | Ks Postsec Ed Svgs Prg Trst Fd | 24,228.00 | 21,755.00 |
State Treasurer | Escrow Fd - Def Bds Sr 2020C | 98,418.00 | 0.00 |
State Treasurer | City Bond Finance Fd | 39,523,730.00 | 45,542,676.00 |
State Treasurer | Fiscal Agency Fd | 22,243,982.00 | 58,936,598.00 |
State Treasurer | Unclaimed Property Claims Fd | 33,896.00 | 207,117.00 |
Topeka Correctional Facility | General FF | 40,394.00 | 85,656.00 |
Topeka Correctional Facility | Comm Dev Blk Grnts | 16,885.00 | 8,346.00 |
Topeka Correctional Facility | Inmate Canteen Fd | 325.00 | 325.00 |
Topeka Correctional Facility | Inmate Benefit Fd | -2,055.00 | -1,241.00 |
Topeka Correctional Facility | Top Corr Infra Kdfa Prjs Fd | 5,520.00 | 5,520.00 |
University of Kansas | General FF | 27,805,480.00 | 31,782,860.00 |
University of Kansas | Fire Svc Training Program Fd | 3,527,261.00 | 3,165,338.00 |
University of Kansas | Law Enforcement Trn Ctr Fd | 720,269.00 | 3,127,251.00 |
University of Kansas | Child Care Fac Rev Bond Fd | 102,370.00 | 97,681.00 |
University of Kansas | Jo Co Edu Triangle Rsch Fd | 6,208,734.00 | 6,452,924.00 |
University of Kansas | Faculty Of Distiction Match Fd | 839,943.00 | 467,128.00 |
University of Kansas | Deferred Mnt Support Fd | 10,337,585.00 | 4,812,505.00 |
University of Kansas | Ks Carreer Work Study Prg Fd | 9,079.00 | 587.00 |
University of Kansas | Restricted FF | 54,460,270.00 | 73,112,755.00 |
University of Kansas | Ku Stdnt Rec/Fit Ctr Kdfa 00Q | 3,746,687.00 | 3,441,218.00 |
University of Kansas | Multicult Resrc Ctr Const Fd | 42.00 | 42.00 |
University of Kansas | Sponsored Research Overhead Fd | 864,953.00 | 857,494.00 |
University of Kansas | University Fdf | -12,945,874.00 | -1,906,722.00 |
University of Kansas | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 24,512,451.00 | 8,685,086.00 |
University of Kansas | Edu Opportunity Act Fdf | 6,067.00 | 11,688.00 |
University of Kansas | Kdfa 2014C - Ku Projects | 1,124.00 | 2,185.00 |
University of Kansas | Health Service Fd | 2,326,268.00 | 2,610,821.00 |
University of Kansas | Student Union Fd | 4,076.00 | 7,366.00 |
University of Kansas | Housing System Operations Fd | 7,023,588.00 | 5,321,682.00 |
University of Kansas | Stdnt Union Reno Rev Fd | 1,599.00 | 3,653.00 |
University of Kansas | Parking Fac Kdfa 1993G Rev Fd | 1,172,161.00 | 1,334,427.00 |
University of Kansas | Housing Sys Rep-Equp/Imprv Fd | 5,660,150.00 | 4,314,259.00 |
University of Kansas | Stdnt Hlth Fac Mnt-Rep/Equp FF | 693,127.00 | 571,546.00 |
University of Kansas | Housing System Suspense Fd | 1,020.00 | 1,020.00 |
University of Kansas | Park Fac Kdfa 93G Rfnd Srpls F | 9,055,382.00 | 9,002,773.00 |
University of Kansas | Service Clrng Fd-Lawrnc Campus | 213,009.00 | 332,931.00 |
University of Kansas | Interest Fd | 64,351.00 | 63,393.00 |
University of Kansas | Ks Comprehensive Grant Fd | 5,710.00 | 542,485.00 |
University of Kansas | Loans For Disadv Stdnts Fd | 82,634.00 | 57,275.00 |
University of Kansas | Federal Perkins Loan Fd | 3,325,753.00 | 3,125,503.00 |
University of Kansas | Hlth Prof Stdnt Ln Fd-Lawrence | 342,950.00 | 333,752.00 |
University of Kansas | Prepaid Tuition Fees Clrng Fd | 2,489,308.00 | 2,185,465.00 |
University of Kansas | Kdfa 2020B Univ Of Ks Projects | 11,247.00 | 11,626.00 |
University of Kansas | Kdfa 2017A Ku Projects | 884.00 | 1,686.00 |
University of Kansas | Kdfa 2021D Ku Projects | 1,546.00 | 2,990.00 |
University of Kansas | Regents Ctr Kdfa 90D Rev Fd | 394,749.00 | 103,927.00 |
University of Kansas | Regents Ctr Kdfa 90D Srpls Fd | 153,159.00 | 146,181.00 |
University of Kansas | Suspense Fd | 30.00 | 30.00 |
University of Kansas | Temporary Deposit Fd | 3,798.00 | 3,798.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | General FF | 4,885,456.00 | 4,188,892.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Jo Co Edu Triangle Rsch Fd | 4,770,897.00 | 5,448,951.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Faculty Of Distiction Match Fd | 1,552,448.00 | 959,661.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Deferred Mnt Support Fd | 1,895,017.00 | 1,871,109.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Restricted FF | 32,871,889.00 | 49,791,051.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Med Stdnt Ln Prg Prvdr Assmt F | 194,113.00 | 400,000.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Ks Breast Cancer Research Fd | 110,620.00 | 213,398.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Sponsored Research Overhead Fd | 5,790,587.00 | 8,666,025.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Svc To Hospital Authority Fd | 1,032,926.00 | 4,110,321.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Direct Medical Edu Reimb Fd | 1,643,968.00 | 1,879,094.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Cancer Rsrch & Public Info Trt | 448,981.00 | 30,647.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Fed Scholr For Disadv Stdnt Fd | 14,650.00 | 14,650.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | University Fdf | -10,123,128.00 | -6,075,841.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Leveraging Edu Asst Prtnrs Fdf | 17,966.00 | 17,966.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Federal Pell Grant Fd | 1,239,671.00 | 1,171,729.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Fed Stdnt Edu Oprtnty Grnt Fd | 18,270.00 | 24,617.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Fed College Work Study Fd | 20,009.00 | 17,827.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Gov Emer Ed Relief Fed Fund | 2,510.00 | 0.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 3.00 | 0.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Kumc Prkng Sys Kdfa 05E-2 Prj | 1,748,399.00 | 1,791,037.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Kdfa 2014C - Ku Projects | 155.00 | 32.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Parking Facility Revenue Fd | 2,188,767.00 | 2,285,060.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Parking FF | 64,730.00 | 48,755.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Graduate Med Edu Adm Resv Fd | 37,065.00 | 37,065.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Kumc-Pvt Practice Fdn Resv Fd | 500,191.00 | 500,000.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Service Clrng Fd-Kc Campus | 0.00 | 19.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Medical Loan Repayment Fd | 1,365,367.00 | 539,163.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Psychiatry Medical Loan Repay | 499,200.00 | 992,012.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Edu Nurse Fac Loan Prg Fd | 441,172.00 | 355,378.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Fed Perkins Student Loan Fd | 1,481,630.00 | 1,442,048.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Fed Hlth Prof/ P/C Stdnt Ln Fd | 827,267.00 | 765,320.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Fed Nursing Student Loan Fd | 691,730.00 | 638,524.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Kdfa 2015-A St Of Ks Proj | 0.00 | 0.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Kdfa 2017A Kumc Projects | 743.00 | 113.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Kdfa 2020B Kumc Projects | 4,132.00 | 598.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Kdfa 2016C Kumc Parking Fac | 2,819,095.00 | 2,824,784.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Temporary Deposit Fd | 978,409.00 | 978,409.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Mand Retrmt Annuity Clrng Fd | 1,896,898.00 | 1,896,898.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | Vol Tax Shltr Annuity Clrng Fd | 58,727.00 | 58,727.00 |
Wichita State University | General FF | 20,249,741.00 | 24,071,433.00 |
Wichita State University | Kan-Grow Engineering Fund-Wsu | 995,513.00 | 943,927.00 |
Wichita State University | Faculty Of Distiction Match Fd | 366,667.00 | 178,879.00 |
Wichita State University | Deferred Mnt Support Fd | 6,425,299.00 | 3,187,082.00 |
Wichita State University | Restricted FF | 24,831,666.00 | 10,045,150.00 |
Wichita State University | Health Collaboration Fund | 30,000,000.00 | 0.00 |
Wichita State University | Sponsored Research Overhead Fd | 31,520,839.00 | 61,971,892.00 |
Wichita State University | University Fdf | -46,667,831.00 | -50,368,781.00 |
Wichita State University | Economic Opportunity Act Fdf | -173,404.00 | 0.00 |
Wichita State University | Amer Rescue Plan State Relief | 84,502,995.00 | 0.00 |
Wichita State University | Wsu Housing System Revenue Fd | 1,342,504.00 | 1,433,790.00 |
Wichita State University | Parking Sys Kdfa Bnd Rev Fd | 1,475,706.00 | 1,211,338.00 |
Wichita State University | Prkng Sys Prj Kdfa Mnt Fd | 2,002,266.00 | 1,486,800.00 |
Wichita State University | Wsu Housing System Srpls Fd | 3,436,513.00 | 3,281,756.00 |
Wichita State University | Housing System Suspense Fd | 174,137.00 | 183,200.00 |
Wichita State University | Wsu Housing Dep & Rplm Fd | 5,021,691.00 | 4,792,903.00 |
Wichita State University | Service Clrng Fd | 763,917.00 | 1,049,326.00 |
Wichita State University | Nat'L Direct Student Loan Fd | 556,906.00 | 601,159.00 |
Wichita State University | Kdfa 2016-J Wsu | 2,252.00 | 609.00 |
Wichita State University | Kdfa 2020P Wsu Projects | 226,263.00 | 2,939,331.00 |
Wichita State University | Kdfa 2021L - Wsu Projects | 18,589.00 | 512,113.00 |
Wichita State University | Kdfa 2022G Wsu Projects | 2,267,524.00 | 9,614,296.00 |
Wichita State University | Suspense Fd | -18.00 | -18.00 |
Winfield Correctional Facility | General FF | 94,268.00 | 56,200.00 |
Agency Name | Fund Name |