Carryover Cash Agency Totals 2023-2024
Data provided by Kansas Department of Administration in Open Records requests.
Negative balances reflect accounts receivable, according to the Kansas Department of Administration.
* This data was most recently updated on December 20, 2024
* Our data is sourced from open government records. View our Data Notes for more info.
Carryover Cash Agency Totals 2023-2024
Agency Name | FY 2024 | FY 2023 |
** Accounts Receivable | 2,703,150,730.00 | 2,836,535,613.00 |
** Total cash plus receivables | 10,411,314,286.00 | 9,824,937,883.00 |
** Total funds as reported | 7,708,163,556.00 | 6,988,402,270.00 |
Abstracters Brd of Examiners | 43,948.00 | 43,073.00 |
Adjutant General | -102,346,965.00 | -178,912,639.00 |
Attorney General | 20,371,839.00 | 12,594,762.00 |
Bank Commissioner | 3,508,812.00 | 3,876,260.00 |
Bd of Examnrs of Hearing Instr | 142,918.00 | 133,139.00 |
Bd of Indigents Defense Svcs | 115,470.00 | 26,439.00 |
Behavioral Sciences Reg Board | 1,751,962.00 | 2,003,198.00 |
Beloit Juvenile Correct Faclty | 2,465.00 | 2,465.00 |
Board of Accountancy | 801,329.00 | 819,608.00 |
Board of Cosmetology | 570,806.00 | 695,695.00 |
Board of Healing Arts | 5,566,514.00 | 5,803,122.00 |
Board of Mortuary Arts | 214,338.00 | 267,447.00 |
Board of Nursing | 4,834,945.00 | 4,933,555.00 |
Board Of Optometry Examiners | 416,460.00 | 391,783.00 |
Board of Pharmacy | 3,249,291.00 | 3,236,682.00 |
Board of Regents | 8,248,937.00 | 6,754,972.00 |
Board of Tax Appeals | 1,201,716.00 | 847,765.00 |
Board of Technical Professions | 3,554,229.00 | 3,163,743.00 |
Board of Veterinary Examiners | 244,976.00 | 241,104.00 |
Budget Stabilization | 1,687,114,261.00 | 1,610,295,396.00 |
Children'S Initiatives | 4,200,705.00 | 2,222,122.00 |
Citizens Utility Ratepayer Bd | 203,911.00 | 75,076.00 |
Comm Peace Ofcrs Std and Trng | 1,083,351.00 | 1,353,902.00 |
Corporation Commission | 21,535,421.00 | 9,424,537.00 |
Corr Institutions Bldg | 1,758,421.00 | 2,267,294.00 |
Dental Board | 1,385,084.00 | 1,307,800.00 |
Department of Administration | 165,139,756.00 | 154,249,921.00 |
Department of Commerce | 31,996,425.00 | 167,171,833.00 |
Department of Corrections | 10,661,320.00 | 9,211,639.00 |
Department of Credit Unions | 954,568.00 | 798,309.00 |
Department of Education | -50,882,244.00 | 13,850,563.00 |
Department of Labor | 1,483,629,701.00 | 1,336,388,339.00 |
Department of Revenue | 38,554,509.00 | 33,711,847.00 |
Department of Transportation | -1,581,811,918.00 | -1,587,533,989.00 |
Dept of Health & Environment | -130,320,659.00 | -138,589,717.00 |
Dpt for Children and Families | -31,021,149.00 | -30,995,246.00 |
Econ Development Initiatives | 11,001,760.00 | 8,315,517.00 |
Educational Building | 60,214,046.00 | 57,124,155.00 |
El Dorado Correctional Faclty | 59,945.00 | 232,292.00 |
Ellsworth Correctional Faclty | 45,239.00 | 33,146.00 |
Emergency Medical Services | 6,703,535.00 | 5,275,718.00 |
Emporia State University | 50,490,245.00 | 46,700,694.00 |
Expanded Lottery Act | 149,621.00 | 0.00 |
Fire Marshal | 11,707,160.00 | 9,937,232.00 |
Fort Hays State University | 35,383,752.00 | 29,243,908.00 |
Governmental Ethics Commission | 387,925.00 | 370,131.00 |
Governor | 54,302,834.00 | 151,221,310.00 |
Health Care Stabilization Fund | 16,814,783.00 | 14,594,716.00 |
Hutchinson Correctional Faclty | 158,517.00 | 131,326.00 |
Information Network of Kansas | 1,365.00 | 68.00 |
Insurance Department | 96,401,632.00 | 96,279,742.00 |
Judicial Branch | 14,694,437.00 | 20,004,634.00 |
Judicial Council | 31,354.00 | 191,772.00 |
Kansas Board of Barbering | 100,382.00 | 80,485.00 |
Kansas Bureau of Investigation | 7,201,004.00 | 5,055,448.00 |
Kansas Dept of Agriculture | 7,942,607.00 | 7,754,900.00 |
Kansas Highway Patrol | 37,611,901.00 | 36,271,649.00 |
Kansas Historical Society | 4,793,024.00 | 3,844,452.00 |
Kansas Housing Resources Corp | 15.00 | 7.00 |
Kansas Human Rights Commission | 861,614.00 | 767,692.00 |
Kansas Lottery | 10,066,763.00 | 9,443,213.00 |
Kansas Neurological Institute | 1,940,773.00 | 1,539,604.00 |
Kansas Office of Veterans Serv | 3,404,610.00 | 1,916,829.00 |
Kansas Racing and Gaming Comm | 6,201,366.00 | 5,203,016.00 |
Kansas Sentencing Commission | 694,165.00 | 663,600.00 |
Kansas State University | 249,030,463.00 | 237,990,930.00 |
Kansas Water Office | 35,025,491.00 | 11,950,153.00 |
Ks Correctional Industries | 12,745,548.00 | 14,737,305.00 |
Ks Dept for Aging & Disab Svs | 32,970,636.00 | 52,456,566.00 |
Ks Development Finance Auth. | 3,444.00 | 668.00 |
Ks Juvenile Correctional Cmplx | 45,214.00 | -199,472.00 |
Ks Public Employees Rtrmnt Sys | 35,047,821.00 | 43,019,861.00 |
KS Wildlife & Parks | 52,880,616.00 | 38,053,687.00 |
Lansing Correctional Facility | 140,278.00 | 140,551.00 |
Larned Juvenile Correct Faclty | 6,711.00 | 6,711.00 |
Larned State Correction Faclty | 66,806.00 | 8,045.00 |
Larned State Hospital | 2,549,477.00 | 14,166,088.00 |
Legislative Coordinating Cncl | 71,100,000.00 | 142,100,000.00 |
Legislative Div of Post Audit | -146,000.00 | -146,000.00 |
Legislature | 5,282,671.00 | 268,522.00 |
Norton Correctional Facility | 352,291.00 | 183,153.00 |
Office Administrative Hearings | 994,198.00 | 621,812.00 |
Office of Info Technology Serv | 20,936,442.00 | 31,439,366.00 |
Osawatomie State Hospital | 3,562,857.00 | 3,432,416.00 |
Parson St Hosp and Trng Cnt | 4,780,806.00 | 2,574,634.00 |
Pittsburg State University | 74,327,115.00 | 64,442,726.00 |
Pooled Money Investment Board | 1,250,449,898.00 | 1,436,433,912.00 |
Real Estate Appraisal Board | 340,905.00 | 344,397.00 |
Real Estate Commission | 1,860,227.00 | 1,788,473.00 |
School for the Blind | 1,516,983.00 | 1,236,656.00 |
School for the Deaf | 1,697,789.00 | 2,645,297.00 |
Secretary of State | 23,388,719.00 | 22,523,966.00 |
State Fair Board | 1,038,835.00 | 2,909,917.00 |
State General Fund | 3,210,649,914.00 | 2,409,813,277.00 |
State Institutioins Building | 37,789,337.00 | 32,915,383.00 |
State Library | 477,582.00 | 867,898.00 |
State Treasurer | 115,156,877.00 | 107,736,260.00 |
State Water Plan | 31,343,236.00 | 18,246,418.00 |
Topeka Correctional Facility | 61,069.00 | 98,606.00 |
University of Kansas | 153,222,940.00 | 164,188,609.00 |
University of Ks Med Center | 61,990,530.00 | 87,884,039.00 |
Wichita State University | 169,339,735.00 | 77,136,185.00 |
Winfield Correctional Facility | 94,268.00 | 56,200.00 |
Agency Name |