Carryover Cash Balances (City)
Data from budget reports for the 25 largest cities.
* This data was most recently updated on January 10, 2024
* Our data is sourced from open government records. View our Data Notes for more info.
County | City | Fund Type | Fund Name | Cash Balance |
Butler | Andover | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Capital Imp Projects | 5,527,366.00 |
Butler | Andover | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Admin Equip Reserve | 1,441,437.00 |
Butler | Andover | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Police Equip Reserve | 283,677.00 |
Butler | Andover | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Fire Equip Reserve | 230,728.00 |
Butler | Andover | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | FD#1 Equip Reserve | 76,037.00 |
Butler | Andover | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | IT Equip Reserve | 231,085.00 |
Butler | Andover | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Inspection Equip Reserve | 11,663.00 |
Butler | Andover | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Street Equip Reserve | 94,714.00 |
Butler | Andover | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Storm Water Reserve | 122,231.00 |
Butler | Andover | Funds with a tax levy | General | 2,348,618.00 |
Butler | Andover | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 1,423,371.00 |
Butler | Andover | Funds with a tax levy | Library | 38,909.00 |
Butler | Andover | Funds with a tax levy | Special Public Building | 26,994.00 |
Butler | Andover | Funds with a tax levy | Employee Benefits | 861,749.00 |
Butler | Andover | Funds with no tax levy | Special Highway | 860,821.00 |
Butler | Andover | Funds with no tax levy | Tourism | 204,205.00 |
Butler | Andover | Funds with no tax levy | Water Utility | 564,227.00 |
Butler | Andover | Funds with no tax levy | Street Improvement | 1,154,036.00 |
Butler | Andover | Funds with no tax levy | Festivals | 201.00 |
Butler | Andover | Funds with no tax levy | Golf Course | 23,900.00 |
Butler | Andover | Funds with no tax levy | Sewer Utility | 1,181,864.00 |
Butler | Andover | Funds with no tax levy | Sewer Expanion/Equip Reserve | 12,067,196.00 |
Butler | Andover | Funds with no tax levy | Park & Rec Improvements | 368,783.00 |
Butler | Andover | Funds with no tax levy | E911 | 176,013.00 |
Butler | Andover | Funds with no tax levy | Stormwater Utility | 130,576.00 |
Butler | Andover | Funds with no tax levy | Recycling/Trash Utility | 116,039.00 |
Butler | Andover | Funds with no tax levy | Fire District #1 | 78,684.00 |
Butler | Andover | Funds with no tax levy | Vehicle Lease | 341,307.00 |
Butler | Andover | Funds with no tax levy | ARPA Funding | 1,033,793.00 |
Sedgwick | Derby | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Public Safety Equipment Reserve | 852,027.00 |
Sedgwick | Derby | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | CIP Reserve | 1,438,566.00 |
Sedgwick | Derby | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Wastewater CIP | 4,447,402.00 |
Sedgwick | Derby | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Equipment Reserve | 23,867.00 |
Sedgwick | Derby | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Fleet Management Reserve | 826,090.00 |
Sedgwick | Derby | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Law Enforcement Trust-Federal | 3,428.00 |
Sedgwick | Derby | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Law Enforcement Trust-State | 3,005.00 |
Sedgwick | Derby | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Capital Projects | 5,735,726.00 |
Sedgwick | Derby | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | STAR Bonds | 12,286,918.00 |
Sedgwick | Derby | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | ARPA | 3,748,741.00 |
Sedgwick | Derby | Funds with a tax levy | General | 12,693,160.00 |
Sedgwick | Derby | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 1,292,022.00 |
Sedgwick | Derby | Funds with a tax levy | Library | 68,412.00 |
Sedgwick | Derby | Funds with a tax levy | Library Employee Benefits | 19,700.00 |
Sedgwick | Derby | Funds with no tax levy | Special Highway | 1,075,789.00 |
Sedgwick | Derby | Funds with no tax levy | Special Parks & Recreation | 264,532.00 |
Sedgwick | Derby | Funds with no tax levy | Special Drugs & Alcohol | 122,853.00 |
Sedgwick | Derby | Funds with no tax levy | Wastewater | 6,652,434.00 |
Sedgwick | Derby | Funds with no tax levy | Aquatic Park Sales Tax | 980,753.00 |
Sedgwick | Derby | Funds with no tax levy | Water System | 7,225,040.00 |
Sedgwick | Derby | Funds with no tax levy | Senior Service Advisory Board | 23,480.00 |
Sedgwick | Derby | Funds with no tax levy | Health Self-Insurance | 871,974.00 |
Sedgwick | Derby | Funds with no tax levy | Stormwater Utility | 2,814,463.00 |
Sedgwick | Derby | Funds with no tax levy | Derby Difference Sales Tax | 2,772,952.00 |
Sedgwick | Derby | Funds with no tax levy | Derby Fights Addiction | 6,179.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | SEC Revenue Bond Fund | 4,079,447.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Law enforcement Trust | 45,962.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Grants | 0.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | 018 Street Reconstruction | 111,422.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Water Park Revenue Bond | 975,891.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | 015 Street Reconstruction | 0.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Candle Tree 8 | 181,825.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | 016 Street Reconstruction | 135,595.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | ST-Events Fund | 2,350.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | 09 Temporary Notes | 17,409.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | 017 Street Reconstruction | 459,250.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | McCaustland Rd #2 | 82,150.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Hoover Fund | 131,612.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Economic Dev Rev Account | 361,599.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Civil Asset Forfeitures | 10,827.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Vehicle Insurance | 365,788.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Drug and Safety Action | 8,867.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Fire CPR Training | 30,426.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Public Art | 53,605.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | 8 Temp Notes | 79,293.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Funds with a tax levy | General | 5,293,791.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 7,531.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Funds with a tax levy | Library | 76,494.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Funds with a tax levy | Library Employee Benefits Fund | 8,531.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Funds with a tax levy | Capital Improvement Fund | 738,250.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Funds with a tax levy | Special Liability Fund | 0.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Funds with no tax levy | Special Highway | 106,258.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Funds with no tax levy | Convention and Visitors | 1,119,889.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Funds with no tax levy | Special Park & recreation | 76,435.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol & Drug | 22,153.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Funds with no tax levy | Transient Guest Tax - 2% | 415,244.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Funds with no tax levy | GREAT | 4,709.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Funds with no tax levy | Capital Equipment | -230,884.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Funds with no tax levy | Drainage Utility | 177,381.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Funds with no tax levy | Utility Administration | 0.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Funds with no tax levy | Vehicle Maintenance | 0.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Funds with no tax levy | Medical Self Insurance | 3,790,589.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Funds with no tax levy | SMPC Trust | 204,506.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Funds with no tax levy | Development & Growth Fund | 464,104.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Funds with no tax levy | ST Fund - Organizational Funding | 334,493.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Funds with no tax levy | Sales Tax - Dep & Replacement | 856,840.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Funds with no tax levy | Depot | 710,257.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Funds with no tax levy | Community Improvement District | 305,572.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Funds with no tax levy | Rural Housing Incentive District | 571,008.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Funds with no tax levy | Warrior Project (Bio Gas) | -1,160,260.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Funds with no tax levy | Street Sales Tax | 0.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Funds with no tax levy | Facilities | 0.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Funds with no tax levy | Sales Tax Project Fund | 2,117,879.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Funds with no tax levy | Water Utility Fund | 4,038,899.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Funds with no tax levy | Sanitation | 817,437.00 |
Ford | Dodge City | Funds with no tax levy | Wastewater Utility Fund | 3,031,606.00 |
Lyon | Emporia | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Insurance Reserve | 500,000.00 |
Lyon | Emporia | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Vacant Property Program | 200,000.00 |
Lyon | Emporia | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Equipment Reserve | 1,105,795.00 |
Lyon | Emporia | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Storm Water | 259,179.00 |
Lyon | Emporia | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Trust & Agency | 4,079.00 |
Lyon | Emporia | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Internal Service | 4,502,384.00 |
Lyon | Emporia | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Housing Grants | -43,529.00 |
Lyon | Emporia | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Police Grants | 7,578.00 |
Lyon | Emporia | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Project Funds | -2,613,499.00 |
Lyon | Emporia | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | ARPA Funds | 3,001,354.00 |
Lyon | Emporia | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | 911 Fund | 0.00 |
Lyon | Emporia | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Lake Kahola | 0.00 |
Lyon | Emporia | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Land Bank | 59,846.00 |
Lyon | Emporia | Funds with a tax levy | General | 5,932,190.00 |
Lyon | Emporia | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 1,986,998.00 |
Lyon | Emporia | Funds with a tax levy | Library | 0.00 |
Lyon | Emporia | Funds with a tax levy | Industrial | 21,250.00 |
Lyon | Emporia | Funds with no tax levy | Special Highway | 289,140.00 |
Lyon | Emporia | Funds with no tax levy | Convention & Tourism | 810,802.00 |
Lyon | Emporia | Funds with no tax levy | Industrial Development Sales Tax | 1,423,873.00 |
Lyon | Emporia | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol | 103,198.00 |
Lyon | Emporia | Funds with no tax levy | Special Park | 83,362.00 |
Lyon | Emporia | Funds with no tax levy | Drug Forfeiture | 83,819.00 |
Lyon | Emporia | Funds with no tax levy | Water | 2,452,274.00 |
Lyon | Emporia | Funds with no tax levy | Wastewater | 2,087,627.00 |
Lyon | Emporia | Funds with no tax levy | Solid Waste | 3,549,208.00 |
Lyon | Emporia | Funds with no tax levy | Multi Year | 3,060,010.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | General Funds Grants | 77,598.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Capital Projects | 388,697.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | .30 Sales Tax Projects | 21,243,901.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | .15 Sales Tax Projects | 1,816,049.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with a tax levy | General | 10,335,022.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 344,227.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with a tax levy | Airport | 1,275,569.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with a tax levy | Parks and Recreation | 199,154.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | TIF | 1,583,537.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Community Trust Reserve | 2,500,370.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Capital Improvement Reserve | 1,888,650.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Special Trafficway | 2,017,818.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Special Improvements | 65,869.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Cemetery Endowment | 137,477.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Special Recreation & Parks | 357,944.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol-Drug Abuse | 478,441.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Finnup Trust | 210,898.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Risk Management | 47,509.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Drug Enforcement | 70,873.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | DEA Forfeiture | 1,124.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Community Development Loan | 20,752.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Emergency Shelter Grant | 2,748.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Economic Development Loan | 425,353.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Enhanced Wireless 911 | 532,996.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | HIDTA Grant | 55,882.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Housing | 127,452.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Project Development | 172,709.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Project Safe Neighborhood Grant | 21,463.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Opioid Settlements | 6,390.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Capital Improvement Plan | 1,810,772.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Electric Capital Reserve | 3,548,117.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Utilities Security Deposit | 499,549.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Sewage Repair and Replacement | 656,722.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Water and Sewage Reserve | 2,098,681.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Water Reuse | 0.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Airport Imrpovement | 123,559.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Airport Terminal Project | 7,925,951.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Golf Course Improvement | 21,555.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Recreation Reserve | 211,125.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Health Insurance | 748,588.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Health Insurance Reserve | 1,945,847.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Workers Compensation | 219,429.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Workers Compensation Reserve | 1,019,792.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Electric | 6,559,724.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Water and Sewage Reserve | 7,469,753.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Drainage | 413,854.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Solid Waste | 4,342,521.00 |
Finney | Garden City | Funds with no tax levy | Golf Course | 34,159.00 |
Johnson | Gardner | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Capital Projects | 855,210.00 |
Johnson | Gardner | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Law Enforcement Trust | 34,151.00 |
Johnson | Gardner | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | BD Capital Projects | 60,507.00 |
Johnson | Gardner | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Mayor's Christmas Tree | 0.00 |
Johnson | Gardner | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Special Olympics | 18,162.00 |
Johnson | Gardner | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | ARPA Grant Fund | 3,362,726.00 |
Johnson | Gardner | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Vehicle & Equipment Replacement Fund | 396,519.00 |
Johnson | Gardner | Funds with a tax levy | General | 8,818,092.00 |
Johnson | Gardner | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 1,930,143.00 |
Johnson | Gardner | Funds with a tax levy | Library | 0.00 |
Johnson | Gardner | Funds with no tax levy | Special Highway | 5,386,795.00 |
Johnson | Gardner | Funds with no tax levy | Special Parks | 129,489.00 |
Johnson | Gardner | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol and Drug | 160,462.00 |
Johnson | Gardner | Funds with no tax levy | Electric | 12,725,435.00 |
Johnson | Gardner | Funds with no tax levy | Water | 3,836,311.00 |
Johnson | Gardner | Funds with no tax levy | Sewer | 8,639,036.00 |
Johnson | Gardner | Funds with no tax levy | Street Improvement | 1,863,450.00 |
Johnson | Gardner | Funds with no tax levy | Park Improvement | 543,412.00 |
Johnson | Gardner | Funds with no tax levy | Plaza South CID | 0.00 |
Johnson | Gardner | Funds with no tax levy | Ecnomic Development | 333,176.00 |
Johnson | Gardner | Funds with no tax levy | Electric Capital Replacement Reserve | 3,187,564.00 |
Johnson | Gardner | Funds with no tax levy | Airport | 397,776.00 |
Johnson | Gardner | Funds with no tax levy | Main Street Marketplace CID | 30,730.00 |
Johnson | Gardner | Funds with no tax levy | Main Street Marketplace TIF | 9,411.00 |
Johnson | Gardner | Funds with no tax levy | Waverly Plaza CID | 0.00 |
Johnson | Gardner | Funds with no tax levy | Land Bank | 5,097.00 |
Johnson | Gardner | Funds with no tax levy | Infra Special Sales Tax | 1,654,299.00 |
Johnson | Gardner | Funds with no tax levy | Risk Services Internal Service | 0.00 |
Johnson | Gardner | Funds with no tax levy | Information Tech Internal Service | 0.00 |
Johnson | Gardner | Funds with no tax levy | Building Maintenance Internal Service | 0.00 |
Johnson | Gardner | Funds with no tax levy | Utility Billing Internal Service | 0.00 |
Johnson | Gardner | Funds with no tax levy | Fleet Services | 0.00 |
Johnson | Gardner | Funds with no tax levy | Municipalities Fight Addiction | 5,497.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | New Equipment Reserves | 3,153,249.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Golf Course Improvement | 49,336.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Sports Complex | 473,918.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Parks Improvement | 21,105.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Capital Projects | -9,970,842.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Airport Improvement | -785,619.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Commision Capital Reserve | 2,868,385.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | ARPA | 1,301,833.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Law Enforcement Trust | 20,938.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | CVB Reserves | 800,000.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Opiod Settlement | 5,119.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Budget Stabailization Reserve | 3,221,489.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | CVB Sinking | 82,907.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Water Reserves | 410,189.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Water Reclamation Reserves | 1,998,142.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Water Sales Tax | 41,835,325.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Solid Waste Reserves | 695,486.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Stormwater Reserves | 1,596,239.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Funds with a tax levy | General | 5,149,496.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 158,414.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Funds with a tax levy | Library | 102,166.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Funds with a tax levy | Library Employee Benefit | 14,552.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Funds with a tax levy | Airport | |
Ellis | Hays | Funds with a tax levy | Public Safety Equipment | 48,972.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Funds with a tax levy | Employee Benefit | 1,592,692.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Funds with a tax levy | Special Highway | 525,872.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Funds with a tax levy | Solid Waste | 152,852.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Funds with no tax levy | Special Parks & Recreation | 191,130.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol | 91,815.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Funds with no tax levy | Convention & Visitors Bureau | 222,197.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Funds with no tax levy | Storm Water Management | 31,264.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Funds with no tax levy | Home Depo Eco Devo | 753,302.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Funds with no tax levy | Water Reclamation | 713,540.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Funds with no tax levy | Water Production | 1,350,790.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Funds with no tax levy | Water Conservation | 1,413,997.00 |
Ellis | Hays | Funds with no tax levy | R9 | 0.00 |
Reno | Hutchinson | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Donations | 622,648.00 |
Reno | Hutchinson | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Hutch Community Found | 84,437.00 |
Reno | Hutchinson | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Fed & State Grant | 5,214,936.00 |
Reno | Hutchinson | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Gossage Animal Shelter | 0.00 |
Reno | Hutchinson | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Muni Equip Reserve | 4,746,700.00 |
Reno | Hutchinson | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Healthy & Dental Insurance | 2,476,954.00 |
Reno | Hutchinson | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Risk Management | 2,425,893.00 |
Reno | Hutchinson | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Worker's Comp | 2,461,904.00 |
Reno | Hutchinson | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Central Purchasing | 24,950.00 |
Reno | Hutchinson | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Planning Grants | 102,008.00 |
Reno | Hutchinson | Funds with a tax levy | General | 9,051,746.00 |
Reno | Hutchinson | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 1,369,543.00 |
Reno | Hutchinson | Funds with a tax levy | Library | 0.00 |
Reno | Hutchinson | Funds with a tax levy | Recreation | 0.00 |
Reno | Hutchinson | Funds with no tax levy | Special Highway | 0.00 |
Reno | Hutchinson | Funds with no tax levy | Special Parks & Recreation | 2,296.00 |
Reno | Hutchinson | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol | 145,065.00 |
Reno | Hutchinson | Funds with no tax levy | Special Sports Arena | 4,762,892.00 |
Reno | Hutchinson | Funds with no tax levy | Convention & Tourism Promotion | 0.00 |
Reno | Hutchinson | Funds with no tax levy | Animal Shelter | 0.00 |
Reno | Hutchinson | Funds with no tax levy | Community Impr District | 22,409.00 |
Reno | Hutchinson | Funds with no tax levy | Refuse | 149,182.00 |
Reno | Hutchinson | Funds with no tax levy | Golf Course | 0.00 |
Reno | Hutchinson | Funds with no tax levy | Airport | 0.00 |
Reno | Hutchinson | Funds with no tax levy | Water Utility | 4,531,990.00 |
Reno | Hutchinson | Funds with no tax levy | Sewer Utility | 5,825,252.00 |
Reno | Hutchinson | Funds with no tax levy | Storm Water Utility | 6,930,120.00 |
Reno | Hutchinson | Funds with no tax levy | Economic Opportunity | 421,465.00 |
Reno | Hutchinson | Funds with no tax levy | E-911 Surcharge | 930,916.00 |
Reno | Hutchinson | Funds with no tax levy | Opiod Settlement | 9,881.00 |
Geary | Junction City | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Grant Fund | 0.00 |
Geary | Junction City | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Sundown Salute | 0.00 |
Geary | Junction City | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Trust Agency | 16,303.00 |
Geary | Junction City | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Special Projects | 24,215.00 |
Geary | Junction City | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | PSAP 911 | 0.00 |
Geary | Junction City | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | ARPA | 2,873,064.00 |
Geary | Junction City | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | FREEDOM FEST | 0.00 |
Geary | Junction City | Funds with a tax levy | General | 1,777,538.00 |
Geary | Junction City | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 3,327,466.00 |
Geary | Junction City | Funds with a tax levy | Library | 0.00 |
Geary | Junction City | Funds with a tax levy | Eco Deve | 335,210.00 |
Geary | Junction City | Funds with a tax levy | Fire Reserve | 1,140,592.00 |
Geary | Junction City | Funds with no tax levy | Special Highway | 954,944.00 |
Geary | Junction City | Funds with no tax levy | Bluff RHID | 653,649.00 |
Geary | Junction City | Funds with no tax levy | Drug & Alcohol | 62,407.00 |
Geary | Junction City | Funds with no tax levy | Special Law | 322,651.00 |
Geary | Junction City | Funds with no tax levy | Federal Equitable Sharing | 110,647.00 |
Geary | Junction City | Funds with no tax levy | CDBG Revolving Loan | 212,190.00 |
Geary | Junction City | Funds with no tax levy | Us Treasury Forfeiture | 16,303.00 |
Geary | Junction City | Funds with no tax levy | Law Training / DARE | 0.00 |
Geary | Junction City | Funds with no tax levy | Disaster Insurance Trust | 112.00 |
Geary | Junction City | Funds with no tax levy | Land Bank | 560,804.00 |
Geary | Junction City | Funds with no tax levy | Water Capital Improvement | -2,425,463.00 |
Geary | Junction City | Funds with no tax levy | Wastewater Capital Improvement | -1,705,702.00 |
Geary | Junction City | Funds with no tax levy | Capital Improvement | 680,658.00 |
Geary | Junction City | Funds with no tax levy | Employee Benefits | 1,199,028.00 |
Geary | Junction City | Funds with no tax levy | Special Parks & Rec | 106,479.00 |
Geary | Junction City | Funds with no tax levy | Temporary Notes | 182,678.00 |
Geary | Junction City | Funds with no tax levy | Federal Fund Exchange | 906,711.00 |
Geary | Junction City | Funds with no tax levy | Opiod Settlement Fund | 5,373.00 |
Geary | Junction City | Funds with no tax levy | Water Utility | 3,809,854.00 |
Geary | Junction City | Funds with no tax levy | Wastewater Utility | 5,183,160.00 |
Geary | Junction City | Funds with no tax levy | Storm Water Utility | 1,948,782.00 |
Geary | Junction City | Funds with no tax levy | Sanitation | 3,831,225.00 |
Wyandotte | Kansas City | Non-Budgeted Fund-A | Community Development | -309,348.00 |
Wyandotte | Kansas City | Non-Budgeted Fund-A | Supportive Housing Grants | 38,573.00 |
Wyandotte | Kansas City | Non-Budgeted Fund-A | Justice Asst. Grant (JAG) | -486,937.00 |
Wyandotte | Kansas City | Non-Budgeted Fund-A | Special Law Enforcement Trust | 43,899.00 |
Wyandotte | Kansas City | Non-Budgeted Fund-A | American Recovery & Reinvestment Act | -1,036,336.00 |
Wyandotte | Kansas City | Non-Budgeted Fund-B | Capital Projects | 15,482,176.00 |
Wyandotte | Kansas City | Funds with a tax levy | General | 29,553,469.00 |
Wyandotte | Kansas City | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 9,718,571.00 |
Wyandotte | Kansas City | Funds with no tax levy | Special Highway | 3,986,229.00 |
Wyandotte | Kansas City | Funds with no tax levy | Sewar System Enterprise Fund | 21,258,700.00 |
Wyandotte | Kansas City | Funds with no tax levy | Public Levee Enterprise Fund | 340,518.00 |
Wyandotte | Kansas City | Funds with no tax levy | Sunflower Hills Golf Course | 376,383.00 |
Wyandotte | Kansas City | Funds with no tax levy | Special Parks and Recreation | 344,302.00 |
Wyandotte | Kansas City | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol | 1,084,901.00 |
Wyandotte | Kansas City | Funds with no tax levy | Tourism | 3,763,084.00 |
Wyandotte | Kansas City | Funds with no tax levy | Wyandotte County 911 | 336,647.00 |
Wyandotte | Kansas City | Funds with no tax levy | Environmental Trust | 778,543.00 |
Wyandotte | Kansas City | Funds with no tax levy | EMS Enterprise Fund | 1,118,365.00 |
Wyandotte | Kansas City | Funds with no tax levy | Stormwater Enterprise | 882,634.00 |
Wyandotte | Kansas City | Funds with no tax levy | Deducted Sales Tax | 3,468,508.00 |
Wyandotte | Kansas City | Funds with no tax levy | Stadium | 2,366,215.00 |
Wyandotte | Kansas City | Funds with no tax levy | Special Assets | 1,739,965.00 |
Wyandotte | Kansas City | Funds with no tax levy | Solid Waste | 0.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Airport Fund | 696,717.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Parks Endowment | 49,188.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Cemetery Mausoleum | 100.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Equipment Reserve | 7,197,074.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Capital Projects Fund | 43,968,085.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Utilities Bonded Construction | 45,987,806.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Utilities Non-Bonded Construction | 9,862,184.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Federal Grants | -963,599.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | ARPA Grant | 196,316.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Fair Housing Grant | 204,694.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | CDBG | 10,763.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Home Grant | 12,321.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Transportation Planning | -3,367.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | State Grants | -2,852,040.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Ground Little Prairie Com | 8,286.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Funds with a tax levy | General | 24,891,636.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 26,101,132.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Funds with a tax levy | Library | 87,072.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Funds with no tax levy | Special Highway | 5,073,318.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Funds with no tax levy | Capital Sales Tax | 18,662,147.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Funds with no tax levy | Transit | 17,720,563.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Funds with no tax levy | Housing Trust | 2,618,333.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Funds with no tax levy | Guest Tax | 1,099,858.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol | 305,497.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Funds with no tax levy | Special Recreation | 437,620.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Funds with no tax levy | Law Enforcement Trust | 539,318.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Funds with no tax levy | Kansas Fights Addiction Act | 24,195.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Funds with no tax levy | Federal Funds Exchange | 1,422,940.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Funds with no tax levy | City Parks Memorial | 115,319.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Funds with no tax levy | Farmland Remediation | 2,166,972.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Funds with no tax levy | Cemetery Perpetual | 57,951.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Funds with no tax levy | Wee Folks Scholarship | 87,122.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Funds with no tax levy | TDD/TIF/NRA Funds | 929,733.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Funds with no tax levy | Water and Wastewater | 29,819,348.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Funds with no tax levy | Solid Waste | 10,156,345.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Funds with no tax levy | Public Parking | 1,117,948.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Funds with no tax levy | Storm Water | 6,774,773.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Funds with no tax levy | Administrative Services | 403,179.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Funds with no tax levy | Health and Wellness | 15,962,188.00 |
Douglas | Lawrence | Funds with no tax levy | Risk Management Fund | 2,327,152.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Planeters II | 511,450.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | TBRA Grant Fund | 0.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Section 8 | 635,792.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Planters Capital Project | 0.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Community Development | 0.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | CDBG | 67,750.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Police Seizure | 91,858.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Police Grant | 0.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Capital Projects | 561,619.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Special Proj | 0.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Street Projects | 2,615,579.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | ARPA Fund | 7,184,687.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Blight Elimination | 6,600.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Special Park Fund | 55,421.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Funds with a tax levy | General | 8,727,055.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 245,796.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Funds with a tax levy | Library | 0.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Funds with a tax levy | Library Emp Benefit | 0.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Funds with a tax levy | Police Pension Fund | 154,259.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Funds with a tax levy | Fire Pension Fund | 331,258.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Funds with a tax levy | Recreation | 127,055.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Funds with no tax levy | Special Highway | 336,803.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Funds with no tax levy | CVB | 616,997.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Funds with no tax levy | Probation | 94,731.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Funds with no tax levy | Economic Develop | 1,114,713.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Funds with no tax levy | Bus & Tech Park | 364,931.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Funds with no tax levy | CIP Sales Tax | 2,269,018.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Funds with no tax levy | CountyWide Sales Tax | 4,459,217.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Funds with no tax levy | Sewer | 2,969,114.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Funds with no tax levy | Refuse | 1,316,006.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Funds with no tax levy | Storm Water | 2,176,817.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Funds with no tax levy | Auto TIF | 91,332.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Funds with no tax levy | Hotel TIF | 616,016.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Funds with no tax levy | Retail TIF | 8,124.00 |
Leavenworth | Leavenworth | Funds with no tax levy | 911 Fund | 0.00 |
Johnson | Leawood | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | American Revolution | 8,759.00 |
Johnson | Leawood | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | S Leawood Trans Impact Fee | 186,898.00 |
Johnson | Leawood | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Capital Projects | -17,737,762.00 |
Johnson | Leawood | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Public Safety Improvement | 10,192,376.00 |
Johnson | Leawood | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Economic Development | 14,228,779.00 |
Johnson | Leawood | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | TDD - Resurrection | 0.00 |
Johnson | Leawood | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | TDD - Cornerstone | 0.00 |
Johnson | Leawood | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | TDD - Villaggio | 0.00 |
Johnson | Leawood | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | TDD - Park Place | 80,434.00 |
Johnson | Leawood | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | CID - Camelot Court | 221,692.00 |
Johnson | Leawood | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | CID - Ranch Mart North | 111,653.00 |
Johnson | Leawood | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Opiod Settlement | 8,520.00 |
Johnson | Leawood | Funds with a tax levy | General | 21,441,458.00 |
Johnson | Leawood | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 10,638,634.00 |
Johnson | Leawood | Funds with no tax levy | Special Highway | 1,703,218.00 |
Johnson | Leawood | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol | 363,819.00 |
Johnson | Leawood | Funds with no tax levy | Special Parks & Recreation | 1,102,933.00 |
Johnson | Leawood | Funds with no tax levy | Special Law Enforcement | 695.00 |
Johnson | Leawood | Funds with no tax levy | Transient Guest Tax | 1,694,438.00 |
Johnson | Leawood | Funds with no tax levy | 1/8-Cent Sales Tax | 2,183,191.00 |
Johnson | Leawood | Funds with no tax levy | City Capital Art | 342,805.00 |
Johnson | Leawood | Funds with no tax levy | Park Impact Fee | 637,429.00 |
Johnson | Leawood | Funds with no tax levy | Public Art Impact Fee | 84,806.00 |
Johnson | Leawood | Funds with no tax levy | 135th St Corr Impact Fee | 253,828.00 |
Johnson | Leawood | Funds with no tax levy | City Equipment | 13,716,605.00 |
Johnson | Leawood | Funds with no tax levy | Capital Improvements | 11,965,001.00 |
Johnson | Leawood | Funds with no tax levy | Street Improvements | 2,330,429.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Grants | 27,077.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | South Mining TIF District | 14,514.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Law Enforcement Trust | 195,649.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Legal Trust | 81,205.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Health | 3,176,202.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Risk Management | 1,083,351.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Workers Compensation | 1,243,640.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Street Improvements | 7,119,571.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Capital Improvements | 33,733,202.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Municipal Building | 69,455,289.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Capital Acquisition | 3,575,572.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Parks & Recreation | 6,461,572.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Stormwater Capital | 8,157,899.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with a tax levy | General | 43,046,577.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 4,696,677.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with a tax levy | Library | 0.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | Special Highway | 407,134.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | Tourism & Convention | 2,734,881.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol | 918,561.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | Special Parks & Recreation | 105,239.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | Stormwater Management | 2,755,352.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | Neighborhood Revitalization | 485,447.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | TIP-Transportation Improve | 2,578,193.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | Parks & Rec Impact Fee | 3,084,516.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | Mining TIF | 2,221,710.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | Street Tree | 575,951.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | Ridgview Mining TIF | 920,274.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | City Center TIF | 4,706,963.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | Orchard Corners CID | 180,136.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | Prairie Creek CID | 34,963.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | Quivira 95 CID | 4,847.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | Greystone Plaza CID | 10,015.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | City Center East CID #1 | 3,633.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | I-35 & 95th Street TIF | 2,759,969.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | City Center East CID #2 | 385,533.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | Rec Center | 2,905,712.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | Midas Springhill Suites CID | 7,854.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | Candlewood Suites CID | 4,520.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | Holiday Inn Express CID | 3,670.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | Sonoma Plaza CID | 72,094.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | City Center Area E CID | 6,867.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | Lenexa Point CID | 39,709.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | Living Spaces CID | 0.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | Retreat on the Prairie CID | 0.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | Jayhawk Ridge CID | 0.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | Ten Ridge CID | 4,060.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | Renner 87 (Brierstone) CID | 0.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | Central Green CID | 0.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | City Center Area A CID | 0.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | Cemetery Fund | 338,738.00 |
Johnson | Lenexa | Funds with no tax levy | South Mining TIF District | 14,514.00 |
Seward | Liberal | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Equipment Reserve | 544,845.00 |
Seward | Liberal | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Solid Waste Equip Reserve | 1,095,040.00 |
Seward | Liberal | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Wastewater Equip Reserve | 260,993.00 |
Seward | Liberal | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Water Reserve | 2,319,682.00 |
Seward | Liberal | Funds with a tax levy | General | 6,809,533.00 |
Seward | Liberal | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 994,851.00 |
Seward | Liberal | Funds with a tax levy | Library | 0.00 |
Seward | Liberal | Funds with a tax levy | Employee Benefits | 0.00 |
Seward | Liberal | Funds with a tax levy | Special Fire | 0.00 |
Seward | Liberal | Funds with no tax levy | Special Highway | 347,073.00 |
Seward | Liberal | Funds with no tax levy | Convetion & Tourism | 127,600.00 |
Seward | Liberal | Funds with no tax levy | Communications | 250,000.00 |
Seward | Liberal | Funds with no tax levy | Special Parks & Recreation | 22,700.00 |
Seward | Liberal | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol Treatment | 62,476.00 |
Seward | Liberal | Funds with no tax levy | Economic Incentives | 0.00 |
Seward | Liberal | Funds with no tax levy | City 1/2% Educate Sales Tax | 0.00 |
Seward | Liberal | Funds with no tax levy | City 1% Sales Tax | 5,484,000.00 |
Seward | Liberal | Funds with no tax levy | Airport Utility | 214,000.00 |
Seward | Liberal | Funds with no tax levy | Air Museum | 243,000.00 |
Seward | Liberal | Funds with no tax levy | Solid Waste Utility | 361,000.00 |
Seward | Liberal | Funds with no tax levy | Wastewater Utility | 2,371,000.00 |
Seward | Liberal | Funds with no tax levy | Water Utility | 2,936,610.00 |
Riley | Manhattan | Funds with a tax levy | General | 16,046,906.00 |
Riley | Manhattan | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 9,866,373.00 |
Riley | Manhattan | Funds with a tax levy | Library | 68,951.00 |
Riley | Manhattan | Funds with a tax levy | 106 Employee Benefit | 391,269.00 |
Riley | Manhattan | Funds with a tax levy | 107 Fire Equipment Reserve | 346,203.00 |
Riley | Manhattan | Funds with a tax levy | 108 KP&F | 36,096.00 |
Riley | Manhattan | Funds with a tax levy | 109 General Improvement | 199,945.00 |
Riley | Manhattan | Funds with a tax levy | 110 Industrial Promotion | 300,194.00 |
Riley | Manhattan | Funds with a tax levy | 112 Library Employee Benefit | 15,891.00 |
Riley | Manhattan | Funds with a tax levy | 113 Park Development | 870.00 |
Riley | Manhattan | Funds with a tax levy | 124 Riley County Police Dept | 9,747.00 |
Riley | Manhattan | Funds with no tax levy | Special Highway | 3,071,750.00 |
Riley | Manhattan | Funds with no tax levy | 102 City University | 597,242.00 |
Riley | Manhattan | Funds with no tax levy | 103 Aggieville VID | 674.00 |
Riley | Manhattan | Funds with no tax levy | 104 Downtown BID | 1.00 |
Riley | Manhattan | Funds with no tax levy | 105 Economic Development | 1,634,823.00 |
Riley | Manhattan | Funds with no tax levy | 114 Recreation & Trails | 5,464,311.00 |
Riley | Manhattan | Funds with no tax levy | 115 Sales Tax | 823,498.00 |
Riley | Manhattan | Funds with no tax levy | 116 Special Alcohol | 107,021.00 |
Riley | Manhattan | Funds with no tax levy | 117 Special Park & Recreation | 718,404.00 |
Riley | Manhattan | Funds with no tax levy | 119 Special Sunset Zoo | 320,740.00 |
Riley | Manhattan | Funds with no tax levy | 121 Tourism & Convention | 575,786.00 |
Riley | Manhattan | Funds with no tax levy | 127 Downtown Redevelopment TIF | 80,705.00 |
Riley | Manhattan | Funds with no tax levy | 129 Special Street Maintenance | 2,647,514.00 |
Riley | Manhattan | Funds with no tax levy | 130 Risk Management Reserve | 146,110.00 |
Riley | Manhattan | Funds with no tax levy | 134 Equipment Reserve | 0.00 |
Riley | Manhattan | Funds with no tax levy | 135 Parking Management | 0.00 |
Riley | Manhattan | Funds with no tax levy | 607 Fleet Management Fund | 0.00 |
Riley | Manhattan | Funds with no tax levy | 608 IT Management Fund | 0.00 |
Riley | Manhattan | Funds with no tax levy | 501 Water | 9,090,793.00 |
Riley | Manhattan | Funds with no tax levy | 521 Wastewater | 6,994,503.00 |
Riley | Manhattan | Funds with no tax levy | 531 Stormwater | 3,516,291.00 |
Harvey | Newton | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Capital Improvement Reserve | 5,022,542.00 |
Harvey | Newton | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Municipal Equipment Reserve | 3,752,510.00 |
Harvey | Newton | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Capital Reserve | 7,517,974.00 |
Harvey | Newton | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Equipment Reserve | 5,851,315.00 |
Harvey | Newton | Funds with a tax levy | General | 3,695,034.00 |
Harvey | Newton | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 1,546,156.00 |
Harvey | Newton | Funds with a tax levy | Library | 38,433.00 |
Harvey | Newton | Funds with a tax levy | Airport | 230,694.00 |
Harvey | Newton | Funds with a tax levy | Special Liability | 88,283.00 |
Harvey | Newton | Funds with no tax levy | Special Highway | 151,048.00 |
Harvey | Newton | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol Program | 0.00 |
Harvey | Newton | Funds with no tax levy | Special Parks/Recreation | 0.00 |
Harvey | Newton | Funds with no tax levy | Convention/Visitors | 277,373.00 |
Harvey | Newton | Funds with no tax levy | Sanitation | 1,284,043.00 |
Harvey | Newton | Funds with no tax levy | Wastewater | 931,087.00 |
Harvey | Newton | Funds with no tax levy | Waterworks | 1,374,200.00 |
Harvey | Newton | Funds with no tax levy | Cemetery Endowment | 418,082.00 |
Harvey | Newton | Funds with no tax levy | Special Law Enforcement | 253,317.00 |
Harvey | Newton | Funds with no tax levy | Service Center | 262,487.00 |
Harvey | Newton | Funds with no tax levy | Golf Course | 777,078.00 |
Harvey | Newton | Funds with no tax levy | Meridian Center | 106,766.00 |
Harvey | Newton | Funds with no tax levy | Wastewater Debt Service | 4,292,519.00 |
Harvey | Newton | Funds with no tax levy | Waterworks Debt Service | 601,124.00 |
Harvey | Newton | Funds with no tax levy | Prairie Fire RHID | 0.00 |
Harvey | Newton | Funds with no tax levy | Cottonwood RHID | 0.00 |
Harvey | Newton | Funds with no tax levy | CID - Holiday Inn | 0.00 |
Harvey | Newton | Funds with no tax levy | Municipalities Fight Addiction | 4,606.00 |
Johnson | Olathe | Funds with a tax levy | General | 51,452,403.00 |
Johnson | Olathe | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 73,859,599.00 |
Johnson | Olathe | Funds with a tax levy | Library | 3,867,338.00 |
Johnson | Olathe | Funds with a tax levy | Fire | 0.00 |
Johnson | Olathe | Funds with no tax levy | Special Highway | 397,293.00 |
Johnson | Olathe | Funds with no tax levy | Central Garage | -57,021.00 |
Johnson | Olathe | Funds with no tax levy | Economic Development | 2,199,168.00 |
Johnson | Olathe | Funds with no tax levy | Park Sales Tax | 4,883,548.00 |
Johnson | Olathe | Funds with no tax levy | PC Replacement | 1,286,695.00 |
Johnson | Olathe | Funds with no tax levy | Recreation | 251,207.00 |
Johnson | Olathe | Funds with no tax levy | Risk Management | 13,315,145.00 |
Johnson | Olathe | Funds with no tax levy | Solid Waste | 3,339,711.00 |
Johnson | Olathe | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol | 1,227,324.00 |
Johnson | Olathe | Funds with no tax levy | Special Parks & Rec | 2,952,692.00 |
Johnson | Olathe | Funds with no tax levy | Special Tax Financing | 9,655,280.00 |
Johnson | Olathe | Funds with no tax levy | Storm Water | 2,756,150.00 |
Johnson | Olathe | Funds with no tax levy | Vehicle Replacement | 177,673.00 |
Johnson | Olathe | Funds with no tax levy | Water & Sewar | 17,568,011.00 |
Johnson | Olathe | Funds with no tax levy | Transportation Sales Tax | 7,970,639.00 |
Johnson | Olathe | Funds with no tax levy | Facilities Maintenance | 398,835.00 |
Johnson | Overland Park | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Capital Improvements Fund | 29,872,990.00 |
Johnson | Overland Park | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Equipment Reserve Fund | 9,245,419.00 |
Johnson | Overland Park | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Special Street Improvement | 360.00 |
Johnson | Overland Park | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Street Improvement Escrows | 12,086,400.00 |
Johnson | Overland Park | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Grants | 14,302,835.00 |
Johnson | Overland Park | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Special Tax Financing | 6,983,343.00 |
Johnson | Overland Park | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Park & Recreation Trust | 241,639.00 |
Johnson | Overland Park | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Art in the Woods | 2,938.00 |
Johnson | Overland Park | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Special Law Enforcement | 1,409,017.00 |
Johnson | Overland Park | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Jack Sanders Memorial | 7,383.00 |
Johnson | Overland Park | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Capital Projects Funds | 51,142,466.00 |
Johnson | Overland Park | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Fiduciary Funds | 291,045,213.00 |
Johnson | Overland Park | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Internal Service Funds | 14,714,499.00 |
Johnson | Overland Park | Funds with a tax levy | General | 79,496,209.00 |
Johnson | Overland Park | Funds with a tax levy | Stormwater Utility Fund | 6,563,819.00 |
Johnson | Overland Park | Funds with no tax levy | Bond and Interest Fund | 250,000.00 |
Johnson | Overland Park | Funds with no tax levy | Business Improvement District Fund | 0.00 |
Johnson | Overland Park | Funds with no tax levy | Golf Course Fund | 4,376,531.00 |
Johnson | Overland Park | Funds with no tax levy | Infrastructure Improvement Sales Tax Fund | 13,053,731.00 |
Johnson | Overland Park | Funds with no tax levy | Soccer Fund | 151,608.00 |
Johnson | Overland Park | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol Control Fund | 3,402,480.00 |
Johnson | Overland Park | Funds with no tax levy | Special Parks and Recreation Fund | 177,644.00 |
Johnson | Overland Park | Funds with no tax levy | Special Street and Highway Fund | 4,152,129.00 |
Johnson | Overland Park | Funds with no tax levy | Tax Increment Financing Fund | 1,721,742.00 |
Johnson | Overland Park | Funds with no tax levy | Transient Guest Tax Fund | 0.00 |
Johnson | Overland Park | Funds with no tax levy | Transient Guest Tax Capital Fund | 5,217,500.00 |
Johnson | Overland Park | Funds with no tax levy | Transient Guest Tax Operating Fund | 0.00 |
Johnson | Overland Park | Funds with no tax levy | Opiod Settlement Fund | 43,149,499.00 |
Crawford | Pittsburg | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Community Development | 593,901.00 |
Crawford | Pittsburg | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Land Bank | 21,922.00 |
Crawford | Pittsburg | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Demolition | 27,693.00 |
Crawford | Pittsburg | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Capital Projects | 2,291,752.00 |
Crawford | Pittsburg | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | TIF Trust Accounts | 393,047.00 |
Crawford | Pittsburg | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | TDD Trust Accounts | 131,971.00 |
Crawford | Pittsburg | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | COVID SPARK | 0.00 |
Crawford | Pittsburg | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | ARPA | 2,341,960.00 |
Crawford | Pittsburg | Funds with a tax levy | General | 11,611,771.00 |
Crawford | Pittsburg | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 1,783,296.00 |
Crawford | Pittsburg | Funds with a tax levy | Library | |
Crawford | Pittsburg | Funds with no tax levy | Special Highway | 3,788,836.00 |
Crawford | Pittsburg | Funds with no tax levy | Special Drug & Alcohol | 86,381.00 |
Crawford | Pittsburg | Funds with no tax levy | Special Parks & Recreation | 0.00 |
Crawford | Pittsburg | Funds with no tax levy | Water/Wastewater Utility | 4,865,333.00 |
Crawford | Pittsburg | Funds with no tax levy | Stormwater Utility | 609,170.00 |
Crawford | Pittsburg | Funds with no tax levy | Section 8 Programs | 87,626.00 |
Crawford | Pittsburg | Funds with no tax levy | 0 (Unnamed Fund) | 3,241,677.00 |
Johnson | Prairie Village | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Capital Projects | 8,543,239.00 |
Johnson | Prairie Village | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Risk Management Reserve | 248,377.00 |
Johnson | Prairie Village | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Economic Development | 222,208.00 |
Johnson | Prairie Village | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Equipment Reserve | 564,818.00 |
Johnson | Prairie Village | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Grants | 544,542.00 |
Johnson | Prairie Village | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Meadowbrook TIF | 71,468.00 |
Johnson | Prairie Village | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | ARPA | 3,372,940.00 |
Johnson | Prairie Village | Funds with a tax levy | General | 11,211,632.00 |
Johnson | Prairie Village | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 35,836.00 |
Johnson | Prairie Village | Funds with a tax levy | Library | 0.00 |
Johnson | Prairie Village | Funds with no tax levy | Special Highway | 236,856.00 |
Johnson | Prairie Village | Funds with no tax levy | Solid Waste Management | 226,138.00 |
Johnson | Prairie Village | Funds with no tax levy | Stormwater Utility | 341,180.00 |
Johnson | Prairie Village | Funds with no tax levy | Special Parks | 71,393.00 |
Johnson | Prairie Village | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol | 23,988.00 |
Johnson | Prairie Village | Funds with no tax levy | CID-Corinth | 231,024.00 |
Johnson | Prairie Village | Funds with no tax levy | CID-PV Shops | 450,261.00 |
Johnson | Prairie Village | Funds with no tax levy | Transient Guest Tax | 372,438.00 |
Saline | Salina | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Clearing | 3,260,321.00 |
Saline | Salina | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Constructon | 2,863,083.00 |
Saline | Salina | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Donation | 700,965.00 |
Saline | Salina | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Endowment | 586,310.00 |
Saline | Salina | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Grant | 7,108,359.00 |
Saline | Salina | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Reserve | 19,470,025.00 |
Saline | Salina | Funds with a tax levy | General | 23,811,758.00 |
Saline | Salina | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 1,481,543.00 |
Saline | Salina | Funds with a tax levy | Library | 0.00 |
Saline | Salina | Funds with no tax levy | Special Highway | 1,821,297.00 |
Saline | Salina | Funds with no tax levy | Sales Tax Capital | 7,373,433.00 |
Saline | Salina | Funds with no tax levy | Sales Tax Economic Development | 897,844.00 |
Saline | Salina | Funds with no tax levy | Arts and Humanities | 103,131.00 |
Saline | Salina | Funds with no tax levy | Business Improvement District | 3,691.00 |
Saline | Salina | Funds with no tax levy | Tourism and Convention | 316,830.00 |
Saline | Salina | Funds with no tax levy | Neighborhood Parks | 46,441.00 |
Saline | Salina | Funds with no tax levy | Special Parks | 422,876.00 |
Saline | Salina | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol | 234.00 |
Saline | Salina | Funds with no tax levy | Tony's Pizza Event Center | 173,087.00 |
Saline | Salina | Funds with no tax levy | FSAB Clean Up | 61,432,497.00 |
Saline | Salina | Funds with no tax levy | Workers Compensation | 948,362.00 |
Saline | Salina | Funds with no tax levy | Health Insurance | 3,855,846.00 |
Saline | Salina | Funds with no tax levy | Water and Sewer | 23,604,388.00 |
Saline | Salina | Funds with no tax levy | Golf Course | 67,227.00 |
Saline | Salina | Funds with no tax levy | Sanitation | 1,606,181.00 |
Saline | Salina | Funds with no tax levy | Solid Wase | 6,905,378.00 |
Saline | Salina | Funds with no tax levy | Central Garage | 278,714.00 |
Johnson | Shawnee | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | CDBG Grant | -8,699.00 |
Johnson | Shawnee | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Federal Stimulus Fund | 3,642,456.00 |
Johnson | Shawnee | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Capital Projects | 46,298,701.00 |
Johnson | Shawnee | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Risk Management Fund | 0.00 |
Johnson | Shawnee | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Opiod Settlement Fund | 16,293.00 |
Johnson | Shawnee | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Recycling Fund | 5,945.00 |
Johnson | Shawnee | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Neighbors Helping Neighbors | 1,440.00 |
Johnson | Shawnee | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Cafeteria Plan | 30,495.00 |
Johnson | Shawnee | Funds with a tax levy | General | 38,536,521.00 |
Johnson | Shawnee | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 4,553,634.00 |
Johnson | Shawnee | Funds with a tax levy | Public Safety Equipment | 1,620,306.00 |
Johnson | Shawnee | Funds with no tax levy | Special Highway | 8,936,275.00 |
Johnson | Shawnee | Funds with no tax levy | Special Narcotics | 173,780.00 |
Johnson | Shawnee | Funds with no tax levy | Special Parks & Rec | 784,527.00 |
Johnson | Shawnee | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol | 604,388.00 |
Johnson | Shawnee | Funds with no tax levy | Park & Rec Land Use | 1,894,312.00 |
Johnson | Shawnee | Funds with no tax levy | Transient Guest Tax | 665,054.00 |
Johnson | Shawnee | Funds with no tax levy | Parks & Pipes | 1,406,608.00 |
Johnson | Shawnee | Funds with no tax levy | Cemetery | 413,072.00 |
Johnson | Shawnee | Funds with no tax levy | Public Safety Sales Tax | 4,409,702.00 |
Johnson | Shawnee | Funds with no tax levy | Neighborhood Revitalization | 225,655.00 |
Johnson | Shawnee | Funds with no tax levy | Hodgdon TIF | 0.00 |
Johnson | Shawnee | Funds with no tax levy | Shawnee Plaza TIF/TDD | 0.00 |
Johnson | Shawnee | Funds with no tax levy | Prairie Pins TIF | 0.00 |
Johnson | Shawnee | Funds with no tax levy | Bellmont TIF/CID | 0.00 |
Johnson | Shawnee | Funds with no tax levy | Westbrooke Green TIF/CID | 0.00 |
Johnson | Shawnee | Funds with no tax levy | Stag's Spring TIF | 0.00 |
Johnson | Shawnee | Funds with no tax levy | Hickok Zarah TIF | 0.00 |
Johnson | Shawnee | Funds with no tax levy | Stormwater Utilitt | 1,433,503.00 |
Johnson | Shawnee | Funds with no tax levy | Economic Development | 3,348,957.00 |
Johnson | Shawnee | Funds with no tax levy | Special Districts (CID/TDD) | 819,868.00 |
Johnson | Shawnee | Funds with no tax levy | Equipment & Facility Reserve | 3,791,016.00 |
Shawnee | Topeka | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Public Health Emergency Response | 775,308.00 |
Shawnee | Topeka | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Risk Funds | 15,636,954.00 |
Shawnee | Topeka | Funds with a tax levy | General | 25,693,514.00 |
Shawnee | Topeka | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 13,366,313.00 |
Shawnee | Topeka | Funds with a tax levy | Special Liability | 3,083,387.00 |
Shawnee | Topeka | Funds with a tax levy | Topeka Metropolitian Transit Authority | 0.00 |
Shawnee | Topeka | Funds with no tax levy | Special Highway | 4,894,774.00 |
Shawnee | Topeka | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol & Drug | 47,986.00 |
Shawnee | Topeka | Funds with no tax levy | Alcohol & Drug Safety | 106,321.00 |
Shawnee | Topeka | Funds with no tax levy | Law Enforcement | 1,759,825.00 |
Shawnee | Topeka | Funds with no tax levy | Transient Guest Tax | 465,557.00 |
Shawnee | Topeka | Funds with no tax levy | Retirement Reserve | 3,692,546.00 |
Shawnee | Topeka | Funds with no tax levy | Historical Asset Tourism | 29,711.00 |
Shawnee | Topeka | Funds with no tax levy | Half Cent Sales Tax (JEDO) | 12,459,307.00 |
Shawnee | Topeka | Funds with no tax levy | Half Cent Sales Tax (Street) | 33,284,066.00 |
Shawnee | Topeka | Funds with no tax levy | Tax Increment Financing | 0.00 |
Shawnee | Topeka | Funds with no tax levy | Court Technology | 258,004.00 |
Shawnee | Topeka | Funds with no tax levy | Downtown Improvement | 115,607.00 |
Shawnee | Topeka | Funds with no tax levy | Community Development | 81,371.00 |
Shawnee | Topeka | Funds with no tax levy | Tourism Improvement | 4,153.00 |
Shawnee | Topeka | Funds with no tax levy | Federal Funds Exchange | 2,165,051.00 |
Shawnee | Topeka | Funds with no tax levy | Facilities | -245,258.00 |
Shawnee | Topeka | Funds with no tax levy | Combined Utilities | 140,919,644.00 |
Shawnee | Topeka | Funds with no tax levy | Public Parking | 1,295,179.00 |
Shawnee | Topeka | Funds with no tax levy | Fleet | 2,514,546.00 |
Shawnee | Topeka | Funds with no tax levy | IT | 820,107.00 |
Shawnee | Topeka | Funds with no tax levy | Opiod Settlement | 28,585.00 |
Shawnee | Topeka | Funds with no tax levy | Economic Development | 1,038,355.00 |
Shawnee | Topeka | Funds with no tax levy | NOTO BID | 0.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Airport | 35,474,217.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Golf | 1,000,000.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Transit | 8,769,767.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Permanent Reserve | 11,821,848.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with a tax levy | General | 47,184,484.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 28,485,118.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | Economic Development | 974,251.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | Homelessness Assistance | 0.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | Tourism & Convention | 6,305,679.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol Programs | 2,391,729.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | Addiction Settlement Recovery | 62,934.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | Special Park & Rec. | 801,598.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | Landfill | 4,130,493.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | Landfill Post Closure | 8,726,829.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | Building & Construction | 1,250,000.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | Downtown Parking | 1,019,890.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | City/County Joint Operations | 0.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | Municipal Court Restricted | 3,445,787.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | Century II | 297,235.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | Ice Rink | 62,673.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | Cemeteries | 1,619,376.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | Sales Tax Const. Pledge | 11,663,827.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | Sewer Utility | 114,331,437.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | Water Utility | 231,087,944.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | Stormwater Utility | 25,005,704.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | Information Technology | 1,826,830.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | Equipment Motor Pool | 5,216,677.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | Self Insurance | 65,282,303.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | TBID | 497,863.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | CID | 1,536,601.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | East Bank TIF | 298,516.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | West Bank TIF | 0.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | Old Town Cinema TIF | 0.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | South Fork TIF | 24,159.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | Center City TIF | 247,435.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | Ken Mar TIF | 0.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | Douglas and Hillside TIF | 0.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | Union Station | 23,451.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | Riverside TIF | 0.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | ICT21 TIF | 0.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | Gilbert and Mosley TIF | 22,484,512.00 |
Sedgwick | Wichita | Funds with no tax levy | North Industrial Dist TIF | 14,713,329.00 |
All 25 cities | All 25 cities | All funds | All funds | 3,318,304,058.00 |
County | City | Fund Type | Fund Name |