Carryover Cash Balances (County)
Data from budget reports for the 35 largest counties.
* This data was most recently updated on January 10, 2024
* Our data is sourced from open government records. View our Data Notes for more info.
County | Fund Type | Fund Name | Cash Balance |
Wyandotte | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Special Prosecutor's Trust | 1,380,380.00 |
Wyandotte | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Aging Grants | 633,838.00 |
Wyandotte | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Community Corrections Grants | -1,036,391.00 |
Wyandotte | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Developmental Disabilities Grants | 212,279.00 |
Wyandotte | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | County Grants | -4,812,998.00 |
Wyandotte | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Health Grants | -1,722,641.00 |
Wyandotte | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Adult CCA Grnt | 592,720.00 |
Wyandotte | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Juvenile CCA Grant | -518,817.00 |
Wyandotte | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | JJ KDOC Reimburse | 5.00 |
Wyandotte | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | HOME Grant | -107,342.00 |
Wyandotte | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Lead Hazard Grant | -106,059.00 |
Wyandotte | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | JJ Reniv Grant | 126,878.00 |
Wyandotte | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Community Corrections Grants | -1,036,391.00 |
Wyandotte | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Capital Projects | 3,611,093.00 |
Wyandotte | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Capital Projects- County Road | 87,722.00 |
Wyandotte | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Capital Projects- County Radio | 57,844.00 |
Wyandotte | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | (Empty Fund Name) | -1,036,391.00 |
Sedgwick | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Equipment Reserve | 12,030,644.00 |
Sedgwick | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Sales Tax Road/Bridge | 16,265,942.00 |
Sedgwick | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Special Road and Bridge Equip. | -16,700.00 |
Sedgwick | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Special Highway Improvement | 45,623.00 |
Sedgwick | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Capital Improvement | 2,074,718.00 |
Sedgwick | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Building & Equipment | -554,108.00 |
Sedgwick | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Street, Bridge & Other Const. | 450,694.00 |
Sedgwick | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Debt Proceeds | 8,710,708.00 |
Sedgwick | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | PBC Bond & Interest | 35,930,828.00 |
Sedgwick | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Fleet Mgmt. Building Improv. | 0.00 |
Sedgwick | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Capital Improvement 2016+ | 5,483,834.00 |
Shawnee | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Special Parks & Rec | 1,260,471.00 |
Shawnee | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Employee Retirement | 3,805,044.00 |
Shawnee | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Westlawn Cemetary | 60,958.00 |
Shawnee | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Sewer Districts | 2,194,356.00 |
Shawnee | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Sales Tax | 10,672,461.00 |
Shawnee | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Community Corrections | -32,930.00 |
Shawnee | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Technology Funds | 1,107,397.00 |
Shawnee | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Motor Vehicle | 50,431.00 |
Shawnee | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Special Hwy,Bridge,Machine | 4,291,043.00 |
Shawnee | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Special Revenue | 4,171,988.00 |
Shawnee | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Federal Grants | -300,331.00 |
Shawnee | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | State Grants | -135,046.00 |
Shawnee | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Building Maintenance | 5,197,371.00 |
Shawnee | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Bridge Projects | 2,197,398.00 |
Shawnee | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | County Projects | 1,153,102.00 |
Shawnee | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Equipment Fund | 3,173,783.00 |
Shawnee | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Infrastructure | 1,582,508.00 |
Shawnee | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Special Assessments | -598,030.00 |
Shawnee | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Workers' Compensation | 4,278,803.00 |
Shawnee | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Health Insurance | 8,693,213.00 |
Douglas | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Capital Improvements Project | 33,393,742.00 |
Douglas | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Ambulance Capital Reserve | 969,386.00 |
Douglas | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Equipment Reserve | 7,827,454.00 |
Douglas | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Workers Compensation | 0.00 |
Douglas | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Register of Deeds Technology | 511,504.00 |
Douglas | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Special Highway | 1,075,174.00 |
Douglas | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Special Law Enforc. Trust | 277,246.00 |
Douglas | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Donations | 34,516.00 |
Douglas | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Prosecuting Training & Assistance | 3,280.00 |
Douglas | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Sheriff Special Use | 7,053.00 |
Douglas | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Grants | 10,175,030.00 |
Douglas | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Comm Correction Plan | 68,718.00 |
Douglas | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Youth Serv. Grants | 157,965.00 |
Leavenworth | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Motor Vehicle | 51,034.00 |
Leavenworth | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Gen. Equipment Reserve | 6,047,343.00 |
Leavenworth | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Gen. Cap. Improvement | 1,548,556.00 |
Leavenworth | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Rd & Bridge Equip. Reserve | 3,134,356.00 |
Leavenworth | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Capital Road | 3,500,948.00 |
Leavenworth | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | ARPA | 7,586,442.00 |
Leavenworth | Special District Non-Budgeted Funds | Local Service Reserve | 1,168,583.00 |
Riley | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Prosecuting Attorney Training Fund | 4,045.00 |
Riley | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Miscellaneous Non-Budgeted | 121,336.00 |
Butler | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | 800Mhz maintenace and up | 1,071,702.00 |
Butler | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Capital Improvements | 15,113,495.00 |
Butler | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Capital Projects | 70,769.00 |
Butler | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Child Support Enforcement | 230,405.00 |
Butler | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Clerks - Technology | 84,073.00 |
Butler | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Community Corr | 213,079.00 |
Butler | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Conceal/Carry Permits | 8,272.00 |
Butler | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | County Attorney Diversion | 278,029.00 |
Butler | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Court Services Diversion | 3,769.00 |
Butler | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Department on Aging | 114,198.00 |
Butler | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Dept. of Aging Reserve | 268,717.00 |
Butler | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Sheriff Drug Asset and Seziure | 16,418.00 |
Butler | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Election Reserve Fund | 220,690.00 |
Butler | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Federal and State Assistance | 444,716.00 |
Butler | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Health Department - Grants | 88,335.00 |
Butler | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Health Department Reserve | 458,254.00 |
Butler | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Jail Reserve | 281,644.00 |
Butler | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Juvenile Justice EMP | 88,278.00 |
Butler | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Landfill Capital Improvements | 3,613,072.00 |
Butler | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Landfill Post Closure | 3,080,016.00 |
Butler | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Motor Vehicle Operating | 3,006.00 |
Butler | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Prosecutor's Training and Assistance | 17,580.00 |
Butler | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Register of Deeds - Technology | 679,002.00 |
Butler | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Sheriff Capital Reserve | 321,300.00 |
Butler | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Special Ambulance | 144,189.00 |
Butler | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | Special Highway Improvements | 3,345,997.00 |
Butler | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | So. Reserve Officers | 11,045.00 |
Butler | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | Special Road Machinery | 462,058.00 |
Butler | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | Treasury - Technology | 2,094.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Motor Vehicle Special | 76,386.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Capital Project-Couthouse | 31,813.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | R&B Special Machinery | 135,000.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | K-14 Highway | 2,972,243.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Special Highway Improv. | 1,828,013.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Community Corrections | 194,884.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Comm. Corr JISP Juvenile | 11,213.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Comm Corr Juv Grant Ben Payout | 2,000.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Juvenile - Prevention Programs | 4,800.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Juv. Grant Benefit Payroll | 36,731.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Comm. Corr. Juv. Case Mgr | 4,833.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Juv Justice Reinvestment | 4.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Jail Commissary Proceeds | 323,373.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Comm. Corr. Juv. Reimb. | 41,001.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Comm. Corr. Substance Abuse | 51,516.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Emergency Mgmt Citizens Corp | 16,293.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Comm. Corr. QA Grant | 63,912.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Clerk Technology | 43,331.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | DA Drug Endangered Children | 1,119.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Treasurer Technology | 92,244.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Register of Deeds Technology | 268,804.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | County Tech. Equip & Services | 99,765.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Bridge Improvements 2019 | 0.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Drug Court | 64,482.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Juvenile Intake & Assessment | 72,856.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Youth Shelter Food | 15,769.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Economic Development Reserve | 726,500.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Field Corr Office Special Rental | 481,125.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | County Equipment Reserve | 1,052,661.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | CIP Reserve | 4,599,414.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Landfill Improvement | 152,026.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Court Electronic Fees | 277,069.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Prosecuting Atty Training | 2,360.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Alcohol & Drug Safety | 9,325.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | D.A.R.E | 5,110.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Law Enforcement Drug Unit | 6,747.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Spec. Prosecutor Drug Trust | 21,114.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Self Insurance | 4,677,076.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Prosecutor Admin. Fees | 781.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Judicial Dist Juv Incentive | 2,750.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Domestic Violence Program | 3,520.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Sheriff's Grant | -637.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Sheriff's Conceal Carry | 55,048.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Sheriff's Offender Registration | 18,913.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Juv Immediate Intervent. Prgm | 12,695.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Sheriff Trust Fund - Forfeitures | 0.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | CDBG-CV Grant | 0.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) | 782,005.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) | 0.00 |
Reno | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | LATCF Federal Grant Fund | 50,000.00 |
Reno | Special District Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Fire District No. 3 Special Equipment Fund | 325,452.00 |
Reno | Special District Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Fire District No. 4 Special Equipment Fund | 511,852.00 |
Reno | Special District Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Fire District No. 6 Special Equipment Fund | 82,279.00 |
Reno | Special District Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Fire District No. 7 Special Equipment Fund | 321,731.00 |
Reno | Special District Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Fire District No. 8 Special Equipment Fund | 267,085.00 |
Reno | Special District Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Fire District Jt. No. 1 Rn/Km Special Equipment Fund | 160,326.00 |
Reno | Special District Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Fire District No. 9 Special Equipment Fund | 513,619.00 |
Reno | Special District Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Fire District Jt. No. 2 Rn/Hv Special Equipment Fund | 215,213.00 |
Reno | Special District Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Sewer District No. 201 (Yoder) Replacement Reserves | 16,030.00 |
Reno | Special District Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Sewer District No. 202 (HABIT) Replacement Reserves | 105,255.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Special Road Machinery | 2,447,625.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Special Highway Improvement | 2,241,065.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Water Well Rd Tipping Fee | 381,744.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Equipment Reserve | 621,627.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Motor Vehicle Operating | 7,995.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Register of Deeds Technology | 222,499.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Land Records Technology | 84,056.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | County Treasurer Technology | 32,903.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | County Clerk Technology | 11,530.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Employee Engagement | 3,521.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | County Farm | 196,070.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Schilling Farm | 108,180.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Trash/Litter Grant | 1,244.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Foundation Grants | 7.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | American Rescue Plan Act | 8,622,048.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | P.A.T.F | 12,655.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | County Att'y Worthless | 9,265.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Special Prosecutor Trust | 89,029.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Crime Victim Reparation | 23,803.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | District Court Grant | 41,069.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Edward Byrne JAG | -6,376.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Sheriff K-9 Fund | 5,936.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Sheriff Project Lifesaver | 4,475.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Drug Project Director's | 262,019.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | DARE | 1,494.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | Sheriff Registered Offenders | 55,090.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | Sheriff Concealed Weapons | 19,396.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | VIN Fees | 29,202.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | Cmty Corr - Adult Probation | 523,999.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | Cmty Corr - Juvenile Probation | 154,932.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-G | Cmty Corr - KDOC Reinve | 17,595.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-G | Cmty Corr - Case Mgmt Agency | 23,737.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-G | Cmty Corr - Behavioral Health | 65,777.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-G | Cmty Corr - JCAB | 57,621.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-G | Cmty Corr - CIP Reset | 8,028.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-H | Cmty Corr - KDOC JS Title | 35,811.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-H | Juvenile Intake & Assessment | 33,683.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-H | JJA Prevention Grant | 0.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-H | Court Services UA | 18,494.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-H | Homeland Security Grant | 54.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-I | Home Health Memorials | 2,850.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-I | Maternal Child Health CHIP | 46,052.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-I | Senior Services GSCF | 4,327.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-I | Senior Services Donations | 90,977.00 |
Saline | Non-Budgeted Funds-I | Senior Services Grants (3) | 2,305.00 |
Saline | Special District Non-Budgeted Funds | RFD #1 Special Equip | 216,773.00 |
Saline | Special District Non-Budgeted Funds | RFD #2 Special Equip | 79,454.00 |
Saline | Special District Non-Budgeted Funds | RFD #3 Special Equip | 162,410.00 |
Saline | Special District Non-Budgeted Funds | RFD #5 Special Equip | 53,523.00 |
Saline | Special District Non-Budgeted Funds | RFD #6 Special Equip | 82,878.00 |
Saline | Special District Non-Budgeted Funds | RFD #7 Special Equip | 101,093.00 |
Saline | Special District Non-Budgeted Funds | FD Communication Equip | 29,150.00 |
Crawford | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Equipment Reserve Fund | 199,342.00 |
Crawford | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Drug Enforcement Fund | 1,992.00 |
Crawford | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Community Corrections | 182,190.00 |
Crawford | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | 710th Street Maintenance | 104,861.00 |
Crawford | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Fair Capital Improvements | 0.00 |
Crawford | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Ambulance Reserve | 249,287.00 |
Crawford | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Special Bridge Fund | 683,102.00 |
Crawford | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | ARPA Funds | 6,040,702.00 |
Finney | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Capital Improvement Reserve | 1,763,602.00 |
Finney | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Community Corrections | 315,443.00 |
Finney | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | County Attorney's Training | 24,955.00 |
Finney | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Fair Association | 38,318.00 |
Finney | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Oil & Gas Valuation Depletion | 3,226,361.00 |
Finney | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | County Clerk's Technology | 70,697.00 |
Finney | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | ROD Technology | 241,483.00 |
Finney | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | County Treasurer's Technology | 58,019.00 |
Finney | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Special Alcohol & Drug | 91.00 |
Finney | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Special Highway Improvement | 5,548,736.00 |
Finney | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Special Road Mach & Equip | 1,924,209.00 |
Finney | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Sheriff Special Accounts | 175,806.00 |
Finney | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Forfeiture & Drug Tax Assess | 66,081.00 |
Finney | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Youth Services | 362,601.00 |
Finney | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Correction Services Building | 1,185,741.00 |
Finney | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | JB Road Sales Tax | 0.00 |
Finney | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Motor Vehicle Operating Fund | 255,926.00 |
Finney | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | ARPA | 5,959,599.00 |
Finney | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Equipment Reserve | 2,115,791.00 |
Finney | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Opiod Settlement | 0.00 |
Miami | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Law Enforcement Trust | 15,460.00 |
Miami | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Conceal Carry | 12,258.00 |
Miami | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Offender Registration | 63,865.00 |
Miami | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Special Building | 401.00 |
Miami | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Eco Devel Reserve | 326,845.00 |
Miami | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Special Machinery | 289,330.00 |
Miami | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Special Bldg Improv | 2,902,387.00 |
Miami | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Special Retire Reserve | 550,000.00 |
Miami | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Special Tax Refund | 46,809.00 |
Miami | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Club Estates Reserve | 39,736.00 |
Miami | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Walnut Crk Reserve | 52,427.00 |
Miami | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Special Drug Forfeiture | 4,548.00 |
Miami | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Sheriff Grants | 7,456.00 |
Miami | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Cops For Tots | 27,419.00 |
Miami | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Sheriff Support Prgms | 7,090.00 |
Miami | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | D.C. Project | 0.00 |
Miami | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Small Buss Grant | 0.00 |
Miami | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Clerk Tech | 57,439.00 |
Miami | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Treasurer Tech | 67,082.00 |
Miami | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Jail Commissions | 70,119.00 |
Miami | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Capital Projects | 2,708,762.00 |
Miami | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Insurance Reimb | 6,083.00 |
Miami | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | 800MHz Radio Sys | 0.00 |
Miami | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Equipment/Software | 1,195,398.00 |
Miami | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | Bucyrus Sewer Reserve | 907.00 |
Miami | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | CARES SPARK GRANT | 0.00 |
Miami | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | ARPA | 2,029,353.00 |
Miami | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | Kansas Fights Addiction | 6,421.00 |
Geary | Non-Budgeted Funds | Hospital GO Bnd-Debt Res | 1,000,000.00 |
Geary | Non-Budgeted Funds | Spec Law Enforce & Trust | 502,378.00 |
Geary | Non-Budgeted Funds | Equipment Reserve | 0.00 |
Geary | Non-Budgeted Funds | Tech Funds | 204,297.00 |
Geary | Non-Budgeted Funds | Comm Corr | 326,123.00 |
Geary | Non-Budgeted Funds | CA Drug Forfeiture | 1,098,942.00 |
Geary | Non-Budgeted Funds | Spec Fire Protect Res | 149,146.00 |
Geary | Non-Budgeted Funds | Grants/Settelement-ARPA/ATCF | 1,116,444.00 |
Geary | Non-Budgeted Funds | Court Technology-INK | 82,971.00 |
Geary | Non-Budgeted Funds | Auto Special | 71,580.00 |
Cowley | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | ROD Tech | 52,137.00 |
Cowley | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Capital Improvement | 1,233,496.00 |
Cowley | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Grant | 126,965.00 |
Cowley | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | R&B Mach & Equip | 1,283,264.00 |
Cowley | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Spl Highway Imp | 2,609,463.00 |
Cowley | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Spl Equipment | 1,263,639.00 |
Cowley | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Clerk Tech Fund | 31,056.00 |
Cowley | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Treasurer Tech Fund | 17,502.00 |
Cowley | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | District Court Spl Fund | 23,175.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Special Machinery Reserve | 5,239.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Grant (Sheriff) | 305,000.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | DARE Program | 9.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | SFTCC Reinvest Grant 22/23 | 53,064.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | SFTCC Reinvest Grant 21/22 | 81,877.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | SFTCC 21/22 Grant | 108,554.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | JJA 7/1-6/20/2023 | -80,807.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | SFTCC 22/23 Grant | 68,156.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | JJA 7/1-6/30/2022 | 197,741.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Federal Law Enforce Trust | 8,131.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Spec Prosecutor's Trust | 14,874.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Spec Law Enforce Trust | 95,989.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Atty Fed Asset Forfeiture | 746.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Drug Taxation | 84,871.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Sales Tax Project | 0.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | CP Fund (County Plates) | 22.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | LEPC Grants | 399.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Community Projects Windfarm | 1,712,697.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Spec Ambul Capital Outlay | 387,179.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Spec Highway Improvement | 588,888.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Santa Fe Trails SWA | 2,558.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Admin Check Carges | 1,328.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Diversion | 115,646.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Emergency Shelter Grant | 4,370.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | VIN Fees | 248,196.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | VAMA | -12,800.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | Federal & State Grants | 253,661.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | VOCA 10/22 - 9/23 | -39,971.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | VAMA | -2,164.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | Concealed Weapons | 20,287.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-G | BIP Coordinator | 46,577.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-G | VOCA 10/21 to 9/22 | -980.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-G | Court Trustee Operations | -10,339.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-G | Registered Offenders | 70,464.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-G | ROD Technology | 84,019.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-H | Capital Improvement | 9,028,967.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-H | Equipment Reserve | 2,563,943.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-H | Clerk Technology Fee | 27,846.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-H | Treasurer Technology Fee | 19,445.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-H | Fire Mgmt Asst Grant | -18,723.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-I | COVID-19 Health Dept | 358,771.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-I | OJP Grant for Sheriff Dept | 74.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-I | SFTCC Reinvest Grant | -46,502.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-I | Emergency Mgmt COVID | 15,000.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-I | ARPA | 6,400,097.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-J | Fire/EMS Donations | 56,279.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-J | Sheriff Dept Donations | 2,677.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-J | Prosecutor Training & Asst | 7,728.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-J | Special Auto | 248,658.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-J | Health Campus | 1,615,219.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-K | Hilmar Project Bond | 4,873,862.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-K | Hillmar Grant | 0.00 |
Ford | Non-Budgeted Funds-K | Co. Shared Health Plan | 960,369.00 |
Harvey | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Register of Deeds Tech Fund | 165,226.00 |
Harvey | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | County Treasurer Tech Fund | 44,047.00 |
Harvey | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | County Clerk Tech Fund | 23,925.00 |
Harvey | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Special Highway | 1,747,650.00 |
Harvey | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Rhoades Foundation | 29,062.00 |
Harvey | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Parks Donations | 0.00 |
Harvey | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Equipment Reserve | 856,644.00 |
Harvey | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Capital Improvement Fund | 5,357,220.00 |
Harvey | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Special Law Enforcement | 9,641.00 |
Harvey | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | County Attorney Forfeiture | 11,923.00 |
Harvey | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Prosecutor Train & Assist. | 4,106.00 |
Harvey | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | West Park Jetty Grant | 1,299.00 |
Harvey | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Sheriff Reserves | 223.00 |
Harvey | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Offender Registration | 22,765.00 |
Harvey | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Sheriff Forfeitures | 12,633.00 |
Harvey | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Prisoner Fund | -13,587.00 |
Harvey | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | RSVP Grants | 19,138.00 |
Harvey | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Health Dept. Grants | 88,170.00 |
Harvey | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Vehicle Fund | 259,330.00 |
Harvey | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | ARPA Fund | 13,131.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Special Highway | 895,687.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Special Machinery | 577,279.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Coronavirus Relief Grant | 4,053,269.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Conceal & Carry Permit Fee | 8,315.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Special Equipment Reserve | 10,371.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Register of Deeds Technology | 32,704.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Judicial Center Capital Project | 62,219.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Motor Vehicle Operating | -2,788.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Prosecuting Attorney Training | 8,107.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | County Treasure's Technology | 4,142.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | County Clerk's Technology | 17,366.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Community Corrections Grant | 293,699.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | D.A.R.E. Grant | 19.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Victim Witness Program | 162.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Indigent Inames - DOC | 920.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Registered Offenders Fees | 61,517.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | CDBG Micro Loan | 66,012.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | FEMA - Flood Buyout | 6,035.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | HMTA Grant | 124.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | FEMA Grant | 19,053.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | EDA Grant | 1,176.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | CDBG-Rural Water District | 1.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Emergency Preparedness | 55,221.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Juvenile Justice Authority | 498.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | JJA-Case Management | 16,675.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | Juvenile Intake Assessment | 49,188.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | SRS-Juv Sup & Res Mgmt | 0.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | Juvenile Intensive Supervision | 19,127.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | Juvenile Immediate Intervention | 34,436.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | Diversion Fees | 31,738.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-G | Other Grants | 1,799.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-G | JA-Juvenile Day Reporting | 10,702.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-G | Juvenile Adolescent Treatment | 0.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-G | Juvenile Program Special | 53,035.00 |
Montgomery | Non-Budgeted Funds-G | JA-Juvenile In Home Therapy | 47,857.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted Special Revenue Funds | Law Enforcement Trust | 10,015.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted Special Revenue Funds | Deeds Technology | 67,987.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted Special Revenue Funds | Clerks Technology | 22,581.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted Special Revenue Funds | Treasurers Technology | 61,358.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted Special Revenue Funds | Special Auto | 151,920.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted Special Revenue Funds | Courthouse Xmas Lights | 2,095.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted Special Revenue Funds | Attorney Forfeiture Trust | 7,704.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted Special Revenue Funds | Attorney Check Fee | 35,778.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted Special Revenue Funds | Prosecuting Attorney Training | 4,340.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted Special Revenue Funds | VIN Registration Fees | 189,955.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted Special Revenue Funds | ARPA Grant | 2,177,507.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted Utility Reserve Funds | Timbercreek Water Reserve | 591,358.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted Utility Reserve Funds | Blue Twp Sewer Reserve | 672,473.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted Utility Reserve Funds | Fostoria Sewer Reserve | 22,980.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted Utility Reserve Funds | Brood Ridge Sewer Reserve | 79,425.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted Utility Reserve Funds | County Sewer Reserve | 0.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted Utility Reserve Funds | Stormwater Structures | 8,100.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted Funds - Miscellaneous Reserve Funds | Capital Improvement | 23,237,782.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted Funds - Miscellaneous Reserve Funds | Equipment Reserve | 3,020,607.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted Funds - Miscellaneous Reserve Funds | Employee Benefit Reserve | 2,250,011.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted Funds - Miscellaneous Reserve Funds | PTO/ESL Payout Reserv | 802,096.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted Funds - Miscellaneous Reserve Funds | Consolidated Fire District #1 Reserve | 1,247,191.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted Funds - Miscellaneous Reserve Funds | Fire District #5 Reserve | 612,087.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted Funds - Miscellaneous Reserve Funds | Special Highway | 8,684,297.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted - Construction Funds | Timbercreek Stormwater | 12,713.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted - Construction Funds | Green Valley/Hwy 24 Inter | 329,639.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted - Construction Funds | Wildcat Woods Unit 2 | 40,000.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted - Construction Funds | Nelson's Ridge Unit 6 Ph 1 | 16,921.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted - Construction Funds | Willow Glen Unit 1 | 76,253.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted - Construction Funds | Newlson's Ridge Unit 6 Ph 2 | 233,256.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted - Construction Funds | Whispering Meadows 7 | 0.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted - Construction Funds | Irvine Acres 2 | 549,155.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted - Construction Funds | Brook Ridge 4 | 0.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted - Construction Funds | Willow Glen Unit 2 | 637,830.00 |
Pottawatomie | Non-Budgeted - Construction Funds | Nelson's Ridge Unit 6 Ph 3 | 391,867.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Community Corrections- Adult | 210,004.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Conceal and Carry Permit Fees | 11,753.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | County Attorney Trust | 99,753.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | County Clerk Technology | 68,587.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | County Treasurer Technolgy | 41,576.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Covid Relief Grant Funds | 1,709,706.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | DARE Grant | 231.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Drug Forfietures | 19,888.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Employee Benefit Trust | 312,715.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Empolyee Flex Spending | 14,225.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Graduated Sanctions | 61,470.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Health Capital Outlay | 204,175.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Health Dept Special Grant | 189,332.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Jail Trust | 36,697.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Judiciary Tech Grant | 108.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Juvenile Evidence Based Grant | 79,882.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Juvenile IIP/DC | 7,490.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Juvenile Intake Grant | 7,569.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Law Enforcement Trust | 88,889.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Motor Vehicle Operating | 65,973.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Opioid Settlement Funds | 4,807.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | P25 Radio Project | 20,802.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Prevention/Intervention Grant | 17.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Prosecuting Attorney Training | 34,717.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Prosecuting Attorney Trust | 2,192.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | Proximity Park Project | 2,325,477.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | Register of Deeds Technology | 60,125.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | Reimbursement Grants | 6,402.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | Risk Management Reserve | 610,421.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | Road & Bridge Projects | 1,300,653.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-G | Road & Bridge Special Equip | 750,340.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-G | Road Improvements | 73,286.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-G | Sheriff Offender Fees | 29,070.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-G | Sheriff Trust Fund | 7,408.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-G | Sheriff VIN Fees | 3,420.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-H | Solid Waste Special Caps | 1,491,084.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-H | Special Ambulance Equipment | 753,070.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-H | Special Capital Improvement | 3,506,395.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-H | Special Equipment Reserve | 1,967,014.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-H | Truancy Court/Day School Program Fund | 5,547.00 |
Franklin | Non-Budgeted Funds-I | Veterans Memorial | 2,441.00 |
Barton | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Juvenile Services Fund | 380,123.00 |
Barton | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | CKCC Fund | 36,928.00 |
Barton | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Scenic Byway Fund | 1,629.00 |
Barton | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Victims of Crime Act Grant | -11,238.00 |
Barton | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Barton Count Strwardship Fund | 21,312.00 |
Barton | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Capital Improvements Fund | 5,880,427.00 |
Barton | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Registration of Deeds / Technology Fund | 73,961.00 |
Barton | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Clerk / Technology Fund | 48,138.00 |
Barton | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Treasurer / Technology Fund | 27,998.00 |
Barton | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Equipment Replacement Fund | 4,168,824.00 |
Barton | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | BJA Grant Fund | -71,263.00 |
Barton | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | CDC Grant Fund | -36,265.00 |
Barton | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | SDA Distan Learning Fund | -216,902.00 |
Barton | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | RROE Grant Fund | -16,160.00 |
Barton | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | ARPA Fund | 2,795,014.00 |
Barton | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Opioid Settlement Fund | 65.00 |
Barton | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Health Coverage Fund | 665,138.00 |
Barton | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Motor Vehicle Operating Fund | 20,746.00 |
Barton | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | EDRL Fund | 67,422.00 |
Barton | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Law Enforcement Trust Fund | 71,259.00 |
Sumner | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Cap IMPR-LANDFILL | 102,239.00 |
Sumner | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Sheriff Asset Forfeiture | 18,133.00 |
Sumner | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Equipment Reserve | 2,180,273.00 |
Sumner | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Atty Asset Forfeiture | 4,166.00 |
Sumner | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Special HWY IMPR | 370,945.00 |
Sumner | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Special AUTO | 31,309.00 |
Sumner | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Deeds Technology | 192,445.00 |
Sumner | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Clerk Technology | 61,434.00 |
Sumner | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Treasurer Technology | 62,547.00 |
Sumner | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Federal Funds | 4,252,644.00 |
Labette | Non-Budgeted Funds | American Rescue Plan Fund | 1,176,514.00 |
Labette | Non-Budgeted Funds | Blue Lives Matter Fund | 2,860.00 |
Labette | Non-Budgeted Funds | CDBG Mortgage Assistance Fund | 4,321.00 |
Labette | Non-Budgeted Funds | County Clerk Technology | 32,228.00 |
Labette | Non-Budgeted Funds | County Treasurer Technology Fund | 25,900.00 |
Labette | Non-Budgeted Funds | Diversion Fees Fund | 117,848.00 |
Labette | Non-Budgeted Funds | Drug Enforcement Grant Fund | 1,955.00 |
Labette | Non-Budgeted Funds | Employee Benefit Trust Fund | 4,998,291.00 |
Labette | Non-Budgeted Funds | Great Plains Development Franchise Fee Fund | 0.00 |
Labette | Non-Budgeted Funds | JJA Diversion Fund | 5,514.00 |
Labette | Non-Budgeted Funds | Juvenile Justice Reinvestment Grant Fund | 16,944.00 |
Labette | Non-Budgeted Funds | Juvenile IIP Carryover Fund | 3,970.00 |
Labette | Non-Budgeted Funds | Labette/Cherokee Youth Program Fund | 23,915.00 |
Labette | Non-Budgeted Funds | Labette/Cherokee Youth Services Fund | 60,211.00 |
Labette | Non-Budgeted Funds | Jail Grant Fund | 2,507.00 |
Labette | Non-Budgeted Funds | Opiod Settlement Fund | 3,663.00 |
Labette | Non-Budgeted Funds | Prosecuting Attorney Check Fee Fund | 481.00 |
Labette | Non-Budgeted Funds | Prosecuting Attorney Training Fund | 5,782.00 |
Labette | Non-Budgeted Funds | Reigster of Deeds Technology Fund | 77,363.00 |
Labette | Non-Budgeted Funds | Sewer District No. 1 Fund | 4,683.00 |
Labette | Non-Budgeted Funds | Sewer District No. 1 Maintenance Fund | -37,443.00 |
Labette | Non-Budgeted Funds | Sewer District No. 1 Special Assessment Fund | 45,545.00 |
Labette | Non-Budgeted Funds | Special Auto Fund | 13,674.00 |
Labette | Non-Budgeted Funds | Special Bridge Reserve Fund | 1,391,247.00 |
Labette | Non-Budgeted Funds | Special Highway Fund | 447,900.00 |
Labette | Non-Budgeted Funds | Special Industrial Park Road Fund | 219,827.00 |
Labette | Non-Budgeted Funds | Special Law Enforcement Trust Fund | 28,068.00 |
Labette | Non-Budgeted Funds | Special Machinery Fund | 1,850,646.00 |
Labette | Non-Budgeted Funds | Storm Damage Reimbursement Fund | 95,456.00 |
Labette | Non-Budgeted Funds | Towards No Drugs Program Fund | 7,800.00 |
Labette | Non-Budgeted Funds | Transfer Station Royalty Fund | 15,919.00 |
Cherokee | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Reg of Deeds Technology | 71,738.00 |
Cherokee | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Co Treasurer Technology | 24,514.00 |
Cherokee | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Spec Mach and Rd Building | 100.00 |
Cherokee | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Spec Hiway Improvement | 1,264.00 |
Cherokee | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Co Clerk Technology | 22,370.00 |
Cherokee | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Equipment Reserve | 1,017,408.00 |
Cherokee | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Special Liability | 16.00 |
Cherokee | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Technology Reserve | 29,879.00 |
Cherokee | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Drug Forfeiture | 13,818.00 |
Cherokee | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Co Attorney Forfeiture | 1,255.00 |
Cherokee | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | ARPA/CSLFRF | 2,959,382.00 |
Cherokee | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | County Building | 4.00 |
Dickinson | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Special Machinery - 2015 | 1,208,539.00 |
Dickinson | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Equipment Reserve - 2032 | 2,448,219.00 |
Dickinson | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | ROD Tech Fund - 2033 | 20,781.00 |
Dickinson | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Capital Improvement - 2225 | 158,538.00 |
Dickinson | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Clerk Tech Fund - 2030 | 23,189.00 |
Dickinson | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Treasurer Tech Fund - 2031 | 28,368.00 |
Dickinson | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Courthouse Reno & Jail Project 2230 | -1,862,458.00 |
Dickinson | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Hazard Equip Replacement - 2028 | 76,000.00 |
Dickinson | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Motor Vehicle Operating Fund 2195 | -4,354.61 |
Dickinson | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | American Rescue Plan Act Monies 2027 | 945,003.00 |
Dickinson | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Countywide Communications Project 2026 | 0.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | County General Cap Imp | 491,383.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Noxious Weed Cap Imp | 148,828.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Ambulance Cap Imp | 150,212.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Solid Waste Cap Imp | 254,313.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Joint Comm Cap Imp | 101,389.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Special Machinery | 29,999.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | CFAP Program | 6,917.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Special Bridge Project | 327,228.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Bridge Bond | 0.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Sheriff | 63,889.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Special Law Enforcement | 1,981.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Crime Prevention | 8,567.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Concel & Carry Fund | 4,998.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Sex Offender Registration | 31,196.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Sheriff VIN Inspection | 88,650.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Safety Committee | 42,648.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | CERT | 6,056.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | EMPG Grant | 52,042.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Rescue | 22,100.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Enhanced Wireless 911 | 148,373.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Register of Deeds Tech Fund | 23,365.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Clerk Technology Fund | 27,960.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Treasurer Technology Fund | 14,526.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Local Alcohol Liquor | 6,849.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Special Motor Vehicle | 37,247.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | Special Parks & Rec | 6,849.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | Heritage Trust | 1,991.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | WA Harwi Trust | 117,214.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | Nursing Home Cap Imp | 73,723.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | ASV Reserve | 213,555.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-G | Prosecuting Atty Training | 635.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-G | Diversion Fund | 2,429.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-G | County Atty Worthless Ck | 8,137.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-G | Special Prosecutor Trust Fund | 1,698.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-G | Juvenile Supervision Fund | 11,897.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-H | AISP | 268,037.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-H | JISP | 38,991.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-H | CMA | 68,802.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-H | CIP Supervision/Grant Fund | 5,185.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-H | Unified Courts UA Account | 3,790.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-I | Self-Funded Insurance | 245,377.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-I | CARES Act | 0.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-I | SPARK / ARPA | 2,855,664.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-I | Adopt a Family | 6,262.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-I | Special Law State Forfeiture | 9,575.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-J | Reserve | 625,902.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-J | Road Bond | 1,197,773.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-J | Candidate Registration Fee | 1,400.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-J | KDWP | 0.00 |
Atchison | Non-Budgeted Funds-J | LATCF | 50,000.00 |
Osage | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Law Enforcement Equip. | 135.00 |
Osage | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Co. Atty Training | 14,794.00 |
Osage | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Spec Prosecutors Trust | 732.00 |
Osage | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Diversion Fees | 31,119.00 |
Osage | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Registered Sex Offender | 22,398.00 |
Osage | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Concealed Weapon Fund | 16,967.00 |
Osage | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Emergency Preparedness EMF | 63,905.00 |
Osage | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | EOC Grant | 0.00 |
Osage | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Spark Grant | 0.00 |
Osage | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | ARPA Grant Fund | 32,967.00 |
Osage | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Melvern Le Fund | 32,435.00 |
Osage | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Quenemo Le Fund | 31,671.00 |
Osage | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Sheriff Radio Sys (800 Proj) Fund | 255,915.00 |
Osage | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | County Sheriff Vehicle Fund | 17,300.00 |
Osage | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Municipalities Fight Addiction Fund | 22,949.00 |
Neosho | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | ARPA | 1,735,859.00 |
Neosho | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | CDBG Micro Loan | 5,276.00 |
Neosho | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | CDBG Udall Road Grant | 11,040.00 |
Neosho | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | CERT Grant | 9,795.00 |
Neosho | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | County Clerk Technology | 28,734.00 |
Neosho | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | County Treasurer Technology | 19,879.00 |
Neosho | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | DARE Grant | 1.00 |
Neosho | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Drug Education Donation | 6,294.00 |
Neosho | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Emergency Telephone Grant | 329.00 |
Neosho | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Fish & Game Prosecuting Fee | 0.00 |
Neosho | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Hazardous Material Grant | 16.00 |
Neosho | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Jail Maintenance Reserve | 49,204.00 |
Neosho | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Law Enforcement Body Cam | 4,207.00 |
Neosho | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | LEPC Grant | 17,203.00 |
Neosho | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Noxious Weed Grant | 402.00 |
Neosho | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Prosecuting Attorney Fees | 5,360.00 |
Neosho | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Prosecuting Attorney Training | 19,434.00 |
Neosho | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Register of Deeds Technology | 67,622.00 |
Neosho | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Resource Typing Grant | 8,000.00 |
Neosho | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | River Rock Litigation Reserve | 0.00 |
Neosho | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Solid Waste Implementation Grant | 200.00 |
Neosho | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Spark Program Grant | 0.00 |
Neosho | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Special Equipment Reserve | 766,632.00 |
Neosho | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Special Highway | 909,122.00 |
Neosho | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Special Law Enforcement Trust | 18,498.00 |
Neosho | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | Special Machine Nery | 189,988.00 |
Neosho | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | Wind Farm Contribution | 2,419,207.00 |
Neosho | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | Solid Waste | -2,670.00 |
Neosho | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | Special Auto | 12,719.00 |
Neosho | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | Special Noxious Weed | 174.00 |
Bourbon | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Atty Trust Fund | 1,311.00 |
Bourbon | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Emergency Mgmt Grant | 0.00 |
Bourbon | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Comm Emg. Response | 0.00 |
Bourbon | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Diversion Fund | 23,794.00 |
Bourbon | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Game License | 461.00 |
Bourbon | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Heritage Trust Fund | 13,010.00 |
Bourbon | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | ROD - Tech Fund | 47,421.00 |
Bourbon | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Treasure - Tech Fund | 15,927.00 |
Bourbon | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Clerk - Tech Fund | 25,245.00 |
Bourbon | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Spec. Law Enf Fund | 34,913.00 |
Bourbon | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Local Law Grant | 0.00 |
Bourbon | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Prosecutor Training | 11,564.00 |
Bourbon | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Spec Prosecutor Fund | 79,925.00 |
Bourbon | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Sheriff Forfeiture | 21,406.00 |
Bourbon | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Sheriff Forfeiture 7/2019 | 102,124.00 |
Bourbon | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Worksite Wellness | 0.00 |
Bourbon | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | CDBGCV Grant | 0.00 |
Bourbon | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | ARPA Grant | 202,413.00 |
Bourbon | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Opiod Settlement Grant | 2,700.00 |
Bourbon | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Conceal Carry Fund | 3,427.00 |
Bourbon | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Sex Offender Fund | 27,665.00 |
Bourbon | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Appraiser Rsv Fnd | 106,676.00 |
Bourbon | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Comp Equip Rsv Fund | 40,611.00 |
Bourbon | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | General Equip Rsv Fund | 394,863.00 |
Bourbon | Non-Budgeted Funds-E | Equip Rsv. General | 0.00 |
Bourbon | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | County Atty Reserve | 11,171.00 |
Bourbon | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | Election Rsv Fund | 293.00 |
Bourbon | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | Noxious Weed Equip | 8,119.00 |
Bourbon | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | Road & Bridge Sp Impr | 394,000.00 |
Bourbon | Non-Budgeted Funds-F | Special Road Machinery | 50,833.00 |
Bourbon | Non-Budgeted Funds-G | EMS Equip Rsv Fund | 200,000.00 |
Jackson | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | C1-Elderly Grant 2013-2014 Fund | 694.00 |
Jackson | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | C1-Elderly Grant 2014-2015 Fund | 0.00 |
Jackson | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | C2-USDA Grant 2013-2014 Fund | 0.00 |
Jackson | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | C2-USDA Grant 2014-2015 Fund | 0.00 |
Jackson | Non-Budgeted Funds-A | Prosecuting Attorney Training Fund | 7,465.00 |
Jackson | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Elderly Bus Replacement | 73,721.00 |
Jackson | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Elderly Captial Imporvement Fund | 106,419.00 |
Jackson | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Inmate Welfare Fund | 102,676.00 |
Jackson | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Juvenile Intake Fund | 109,713.00 |
Jackson | Non-Budgeted Funds-B | Juvenile Intake II Fund | 0.00 |
Jackson | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Juvenile Reinvestment Fund | 30,456.00 |
Jackson | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Noxious Weed Capital Outlay | 103,513.00 |
Jackson | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | COVID 19 Relief Grant Fund | 1,009,244.00 |
Jackson | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Nextera Settlement Fund | 380,927.00 |
Jackson | Non-Budgeted Funds-C | Tourism - Guest Tax Fund | 86,313.00 |
Jackson | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Victim Grant Fund | -3,354.00 |
Jackson | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | VAWA Grant Fund | -22,922.00 |
Jackson | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Adult Corrections Fund | 31,330.00 |
Jackson | Non-Budgeted Funds-D | Adult Community Corrections Fund | 0.00 |
Johnson | Non-Budgeted Funds | Workers Compensation Self-Insurance | 8,134,409.00 |
Johnson | Non-Budgeted Funds | Register of Deeds Technology Fund | 7,828,304.00 |
Johnson | Non-Budgeted Funds | County Clerk Technology Fund | 1,730,183.00 |
Johnson | Non-Budgeted Funds | Treasurer Technology Fund | 285,918.00 |
Johnson | Non-Budgeted Funds | Fleet Equipment Reserve Fund | 4,658,191.00 |
Johnson | Non-Budgeted Funds | Public Building Commission | 23,298,346.00 |
Johnson | Non-Budgeted Funds | Library Gift Fund | 168,600.00 |
Johnson | Non-Budgeted Funds | Self Insured Health Care Fund | 13,883,734.00 |
Johnson | Non-Budgeted Funds | Equipment Reserve Fund | 7,874,230.00 |
Johnson | Non-Budgeted Funds | Capital Projects Fund | 104,765,887.00 |
McPherson | Likely Non-Budgeted | Insurance Reserve Fund | 1,049,749.00 |
McPherson | Likely Non-Budgeted | Special Highway Improvement | 2,935,453.00 |
McPherson | Likely Non-Budgeted | Special Machinery And Equip. | 366,836.00 |
McPherson | Likely Non-Budgeted | Capital Improvement Reserve | 2,686,044.00 |
McPherson | Likely Non-Budgeted | Capital Equipment Reserve | 2,211,026.00 |
McPherson | Likely Non-Budgeted | Noxious Weed Capital Outlay | 183,558.00 |
McPherson | Likely Non-Budgeted | Landfill Remediation Reserve | 1,270,423.00 |
McPherson | Likely Non-Budgeted | War Memorial | 3,336.00 |
McPherson | Likely Non-Budgeted | CARES | 0.00 |
McPherson | Likely Non-Budgeted | E911 Capital Reserve | 1,100,000.00 |
Seward | Likely Non-Budgeted | Road Machinery Fund | 838,346.00 |
Seward | Likely Non-Budgeted | Special Highway Improvement Fund | 3,486,732.00 |
Seward | Likely Non-Budgeted | Noxious Weed Equipment Fund | 9,935.00 |
Seward | Likely Non-Budgeted | Special Fire Equipment Fund | 25,461.00 |
Wyandotte | Funds with a tax levy | General | 14,457,832.00 |
Wyandotte | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 2,147,205.00 |
Wyandotte | Funds with a tax levy | County Elections | 344,440.00 |
Wyandotte | Funds with a tax levy | Aging | 1,115,460.00 |
Wyandotte | Funds with a tax levy | Mental Health | 74,660.00 |
Wyandotte | Funds with a tax levy | Developmental Disabilities | 562,215.00 |
Wyandotte | Funds with a tax levy | County Health | 1,531,069.00 |
Wyandotte | Funds with a tax levy | County Initiative for Funding Infrastructure | 0.00 |
Wyandotte | Funds with a tax levy | Consolidated Parks General Fund | 2,085,584.00 |
Wyandotte | Funds with no tax levy | Court Trustee | 636,697.00 |
Wyandotte | Funds with no tax levy | Jail Commissary | 489,652.00 |
Wyandotte | Funds with no tax levy | Register of Deeds Technology | 277,176.00 |
Wyandotte | Funds with no tax levy | Clerk Technology | 128,605.00 |
Wyandotte | Funds with no tax levy | Treasury Technology | 120,806.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with a tax levy | General | 94,535,285.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 3,285,713.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with a tax levy | Wichita State University | 30,859.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with a tax levy | COMCARE | 1,029,464.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with a tax levy | EMS | 5,044,128.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with a tax levy | Aging Services | 1,354,027.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with a tax levy | Highway Fund | 3,108,081.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with a tax levy | Noxious Weeds | 105,538.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | Solid Waste | 1,646,164.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | Special Parks & Rec. | 76,426.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | 9-1-1 Services | 3,458,958.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | Spec. Alcohol/Drug | 111,403.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | Auto License | 587,026.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | Pros Attorney Training Fund | 52,279.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | Court Trustee | 2,126,134.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | Court A/D Safety Pgm. | 1,267,438.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | Reg. of Deeds Tech. Fund | 627,821.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | Tech. Enhancement | 873,709.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | Treasurer Tech. Fund | 282,104.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | Clerk Tech. Fund | 721,794.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | CDDO-Grants | 4,671,063.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | COMCARE-Grants | 11,916,225.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | Corrections-Grants | 1,794,505.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | Aging-Grants | 2,580,031.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | Coroner-Grants | -328,642.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | Emergency Mgmt.-Grants | 13,581.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | District Attorney-Grants | 49,615.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | Sheriff-Grants | 1,664,001.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | EMS-Grants | 5,043.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | JAG-Grants | -155,744.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | Economic Dev.-Grants | 0.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | HUD-Grants | 0.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | Housing-Grants | 411,300.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | Health Dept.-Grants | 1,545,382.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | Affordable Airfares-Grant | 4,172,617.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | Misc. Grants | 245,944.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | Stimulus Fund | 61,698,617.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | Law Enforcement-Grants | 8,655.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | Township Dissolution | 0.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | District Court-Grants | 61,522.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | DIO - Grants | 0.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | Kansas Pavilions | 0.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | Downtown Arena Construction & Operations | 4,154,529.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | Fleet Management | 5,019,660.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | Health/Dental Insurance Reserve | 11,384,255.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | Workers' Comp. Reserve | 5,369,507.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | Risk Management Reserve | 3,237,661.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | Code Inspection & Enforcement Fund | 0.00 |
Sedgwick | Funds with no tax levy | Municipalities Fighting Addiction Fund | 0.00 |
Shawnee | Funds with a tax levy | General | 36,236,002.00 |
Shawnee | Funds with a tax levy | Special Liability | 377,672.00 |
Shawnee | Funds with no tax levy | Health Department | 1,382,732.00 |
Shawnee | Funds with no tax levy | Transient Guest Tax | 140,108.00 |
Shawnee | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol & Drug Prog | 0.00 |
Shawnee | Funds with no tax levy | 911 Telephone | 1,330,230.00 |
Shawnee | Funds with no tax levy | Solid Waste | 9,446,527.00 |
Shawnee | Funds with no tax levy | Public Building Commission | 20,009,897.00 |
Shawnee | Funds with no tax levy | Certificates of Participation | 2,500.00 |
Shawnee | Funds with no tax levy | Corvonavirus Relief Fund | 181,580.00 |
Douglas | Funds with a tax levy | General | 16,174,968.00 |
Douglas | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 580,651.00 |
Douglas | Funds with a tax levy | Road & Bridge | 2,363,942.00 |
Douglas | Funds with a tax levy | Ambulance | 1,856,902.00 |
Douglas | Funds with a tax levy | Employee Benefits | 3,827,757.00 |
Douglas | Funds with a tax levy | Special Building | 1,081,420.00 |
Douglas | Funds with a tax levy | Special Liability | 357,265.00 |
Douglas | Funds with no tax levy | Emergency Telephone | 256,825.00 |
Douglas | Funds with no tax levy | Motor Vehicle Operations | 286,253.00 |
Douglas | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol | 88,134.00 |
Douglas | Funds with no tax levy | Special Parks & Recreation | 198,031.00 |
Douglas | Funds with no tax levy | Local County Sales Tax | 13,466,484.00 |
Douglas | Funds with no tax levy | MH Services Sales Tax | 14,858,274.00 |
Leavenworth | Funds with a tax levy | General | 5,678,041.00 |
Leavenworth | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 1,403,629.00 |
Leavenworth | Funds with a tax levy | Road & Bridge | 975,495.00 |
Leavenworth | Funds with a tax levy | Health | 244,088.00 |
Leavenworth | Funds with a tax levy | Employee Benefits | 276,724.00 |
Leavenworth | Funds with a tax levy | Economic Development | 4,163.00 |
Leavenworth | Funds with a tax levy | Council on Aging | 89,514.00 |
Leavenworth | Funds with a tax levy | Juvenile Detention | 81,272.00 |
Leavenworth | Funds with a tax levy | Solid Waste | 449,350.00 |
Leavenworth | Funds with no tax levy | ROD Tech | 416,911.00 |
Leavenworth | Funds with no tax levy | Clerk Tech | 44,858.00 |
Leavenworth | Funds with no tax levy | Treasurer Tech | 19,251.00 |
Leavenworth | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol | 93,899.00 |
Leavenworth | Funds with no tax levy | Special Parks & Rec. | 41,838.00 |
Leavenworth | Funds with no tax levy | 911 Taxes | 134,209.00 |
Leavenworth | Funds with no tax levy | 20 Year Sales Tax (171) | 2,212,300.00 |
Riley | Funds with a tax levy | General - 001 | 19,352,262.00 |
Riley | Funds with a tax levy | Bond & Interest Fund - 181 | 211,315.00 |
Riley | Funds with a tax levy | Health Department - 030 | 968,907.00 |
Riley | Funds with a tax levy | County Building Fund - 152 | 211,648.00 |
Riley | Funds with a tax levy | RCPD Fund - 173 | 232,234.00 |
Riley | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol Programs Fund - 132 | 15,583.00 |
Riley | Funds with no tax levy | EMS Grant Fund - 52 | 5,444.00 |
Riley | Funds with no tax levy | Economic Development Fund - 146 | 181,640.00 |
Riley | Funds with no tax levy | Emergency 911 Fund - 148 | 724,617.00 |
Riley | Funds with no tax levy | Solid Waste Disposal Fund - 150 | 442,458.00 |
Riley | Funds with no tax levy | Register of Deeds Technology Fund | 157,870.00 |
Riley | Funds with no tax levy | County Clerk Tech Fund - 107 | 146,671.00 |
Riley | Funds with no tax levy | County Treasurer Tech Fund - 108 | 93,958.00 |
Riley | Funds with no tax levy | War Memorial Fund - 112 | 10,670.00 |
Riley | Funds with no tax levy | County Auction Fund - 118 | 252,205.00 |
Riley | Funds with no tax levy | Motor Vehicle Operations Fund - 130 | 6,198.00 |
Riley | Funds with no tax levy | Community Corrections Fund - 144 | 78,004.00 |
Riley | Funds with no tax levy | Capital Improvements Fund - 145 | 8,026,215.00 |
Riley | Funds with no tax levy | Road & Bridge 1/2 Cent Sales Tax Fund - 157 | 6,501,479.00 |
Riley | Funds with no tax levy | Landfill Closure Fund - 180 | 32,298.00 |
Riley | Funds with no tax levy | Rural Fire Capital Outlay Fund - 184 | 424,935.00 |
Riley | Funds with no tax levy | OPIOD Fund - 53 | 13,690.00 |
Riley | Funds with no tax levy | Fire Station Projects Fund - 185 | 13,850.00 |
Riley | Funds with no tax levy | Road & Bridge 0.2 Cent Sales Tax | 0.00 |
Riley | Funds with no tax levy | Disaster Fund - 003 | 13,886,118.00 |
Riley | Funds with no tax levy | LATCF Fund | 50,000.00 |
Riley | Funds with no tax levy | CDBG | 0.00 |
Butler | Funds with a tax levy | General | 20,002.00 |
Butler | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 225,233.00 |
Butler | Funds with a tax levy | Road & Bridge | 0.00 |
Butler | Funds with a tax levy | Bridge Building | 326,229.00 |
Butler | Funds with a tax levy | Emergency Medical Services | 0.00 |
Butler | Funds with a tax levy | Department of Health | 368.00 |
Butler | Funds with a tax levy | Department of Aging | 119.00 |
Butler | Funds with a tax levy | Sheriff | 2,767.00 |
Butler | Funds with a tax levy | Jail | 1,582.00 |
Butler | Funds with no tax levy | Sanitary Landfill (0045) | 161,557.00 |
Butler | Funds with no tax levy | Special Parks and Recreation (0072) | 23,472.00 |
Butler | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol (0071) | 44,374.00 |
Butler | Funds with no tax levy | Sewer Districts Maintenance (02xx) | 637,457.00 |
Butler | Funds with no tax levy | Special Wind Farm Funds (0078) | 34,215.00 |
Butler | Funds with no tax levy | Street Lighting (0074) | 4,270.00 |
Butler | Funds with no tax levy | Special Liability Deductible (0073) | 201,821.00 |
Butler | Funds with no tax levy | Opiod Settlement (0263) | 12,529.00 |
Butler | Funds with no tax levy | 9-1-1 Fund (0066) | 551,997.00 |
Butler | Funds with no tax levy | Self-Insurance (0004) | 1,375,833.00 |
Butler | Funds with no tax levy | Economic Development (0086) | 120,197.00 |
Reno | Funds with a tax levy | General | 12,154,292.00 |
Reno | Funds with a tax levy | Bond & Interest | 550,702.00 |
Reno | Funds with a tax levy | Road & Bridge | 985,056.00 |
Reno | Funds with a tax levy | Special Road | 1,214,746.00 |
Reno | Funds with a tax levy | Special Bridge | 2,512,504.00 |
Reno | Funds with a tax levy | Aging & Transit | 749,353.00 |
Reno | Funds with a tax levy | Public Health | 2,217,897.00 |
Reno | Funds with a tax levy | Noxious Weed | 20,901.00 |
Reno | Funds with a tax levy | Employee Benefits | 4,936,353.00 |
Reno | Funds with a tax levy | TECH Center | 24,975.00 |
Reno | Funds with a tax levy | Mental Health | 20,584.00 |
Reno | Funds with a tax levy | Historical Museum | 8,630.00 |
Reno | Funds with a tax levy | CIP Fund | 356,430.00 |
Reno | Funds with a tax levy | Special Equipment | 225,120.00 |
Reno | Funds with no tax levy | Solid Waste | 5,322,574.00 |
Reno | Funds with no tax levy | Youth Services | 818,451.00 |
Reno | Funds with no tax levy | Solid Waste Post-Closure | 6,919,613.00 |
Reno | Funds with no tax levy | Special Parks & Recreation | 13,572.00 |
Reno | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol & Drug | 38,524.00 |
Reno | Funds with no tax levy | Noxious Weed Capital Outlay | 104,276.00 |
Reno | Funds with no tax levy | Public Health Capital Outlay | 413,201.00 |
Reno | Funds with no tax levy | Internal Services | 69,360.00 |
Reno | Funds with no tax levy | Municipalities Fight Addiction | 11,556.00 |
Saline | Funds with a tax levy | General | 7,428,093.00 |
Saline | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 1.00 |
Saline | Funds with a tax levy | Road & Bridge | 545,453.00 |
Saline | Funds with a tax levy | Public Health | 264,439.00 |
Saline | Funds with a tax levy | Noxious Weed | 27,614.00 |
Saline | Funds with a tax levy | Special Bridge Construction | 712,012.00 |
Saline | Funds with a tax levy | Special Road Construction | 1,254,744.00 |
Saline | Funds with a tax levy | Employee Benefits | 2,252,005.00 |
Saline | Funds with no tax levy | Special Parks & Recreation | 23,285.00 |
Saline | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol | 16,898.00 |
Saline | Funds with no tax levy | Noxious Weed Capital Project | 198,551.00 |
Saline | Funds with no tax levy | Expo Capital Improvement | 108,793.00 |
Saline | Funds with no tax levy | County Capital Improvement | 6,803,088.00 |
Saline | Funds with no tax levy | Health Capital Project | 474,407.00 |
Saline | Funds with no tax levy | Jail Sales Tax | 7,600,126.00 |
Saline | Funds with no tax levy | Opiod Settlement | 10,085.00 |
Crawford | Funds with a tax levy | General | 1,397,388.00 |
Crawford | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 0.00 |
Crawford | Funds with a tax levy | Road & Bridge | 575,568.00 |
Crawford | Funds with a tax levy | Health | 278,606.00 |
Crawford | Funds with a tax levy | Fair | 526.00 |
Crawford | Funds with a tax levy | Fairgrounds Maintenance | 217.00 |
Crawford | Funds with a tax levy | 4-H Fair Awards | 430.00 |
Crawford | Funds with a tax levy | Historical & Museum | 2,389.00 |
Crawford | Funds with a tax levy | Soil Conservation | 3,161.00 |
Crawford | Funds with a tax levy | Ambulance | 92,000.00 |
Crawford | Funds with a tax levy | Mental Health | 27,550.00 |
Crawford | Funds with a tax levy | Intellectual Disabilities | 10,002.00 |
Crawford | Funds with a tax levy | Elderly Program | 12,494.00 |
Crawford | Funds with a tax levy | Emloyee Benefits | 171,003.00 |
Crawford | Funds with a tax levy | Operating Reserve | 1,154,163.00 |
Crawford | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol Funds | 5,700.00 |
Crawford | Funds with no tax levy | Special Parks & Rec | 8,114.00 |
Crawford | Funds with no tax levy | Tourism & Convention | 406,561.00 |
Crawford | Funds with no tax levy | Register of Deeds Tech Fund | 133,918.00 |
Crawford | Funds with no tax levy | Risk Management | 1,251,299.00 |
Crawford | Funds with no tax levy | Conslidated 911 Funds | 243,309.00 |
Crawford | Funds with no tax levy | Treasurers Tech Fund | 27,959.00 |
Crawford | Funds with no tax levy | Clerks Tech Fund | 8,184.00 |
Crawford | Funds with no tax levy | Opiod Settlement Funds | 7,243.00 |
Finney | Funds with a tax levy | General | 8,090,749.00 |
Finney | Funds with a tax levy | Road & Bridge | 1,235,685.00 |
Finney | Funds with a tax levy | Aging | 789.00 |
Finney | Funds with a tax levy | Ambulance/EMS | 306,849.00 |
Finney | Funds with a tax levy | County Employee Benefit | 8,252,432.00 |
Finney | Funds with a tax levy | Economic Development | 5,853.00 |
Finney | Funds with a tax levy | Free Fair & Fair Grounds | 345,489.00 |
Finney | Funds with a tax levy | County Health | 711,649.00 |
Finney | Funds with a tax levy | Historical Museum | 7,232.00 |
Finney | Funds with a tax levy | Library Maintenance | 30,632.00 |
Finney | Funds with a tax levy | Intellectual Disability Services | 7,233.00 |
Finney | Funds with a tax levy | Noxious Weed | 350,684.00 |
Finney | Funds with a tax levy | Law Enforcement | 841,080.00 |
Finney | Funds with no tax levy | Alcohol Programs | 22,656.00 |
Finney | Funds with no tax levy | Capital Improvements Program | 2,545,874.00 |
Finney | Funds with no tax levy | Economic Development Incentives | 879,230.00 |
Finney | Funds with no tax levy | GIS | 95,326.00 |
Finney | Funds with no tax levy | Guest Tax | 0.00 |
Finney | Funds with no tax levy | Juvenile Detention Center | 193,352.00 |
Finney | Funds with no tax levy | Juvenile Detention Center Bldg | 50,000.00 |
Finney | Funds with no tax levy | Noxious Weed Capital Outlay | 120,654.00 |
Finney | Funds with no tax levy | Parks & Recreation | 5,856.00 |
Finney | Funds with no tax levy | Landfill | 769,841.00 |
Finney | Funds with no tax levy | CDBG Revolving Loan | 311,168.00 |
Finney | Funds with no tax levy | Community Services Center | 377,423.00 |
Finney | Funds with no tax levy | Infrastructure Improvement Fund | 475,192.00 |
Miami | Funds with a tax levy | General | 4,997,790.00 |
Miami | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Services | 201,831.00 |
Miami | Funds with a tax levy | Road & Bridge | 2,367,326.00 |
Miami | Funds with a tax levy | Reappraisal | 71,878.00 |
Miami | Funds with a tax levy | Special Bridge | 23,545.00 |
Miami | Funds with no tax levy | Solid Waste | 176,682.00 |
Miami | Funds with no tax levy | County Fuel | 206,013.00 |
Miami | Funds with no tax levy | Club Estates Sewer | 25,931.00 |
Miami | Funds with no tax levy | Club Estates Lights | 436.00 |
Miami | Funds with no tax levy | Walnut Creek Sewer | 60,191.00 |
Miami | Funds with no tax levy | Bucyrus Sewer | 5,489.00 |
Miami | Funds with no tax levy | Emergency 911 | 287,359.00 |
Miami | Funds with no tax levy | Motor Vehicle | 543.00 |
Miami | Funds with no tax levy | Airport FAA Hanger | 434.00 |
Miami | Funds with no tax levy | Technology Plan | 134,457.00 |
Miami | Funds with no tax levy | CIP Sales Tax | 558,984.00 |
Miami | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol | 39,073.00 |
Miami | Funds with no tax levy | D.C. Sales Tax | 1,325,616.00 |
Miami | Funds with no tax levy | Community Corr Adult | 293,248.00 |
Miami | Funds with no tax levy | Community Corr JUV | 91,312.00 |
Miami | Funds with no tax levy | Community Corr JUVR | 87,011.00 |
Geary | Funds with a tax levy | General | 11,683,267.00 |
Geary | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 3,742,304.00 |
Geary | Funds with a tax levy | Road & Bridge & Surcharge | 184,042.00 |
Geary | Funds with a tax levy | Appraisers Cost | 1,537.00 |
Geary | Funds with a tax levy | Big Lakes Develop Center | 10.00 |
Geary | Funds with a tax levy | Capital Improvements | 4,530,375.00 |
Geary | Funds with a tax levy | Co. Neighborhood Revital | 199,206.00 |
Geary | Funds with a tax levy | Economic Development | 12,402.00 |
Geary | Funds with a tax levy | Election | 14,347.00 |
Geary | Funds with a tax levy | Employee Benefits | 133,015.00 |
Geary | Funds with a tax levy | Extension Council | 38.00 |
Geary | Funds with a tax levy | Free Fair | 2.00 |
Geary | Funds with a tax levy | Health Fund | 713,787.00 |
Geary | Funds with a tax levy | Historical | 9.00 |
Geary | Funds with a tax levy | Juvenile Detention | 17.00 |
Geary | Funds with a tax levy | Noxious Weed | 9,450.00 |
Geary | Funds with a tax levy | Pawnee Mental Health Serv | 22.00 |
Geary | Funds with a tax levy | Senior Citizens | 19.00 |
Geary | Funds with a tax levy | Special Bridge | 647,942.00 |
Geary | Funds with a tax levy | Hospial No-Fund Warrants | 10,403.00 |
Geary | Funds with no tax levy | Animal Shelter | 5.00 |
Geary | Funds with no tax levy | Opiod Settlement | 6,025.00 |
Geary | Funds with no tax levy | Hospital | 0.00 |
Geary | Funds with no tax levy | Law Enforcement | 80,723.00 |
Geary | Funds with no tax levy | 911 System | 223,783.00 |
Geary | Funds with no tax levy | Alcohol Program | 91,497.00 |
Geary | Funds with no tax levy | Bond Supervision Fee | 30,052.00 |
Geary | Funds with no tax levy | Cloud Co Comm College | 182,635.00 |
Geary | Funds with no tax levy | Concealed Weapon/KORA | 125,088.00 |
Geary | Funds with no tax levy | Convention & Tourism | 372,825.00 |
Geary | Funds with no tax levy | County Facilities | 612,222.00 |
Geary | Funds with no tax levy | Court Trustee | 716,809.00 |
Geary | Funds with no tax levy | CVB Sports Complex | 527,283.00 |
Geary | Funds with no tax levy | Eagle Ridge Benefit District | 23,893.00 |
Geary | Funds with no tax levy | Health Capital Outlay | 542,402.00 |
Geary | Funds with no tax levy | Highway Federal Fund Exchange | 633,240.00 |
Geary | Funds with no tax levy | Juvenile Diversion | 20,458.00 |
Geary | Funds with no tax levy | Noxious Weed Cap Outlay | 0.00 |
Geary | Funds with no tax levy | Parks & Recreation | 41,706.00 |
Geary | Funds with no tax levy | PBC - Pennell/Court | 0.00 |
Geary | Funds with no tax levy | Waste Disposal | 344,614.00 |
Geary | Funds with no tax levy | Senate Bill No. 50 911 | 428,480.00 |
Geary | Funds with no tax levy | Sol Waste Environ Haz | 75,659.00 |
Geary | Funds with no tax levy | VIN Fees | 394,454.00 |
Geary | Funds with no tax levy | HME Building | 5,965.00 |
Cowley | Funds with a tax levy | General | 7,970,580.00 |
Cowley | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 18,344.00 |
Cowley | Funds with a tax levy | Road & Bridge | 1,606,674.00 |
Cowley | Funds with a tax levy | Noxious Weeds | 48,832.00 |
Cowley | Funds with a tax levy | Economic Development | 298,374.00 |
Cowley | Funds with a tax levy | Annex Sales Tax | 1,163.00 |
Cowley | Funds with a tax levy | Transfer Station | 2,512,557.00 |
Cowley | Funds with a tax levy | 911 Systems | 362,399.00 |
Cowley | Funds with a tax levy | Record Mgmt Systems | 183,700.00 |
Cowley | Funds with a tax levy | Community Corrections | 289,087.00 |
Cowley | Funds with a tax levy | Juvenile Services | 360,319.00 |
Cowley | Funds with no tax levy | Juvenile Services Reinvestment | 2,687.00 |
Cowley | Funds with no tax levy | Oil & Gas Depletion | 3,007.00 |
Cowley | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol | 14,036.00 |
Cowley | Funds with no tax levy | Special Parks and Rec. | 34,217.00 |
Cowley | Funds with no tax levy | County Atty Training | 28,263.00 |
Cowley | Funds with no tax levy | County Atty Forfeiture | 324.00 |
Cowley | Funds with no tax levy | Drug Screening | 89,746.00 |
Cowley | Funds with no tax levy | Jail Sales Tax Surplus | 138,557.00 |
Cowley | Funds with no tax levy | Annex Debt Services | 0.00 |
Cowley | Funds with no tax levy | Annex Sales Tax Surplus | 1,110,606.00 |
Cowley | Funds with no tax levy | Special Law Enforcement | 242,306.00 |
Cowley | Funds with no tax levy | Firearms Range | 8,917.00 |
Cowley | Funds with no tax levy | Jail Enterprise | 109,547.00 |
Cowley | Funds with no tax levy | Self Insured Benefits | 715,697.00 |
Cowley | Funds with no tax levy | CDDO | 181,803.00 |
Cowley | Funds with no tax levy | GO Bridge Fund | 9,784,768.00 |
Ford | Funds with a tax levy | General | 1,655,405.00 |
Ford | Funds with a tax levy | Special Bridge | 643,737.00 |
Ford | Funds with a tax levy | Health | 678,058.00 |
Ford | Funds with a tax levy | Services for the Elderly | 30,078.00 |
Ford | Funds with a tax levy | Amublance | 53,388.00 |
Ford | Funds with a tax levy | Noxious Weed | 669,575.00 |
Ford | Funds with no tax levy | Kansas 911 Act SB 50 | 61,135.00 |
Ford | Funds with no tax levy | Noxious Weed Capital Outlay | 483,134.00 |
Ford | Funds with no tax levy | Hazardous Household Waste | 180,385.00 |
Ford | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol & Drug | 12,854.00 |
Ford | Funds with no tax levy | Special Park & Recreation | 17,061.00 |
Ford | Funds with no tax levy | Alarm | 11,474.00 |
Ford | Funds with no tax levy | Solid Waste Disposal | 919,404.00 |
Ford | Funds with no tax levy | PBC Bond Payment | 127,121.00 |
Harvey | Funds with a tax levy | General | 7,878,284.00 |
Harvey | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 85,734.00 |
Harvey | Funds with a tax levy | Road & Bridge | 600,184.00 |
Harvey | Funds with a tax levy | Nox. Weed Eradication | 50,024.00 |
Harvey | Funds with a tax levy | Extension Council | 25,758.00 |
Harvey | Funds with a tax levy | Elderly Services Program | 43,362.00 |
Harvey | Funds with no tax levy | Solid Waste | 1,496,003.00 |
Harvey | Funds with no tax levy | 911 Fund | 320,790.00 |
Harvey | Funds with no tax levy | Harvey County Transportation | 234,632.00 |
Harvey | Funds with no tax levy | Spec. Alcohol & Drug Prog. | 3,776.00 |
Harvey | Funds with no tax levy | Spec. Parks & Recreation | 21,752.00 |
Harvey | Funds with no tax levy | Municipalities Fight Addiction | 6,413.00 |
Harvey | Funds with no tax levy | Diversion Fund | 1,498.00 |
Harvey | Funds with no tax levy | Road Impact Fee | 31,046.00 |
Lyon | Funds with a tax levy | General | 3,868,307.00 |
Lyon | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Services | 0.00 |
Lyon | Funds with a tax levy | Road & Bridge | 1,872,804.00 |
Lyon | Funds with a tax levy | Multi-Year Cap Imp | 5,366,556.00 |
Lyon | Funds with a tax levy | Mental Health | 1,964.00 |
Lyon | Funds with a tax levy | Newman Hospital | 31,024.00 |
Lyon | Funds with a tax levy | Noxious Weeds | 99,098.00 |
Lyon | Funds with a tax levy | Hetlinger Development | 0.00 |
Lyon | Funds with a tax levy | Special Bridge | 299,571.00 |
Lyon | Funds with a tax levy | Special R&B 599A | 33,254.00 |
Lyon | Funds with a tax levy | Tort Liability | 107,481.00 |
Lyon | Funds with a tax levy | Health Department | 88,943.00 |
Lyon | Funds with no tax levy | Community Corrections | 276,664.00 |
Lyon | Funds with no tax levy | Cert Grant | 0.00 |
Lyon | Funds with no tax levy | Court Trustee | 25,181.00 |
Lyon | Funds with no tax levy | JV Community Initiative Grant | 23,869.00 |
Lyon | Funds with no tax levy | Opiod Grant | 6,180.00 |
Lyon | Funds with no tax levy | Citizen Review Board | 27,939.00 |
Lyon | Funds with no tax levy | 911 Service Fund | 324,473.00 |
Lyon | Funds with no tax levy | Register of Deeds Technology | 55,603.00 |
Lyon | Funds with no tax levy | County Auto-Vehicle Dept | -14,183.00 |
Lyon | Funds with no tax levy | Prosecutor Training | 7,106.00 |
Lyon | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol Fund | 30,343.00 |
Lyon | Funds with no tax levy | Special Parks & Rec | 4,533.00 |
Lyon | Funds with no tax levy | Treasurer Technology | 16,676.00 |
Lyon | Funds with no tax levy | County Clerk Technology | 23,939.00 |
Lyon | Funds with no tax levy | Special Road & Bridge | 347,194.00 |
Montgomery | Funds with a tax levy | General | |
Montgomery | Funds with a tax levy | Road & Bridge | |
Montgomery | Funds with a tax levy | Health Fund 05 | 383,304.00 |
Montgomery | Funds with a tax levy | Special Bridge | 1,297,352.00 |
Montgomery | Funds with a tax levy | Mental Health | 5.00 |
Montgomery | Funds with a tax levy | Intellectual Disability | 3.00 |
Montgomery | Funds with a tax levy | Service Program Elderly | 278,811.00 |
Montgomery | Funds with a tax levy | Employee Benefits | 2,594,262.00 |
Montgomery | Funds with a tax levy | Noxious Weed | 42,524.00 |
Montgomery | Funds with a tax levy | Ambulance | 43,053.00 |
Montgomery | Funds with a tax levy | Special Liability | 38,635.00 |
Montgomery | Funds with a tax levy | Economic Development | 8.00 |
Montgomery | Funds with a tax levy | No Fund Warrant | 15,454.00 |
Montgomery | Funds with no tax levy | Tourism & Convention | 0.00 |
Montgomery | Funds with no tax levy | Special Law Enforcement | 52,903.00 |
Montgomery | Funds with no tax levy | Special Parks & Rec. | 6,976.00 |
Montgomery | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol Program | 8,576.00 |
Montgomery | Funds with no tax levy | Special Noxious Weed | 160,525.00 |
Montgomery | Funds with no tax levy | Emergency Phone Service | 284.00 |
Montgomery | Funds with no tax levy | VIN Fees | 108,590.00 |
Montgomery | Funds with no tax levy | Risk Management Reserve | 451,668.00 |
Montgomery | Funds with no tax levy | Solid Waste | 55,529.00 |
McPherson | Funds with a tax levy | General | 1,825,288.00 |
McPherson | Funds with a tax levy | Public Works | 598,620.00 |
McPherson | Funds with a tax levy | Health | 7,177.00 |
McPherson | Funds with a tax levy | Employee Benefits | 290,195.00 |
McPherson | Funds with a tax levy | Noxious Weed | 79,213.00 |
McPherson | Funds with a tax levy | CDDO - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities | 10,691.00 |
McPherson | Funds with no tax levy | Debt Service | 8,911.00 |
McPherson | Funds with no tax levy | Community Corrections | 233,532.00 |
McPherson | Funds with no tax levy | Court Trustee Program | 59,078.00 |
McPherson | Funds with no tax levy | Telephone Tax E911 | 199,666.00 |
McPherson | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol Fund | 11,525.00 |
McPherson | Funds with no tax levy | Special Park And Recreation | 14,104.00 |
McPherson | Funds with no tax levy | Technology Fund - Reg. Of Deeds | 161,726.00 |
McPherson | Funds with no tax levy | Technology Fund - County Clerk | 18,979.00 |
McPherson | Funds with no tax levy | Technology Fund - County Treasurer | 1,046.00 |
McPherson | Funds with no tax levy | Special Landfill | 10,000.00 |
McPherson | Funds with no tax levy | ARPA | 1,865,118.00 |
Pottawatomie | Funds with a tax levy | General | 14,528,704.00 |
Pottawatomie | Funds with no tax levy | Bond & Interest Funds | 1,534,689.00 |
Pottawatomie | Funds with no tax levy | Court Trustee Fund | 501.00 |
Pottawatomie | Funds with no tax levy | Pottawatomie County 911 Fund | 407,307.00 |
Pottawatomie | Funds with no tax levy | Historical Society Fund | 132,047.00 |
Pottawatomie | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol Program Fund | 84,540.00 |
Pottawatomie | Funds with no tax levy | Special Parks & Recreation Fund | 149,263.00 |
Pottawatomie | Funds with no tax levy | Tort Liability Fund | 217,518.00 |
Pottawatomie | Funds with a tax levy | Regional Library Fund | 2,936.00 |
Pottawatomie | Funds with a tax levy | Regional Library Employee Benefit Fund | 110.00 |
Pottawatomie | Funds with a tax levy | Special Noxious Weed Fund | 52,720.00 |
Pottawatomie | Funds with a tax levy | Rural Highway System Fund | 2,738,013.00 |
Pottawatomie | Funds with no tax levy | Offender Registration Fund | 46,254.00 |
Pottawatomie | Funds with no tax levy | Concealed Carry Fund | 15,821.00 |
Pottawatomie | Funds with no tax levy | Municipalities Fight Addiction Fund | 0.00 |
Pottawatomie | Funds with no tax levy | Water - Timber Creek | 223,803.00 |
Pottawatomie | Funds with no tax levy | Sewer - Blue Township | 1,873,616.00 |
Pottawatomie | Funds with no tax levy | Sewer - Brook Ridge Operations | 112,144.00 |
Pottawatomie | Funds with no tax levy | Sewer - Fostoria Operations | 21,999.00 |
Pottawatomie | Funds with no tax levy | Fire District Joint No. 1 ST Marys | 0.00 |
Pottawatomie | Funds with no tax levy | Fire District No. 2 Havensville | 0.00 |
Pottawatomie | Funds with a tax levy | Fire District No. 3 Onaga | 111,023.00 |
Pottawatomie | Funds with no tax levy | Fire District No. 4 Wheaton | 0.00 |
Pottawatomie | Funds with a tax levy | Fire District No. 5 Blue Township | 175,016.00 |
Pottawatomie | Funds with no tax levy | Fire District No. 6 Olsburg | 0.00 |
Pottawatomie | Funds with no tax levy | Fire District No. 7 Wamego | 0.00 |
Pottawatomie | Funds with no tax levy | Fire District No. 8 Emmett | 0.00 |
Pottawatomie | Funds with no tax levy | Fire District No. 10 St George | 0.00 |
Pottawatomie | Funds with a tax levy | Conslidated Fire District #1 | 1,245,788.00 |
Pottawatomie | Funds with a tax levy | Belvue Cemetery | 10,226.00 |
Pottawatomie | Funds with a tax levy | Fairview Cemetery | 6,643.00 |
Pottawatomie | Funds with a tax levy | Havensville Cemetery | 8,735.00 |
Pottawatomie | Funds with a tax levy | Louisville Cemetery | 16,996.00 |
Pottawatomie | Funds with a tax levy | St. Clere Cemetery | 15,914.00 |
Franklin | Funds with a tax levy | General | 5,588,090.00 |
Franklin | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 135,779.00 |
Franklin | Funds with a tax levy | Road & Bridge | 2,205,531.00 |
Franklin | Funds with a tax levy | Ambulance | 277,223.00 |
Franklin | Funds with a tax levy | County Building | 43,113.00 |
Franklin | Funds with a tax levy | Employee Benefits | 2,298,919.00 |
Franklin | Funds with a tax levy | Fair | 2,033.00 |
Franklin | Funds with a tax levy | Fair Building | 1,232.00 |
Franklin | Funds with a tax levy | Health | 1,218,856.00 |
Franklin | Funds with a tax levy | Historical Society | 2,661.00 |
Franklin | Funds with a tax levy | Noxious Weed | 170,231.00 |
Franklin | Funds with a tax levy | Special Liability | 103,720.00 |
Franklin | Funds with no tax levy | Country Estates | 2,677.00 |
Franklin | Funds with no tax levy | Hospital Sales Tax | 219,370.00 |
Franklin | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol | 30,611.00 |
Franklin | Funds with no tax levy | Special Parks & Recreation | 3,305.00 |
Franklin | Funds with no tax levy | Tourism & Convention Promotion | 418,439.00 |
Franklin | Funds with no tax levy | Noxious Weed Capital Outlay | 70,222.00 |
Franklin | Funds with no tax levy | Centropolis Sewer District | 26,508.00 |
Franklin | Funds with no tax levy | 911 Phone Tax | 420,153.00 |
Franklin | Funds with no tax levy | Solid Waste | 615,358.00 |
Franklin | Funds with no tax levy | Annex | 37,769.00 |
Franklin | Funds with no tax levy | Countywide Phone System | 91,096.00 |
Barton | Funds with a tax levy | General | 3,373,819.00 |
Barton | Funds with a tax levy | Road & Bridge | 801,188.00 |
Barton | Funds with a tax levy | Noxious Weed | 68,588.00 |
Barton | Funds with a tax levy | Special Bridge Replacement | 319,351.00 |
Barton | Funds with a tax levy | Employee Benefit | 1,401,701.00 |
Barton | Funds with a tax levy | Ambulance Fund | 12,143.00 |
Barton | Funds with a tax levy | Mental Health | 3,727.00 |
Barton | Funds with a tax levy | Developmental Disabilities | 2,047.00 |
Barton | Funds with a tax levy | Health Fund | 397,769.00 |
Barton | Funds with a tax levy | Special Liability | 43,760.00 |
Barton | Funds with a tax levy | Memorial Parks | 50,134.00 |
Barton | Funds with no tax levy | Solid Waste | 3,963,059.00 |
Barton | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol | 1,420.00 |
Barton | Funds with no tax levy | Special Parks | 743.00 |
Barton | Funds with no tax levy | 911 Emergency Telephone Tax | 291,906.00 |
Barton | Funds with no tax levy | CJIS / CAD | 2,278.00 |
Sumner | Funds with a tax levy | General | 724,557.00 |
Sumner | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 284,299.00 |
Sumner | Funds with a tax levy | Road & Bridge | 722,880.00 |
Sumner | Funds with a tax levy | Special Bridge | 42,998.00 |
Sumner | Funds with a tax levy | 4-H Club | 207.00 |
Sumner | Funds with a tax levy | Fair Association Bldg | 534.00 |
Sumner | Funds with a tax levy | County Fair | 646.00 |
Sumner | Funds with a tax levy | Conservation | 1,534.00 |
Sumner | Funds with a tax levy | Election | 73,977.00 |
Sumner | Funds with a tax levy | Noxious Weeds | 45,985.00 |
Sumner | Funds with a tax levy | Employee Benefits | 188,735.00 |
Sumner | Funds with a tax levy | Extension Council | 8,982.00 |
Sumner | Funds with a tax levy | Appraisers Cost | 53,717.00 |
Sumner | Funds with a tax levy | Service For Elderly | 6,712.00 |
Sumner | Funds with a tax levy | Capital Improvement | 1,129.00 |
Sumner | Funds with a tax levy | 2010 911 Wireline | 152,123.00 |
Sumner | Funds with a tax levy | Local Sales Tax | 74,839.00 |
Sumner | Funds with a tax levy | Slate Valley Sewer | 30,932.00 |
Sumner | Funds with a tax levy | Bio Terrorism Grant | 25,605.00 |
Sumner | Funds with a tax levy | Carry Concealed Fees | 16,328.00 |
Sumner | Funds with a tax levy | Pan Fly Grant | 8,688.00 |
Sumner | Funds with a tax levy | Cities Readiness | -164.00 |
Sumner | Funds with a tax levy | Tax Sale Fund | 38,127.00 |
Sumner | Funds with a tax levy | Self Insurance | 0.00 |
Sumner | Funds with a tax levy | CRI Regional Grant | 25,444.00 |
Sumner | Funds with no tax levy | Special Road & Bridge | 357.00 |
Sumner | Funds with no tax levy | AG Complex | 131,801.00 |
Sumner | Funds with no tax levy | Health | 42,116.00 |
Sumner | Funds with no tax levy | Ambulance | 1.00 |
Sumner | Funds with no tax levy | Prosecuting Atty | 55,580.00 |
Sumner | Funds with no tax levy | Mental Health | 0.00 |
Sumner | Funds with no tax levy | Futures Unlimited | 0.00 |
Sumner | Funds with no tax levy | Tort Liability | 82,131.00 |
Sumner | Funds with no tax levy | Futures Bldg | 0.00 |
Sumner | Funds with no tax levy | Special Parks/Recrea | 6,985.00 |
Sumner | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol Prog | 6,574.00 |
Sumner | Funds with no tax levy | Community Corrections | 59,846.00 |
Sumner | Funds with no tax levy | Sex Offender | 43,270.00 |
Sumner | Funds with no tax levy | Inmate Phone | 135,377.00 |
Sumner | Funds with no tax levy | Cemetery | 110,945.00 |
Sumner | Funds with no tax levy | SCMR Regional | 7,083.00 |
Sumner | Funds with no tax levy | Juvenile Justice | 44,887.00 |
Sumner | Funds with no tax levy | Juvenile Reinvest | 6,123.00 |
Sumner | Funds with no tax levy | Sales Tax - Cowely College | 141,152.00 |
Sumner | Funds with no tax levy | COVID 19 | -16,706.00 |
Sumner | Funds with no tax levy | Greenfield Note | 3,287.00 |
Seward | Funds with a tax levy | General | 6,912,358.00 |
Seward | Funds with a tax levy | Road and Bridge Fund | 432,522.00 |
Seward | Funds with a tax levy | County Building Fund | 432,001.00 |
Seward | Funds with no tax levy | Health Fund - General Services | 380,325.00 |
Seward | Funds with no tax levy | Equipment Reserve CIP Program | 764,924.00 |
Seward | Funds with no tax levy | Equipment Reserve Co Tech | 105,920.00 |
Seward | Funds with no tax levy | Diversion Program | 192,487.00 |
Seward | Funds with no tax levy | 911 Telephone / E-911 | 411,317.00 |
Seward | Funds with no tax levy | Solid Waste Disposal Fund (Landfill) | 2,182,681.00 |
Seward | Funds with no tax levy | Waste Hauling | 1,566,635.00 |
Seward | Funds with no tax levy | Closure/Postclosure Fund | 3,834,109.00 |
Seward | Funds with no tax levy | Special Park & Recreation Fund | 5,257.00 |
Seward | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol Treatment Fund | 5,257.00 |
Labette | Funds with a tax levy | General | 4,667,221.00 |
Labette | Funds with a tax levy | Abandoned Cemetery Maintence Fund | 43,098.00 |
Labette | Funds with no tax levy | Emergency Phone Equipment Fund | 22,878.00 |
Labette | Funds with a tax levy | Health Fund | 882,912.00 |
Labette | Funds with no tax levy | Health Care Services Fund | 0.00 |
Labette | Funds with a tax levy | Intellectual Disabilities Fund | 0.00 |
Labette | Funds with a tax levy | Mental Health Fund | 0.00 |
Labette | Funds with a tax levy | Noxious Weed Fund | 89,689.00 |
Labette | Funds with no tax levy | Noxious Weed Capital Outlay Fund | 100,000.00 |
Labette | Funds with a tax levy | Road and Bridge Fund | 1,087,372.00 |
Labette | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol Fund | 20,084.00 |
Labette | Funds with a tax levy | Special Bridge Fund | 359,935.00 |
Labette | Funds with a tax levy | Special Liability Fund | 1,383.00 |
Labette | Funds with no tax levy | Special Parks and Recreation Fund | 647.00 |
Cherokee | Funds with a tax levy | General | 1,054,618.00 |
Cherokee | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 0.00 |
Cherokee | Funds with a tax levy | Road & Bridge | 1,036,215.00 |
Cherokee | Funds with a tax levy | Appraisal | 90,690.00 |
Cherokee | Funds with a tax levy | Health | 920,042.00 |
Cherokee | Funds with a tax levy | Direct Election | 68,392.00 |
Cherokee | Funds with a tax levy | Noxious Weed | 1,063.00 |
Cherokee | Funds with a tax levy | Extention Council | 17,455.00 |
Cherokee | Funds with a tax levy | Conservation District | 1,907.00 |
Cherokee | Funds with a tax levy | Fair | 1,179.00 |
Cherokee | Funds with a tax levy | Emergency Medical Services | 49,503.00 |
Cherokee | Funds with a tax levy | Elderly Services | -804.00 |
Cherokee | Funds with a tax levy | Mental Health | 8,650.00 |
Cherokee | Funds with a tax levy | Special Bridge | 340,757.00 |
Cherokee | Funds with no tax levy | Special Parks and Recreation | 9,956.00 |
Cherokee | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol | 0.00 |
Cherokee | Funds with no tax levy | Tourism and Promotion | 0.00 |
Cherokee | Funds with no tax levy | Law Enforcement VIN Fees | 18,129.00 |
Cherokee | Funds with no tax levy | Emergency Telephone Tax | 96,053.00 |
Cherokee | Funds with no tax levy | Prosecuting Attorney Training | 5,210.00 |
Cherokee | Funds with no tax levy | Co Attorney Law Enforcement | 629.00 |
Cherokee | Funds with no tax levy | Spider Program | 2,079.00 |
Cherokee | Funds with no tax levy | Half Cent Sales Tax | 1,147,584.00 |
Cherokee | Funds with no tax levy | Co Atty Appl Fees | 9,776.00 |
Cherokee | Funds with no tax levy | Opiod Settlement | 3,681.00 |
Dickinson | Funds with a tax levy | General | 4,106,136.00 |
Dickinson | Funds with a tax levy | Road & Bridge | 567,959.00 |
Dickinson | Funds with a tax levy | Health - 2035 | 135,453.00 |
Dickinson | Funds with a tax levy | Noxious Weed - 2085 | 281,781.00 |
Dickinson | Funds with a tax levy | EMS B & I - 2238 | 6,730.00 |
Dickinson | Funds with a tax levy | Courthouse Reno & Jail Project | 107,191.00 |
Dickinson | Funds with no tax levy | Transfer Station - 2005 | 674,448.00 |
Dickinson | Funds with no tax levy | Health CIP - 2040 | 97,731.00 |
Dickinson | Funds with no tax levy | Noxious Weed CIP - 2090 | 493,914.00 |
Dickinson | Funds with no tax levy | DKCO 911 EM Phone - 2144 | 107,517.00 |
Dickinson | Funds with no tax levy | Diversion - 2200 | 77,395.00 |
Dickinson | Funds with no tax levy | Fingerprint & Booking - 2202 | 77,013.00 |
Dickinson | Funds with no tax levy | Concealed Weapons - 2223 | 20,661.00 |
Dickinson | Funds with no tax levy | Sewer Dist #2 Operations - 2245 | 17,394.00 |
Dickinson | Funds with no tax levy | Sewer Dist #1 - 3000 | 7,188.00 |
Dickinson | Funds with no tax levy | Sewer Dist #3 Operations - 3004 | 14,978.00 |
Dickinson | Funds with no tax levy | Sewer Dist #3 Reserves - 3005 | 15,690.00 |
Dickinson | Funds with no tax levy | Sewer Dist #3 B&I - 3006 | -1,564.00 |
Dickinson | Funds with no tax levy | Parks & Recreation - 9030 | 244.00 |
Dickinson | Funds with no tax levy | Alcoholic Rehabilitation - 9080 | 8,693.00 |
Dickinson | Funds with no tax levy | HWY Spec Rev - 9220 | 24,448.00 |
Dickinson | Funds with no tax levy | HWY Sales Tax -9230 | 1,649,764.00 |
Jefferson | Funds with a tax levy | General | 1,102,085.00 |
Jefferson | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 136,762.00 |
Jefferson | Funds with a tax levy | Public Works | 316,515.00 |
Jefferson | Funds with a tax levy | Ambulance | 124,090.00 |
Jefferson | Funds with a tax levy | Appraiser's Cost | 10,796.00 |
Jefferson | Funds with a tax levy | Health | 400,993.00 |
Jefferson | Funds with a tax levy | Law Enforcement | 153,958.00 |
Jefferson | Funds with a tax levy | Auto Adminstration | 42,191.00 |
Atchison | Funds with a tax levy | General | 1,055,664.00 |
Atchison | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service (CLOSED) | -55,860.00 |
Atchison | Funds with a tax levy | Extension Council | 4,321.00 |
Atchison | Funds with a tax levy | Noxious Weeds | 34,304.00 |
Atchison | Funds with a tax levy | Home for the Aged | 641.00 |
Atchison | Funds with no tax levy | Atchison Senior Village | 20,970.00 |
Atchison | Funds with no tax levy | Special Highway | 760,067.00 |
Atchison | Funds with no tax levy | Joint Communicatons | 43,717.00 |
Atchison | Funds with no tax levy | Solid Waste | 13,607.00 |
Atchison | Funds with no tax levy | Municipalities Fight Addiction | 2,995.00 |
Osage | Funds with a tax levy | General | 2,343,750.00 |
Osage | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | -54,587.00 |
Osage | Funds with a tax levy | Road & Bridge | 42,402.00 |
Osage | Funds with a tax levy | Ambulance | 40,034.00 |
Osage | Funds with a tax levy | Appraisers Cost | 96,285.00 |
Osage | Funds with a tax levy | Election | 167,117.00 |
Osage | Funds with a tax levy | Employees Benefit | 280,250.00 |
Osage | Funds with a tax levy | Health Fund | 222,103.00 |
Osage | Funds with a tax levy | Noxious Weed | 67,747.00 |
Osage | Funds with a tax levy | Special Bridge 68-1135 | 1,094,812.00 |
Osage | Funds with a tax levy | Spec. Levy Waste Disp | 780,332.00 |
Osage | Funds with no tax levy | Capital Improvement Fund | 902,409.00 |
Osage | Funds with no tax levy | 911 Cell Surcharge | 358,083.00 |
Osage | Funds with no tax levy | Federal Owned Land Ent. | 401,444.00 |
Osage | Funds with no tax levy | Noxious Weed Cap. Outlay | 10,229.00 |
Osage | Funds with no tax levy | Road Mach. & Equip | 1,119,967.00 |
Osage | Funds with no tax levy | Lake Patrol | 243,019.00 |
Osage | Funds with no tax levy | Spec. Alcoh. Rehab. | 39,190.00 |
Osage | Funds with no tax levy | Special Park & Rec. | 6,678.00 |
Osage | Funds with no tax levy | Register of Deeds Tech | 48,244.00 |
Osage | Funds with no tax levy | Spec. Law Neforc. Trust | 10,952.00 |
Osage | Funds with no tax levy | Capital Project - Bridge Bond Funds | 43,776.00 |
Osage | Funds with no tax levy | County Clerk Technology Fund | 28,061.00 |
Osage | Funds with no tax levy | County Treasurer Technology Fund | 22,282.00 |
Osage | Funds with no tax levy | County Treasurer Auto Reimb. Fund | 66,482.00 |
Osage | Funds with no tax levy | Capital Project - 2021 Bridge Bond Funds | 4,636,400.00 |
Neosho | Funds with a tax levy | General | 66,017.00 |
Neosho | Funds with a tax levy | Road & Bridge | 612,097.00 |
Neosho | Funds with a tax levy | Health Fund | 244,364.00 |
Neosho | Funds with a tax levy | Law Enforcement/ EMS Fund | 636,950.00 |
Neosho | Funds with no tax levy | Ambulance Sales Tax Fund | 1,187,204.00 |
Neosho | Funds with no tax levy | Emergency Phone Equipment Fund | 116,380.00 |
Neosho | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol Fund | 7,586.00 |
Neosho | Funds with no tax levy | Special Bridge Fund | 550,471.00 |
Neosho | Funds with no tax levy | Special Parks and Recreation Fund | 2,587.00 |
Neosho | Funds with no tax levy | Wireless Phone Equipment Fund | 51,550.00 |
Neosho | Funds with no tax levy | Shaw Road Bond and Interest Fund | 2,126,395.00 |
Bourbon | Funds with a tax levy | General | 716,201.00 |
Bourbon | Funds with a tax levy | Appraiser | 46,427.00 |
Bourbon | Funds with a tax levy | Bridge & Culvert | 12,215.00 |
Bourbon | Funds with a tax levy | Election | 31,862.00 |
Bourbon | Funds with a tax levy | Employee Benefits | 371,535.00 |
Bourbon | Funds with a tax levy | Mental Health | 3,156.00 |
Bourbon | Funds with a tax levy | Intellectual Disabilities | 3,436.00 |
Bourbon | Funds with a tax levy | Public Safety | 136,992.00 |
Bourbon | Funds with a tax levy | Noxious Weeds | 31,157.00 |
Bourbon | Funds with a tax levy | Road & Bridge | 2,204.00 |
Bourbon | Funds with a tax levy | Special Alcohol & Drugs | 286.00 |
Bourbon | Funds with a tax levy | Special Bridge | 54,432.00 |
Bourbon | Funds with a tax levy | EMS | 73,786.00 |
Bourbon | Funds with no tax levy | Landfill | 88,420.00 |
Bourbon | Funds with no tax levy | Road & Bridge Sales Tax | 167,405.00 |
Bourbon | Funds with no tax levy | Special Parks & Recreation | 875.00 |
Bourbon | Funds with no tax levy | Sewer District #1 | 3,557.00 |
Bourbon | Funds with no tax levy | Jail Sales Tax | 1,613,107.00 |
Bourbon | Funds with no tax levy | Medical Building | 0.00 |
Bourbon | Funds with no tax levy | PILOT | 0.00 |
Jackson | Funds with a tax levy | General | 2,122,460.00 |
Jackson | Funds with a tax levy | Debt Service | 95,411.00 |
Jackson | Funds with a tax levy | Road & Bridge | 129,963.00 |
Jackson | Funds with a tax levy | Noxious Weed | 6,777.00 |
Jackson | Funds with a tax levy | Elderly Services | 21,009.00 |
Jackson | Funds with a tax levy | Sheriff-General | 44,503.00 |
Jackson | Funds with no tax levy | Auto Tag Fee | 0.00 |
Jackson | Funds with no tax levy | 911 Fund | 140,118.00 |
Jackson | Funds with no tax levy | .4% Sales Tax for Roads | 451,506.00 |
Jackson | Funds with no tax levy | Special Alcohol | 191,322.00 |
Jackson | Funds with no tax levy | Sp Parks & Recreation | 160,760.00 |
Jackson | Funds with no tax levy | .4% Sales Tax - To Cities | 0.00 |
Jackson | Funds with no tax levy | Capital Improvement | 7,871,478.00 |
Jackson | Funds with no tax levy | Clerk's Technology Fund | 22,463.00 |
Jackson | Funds with no tax levy | Register of Deeds Tech Fund | 36,508.00 |
Jackson | Funds with no tax levy | Treasuer's Tech Fund | 5,916.00 |
Jackson | Funds with no tax levy | Special Machinery & Equipment Fund | 917,782.00 |
Jackson | Funds with no tax levy | Risk Management | 0.00 |
Johnson | Funds with a tax levy | General | 234,330,815.00 |
Johnson | Funds with a tax levy | Public Works Fund | 1,563,987.00 |
Johnson | Funds with a tax levy | Stormwater Fund | 6,789,348.00 |
Johnson | Funds with a tax levy | Transportation Fund | 3,918,870.00 |
Johnson | Funds with a tax levy | Developer Fee Fund | 261,937.00 |
Johnson | Funds with a tax levy | County Building Fund | 137,117.00 |
Johnson | Funds with a tax levy | State Forfeited Property Fund | 202,762.00 |
Johnson | Funds with a tax levy | Risk Management Fund | 4,249,827.00 |
Johnson | Funds with a tax levy | Stream Maintenance Fund | 9,480.00 |
Johnson | Funds with no tax levy | 911 Fund | 4,724,891.00 |
Johnson | Funds with no tax levy | Alcohol Tax Fund | 201,538.00 |
Johnson | Funds with no tax levy | Prosecuting Attorney Fund | 48,663.00 |
Johnson | Funds with no tax levy | Developmental Supports Fund | 8,808,631.00 |
Johnson | Funds with no tax levy | Mental Health Fund | 9,830,717.00 |
Johnson | Funds with no tax levy | Airport Fund | 5,767,653.00 |
Johnson | Funds with no tax levy | Public Health Fund | 8,455,635.00 |
Johnson | Funds with no tax levy | County Bond & Interest Fund | 623,624.00 |
Johnson | Funds with no tax levy | Controlled Substance Fund | 39,830.00 |
Johnson | Funds with no tax levy | Weapons Licensure | 151,038.00 |
Johnson | Funds with no tax levy | District Attorney Forfeited Property Fund | 125,237.00 |
Johnson | Funds with no tax levy | Fleet Operating Fund | 2,538,822.00 |
Johnson | Funds with no tax levy | Opiod Fund | 113,560.00 |
Johnson | Funds with a tax levy | Park and Recreation Fund | 14,006,473.00 |
Johnson | Funds with a tax levy | Park Employee Benefit Fund | 1,951,400.00 |
Johnson | Funds with a tax levy | Park Enterprise Fund | 17,591,443.00 |
Johnson | Funds with a tax levy | Library General Fund | 16,438,854.00 |
Johnson | Funds with a tax levy | Library Special Use | 2,464,433.00 |
Johnson | Funds with a tax levy | Wastewater SRCFP Fund | 172,585,801.00 |
35 counties | All funds | All funds | 1,990,301,413.39 |
County | Fund Type | Fund Name |