About Us

KS OpenGov gives Kansans a clear look at how their state and local tax dollars are spent.

KS OpenGov is regularly updated with new information and currently contains a wide range of spending, taxation, and employment information for the State of Kansas, counties, cities, and school districts.

Information is all obtained directly from official government sources.  While we have no control over any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the raw data, we encourage users to contact us with any questions or comments.

Please see Data Notes for sourcing information and complete details on how the data was formatted.

KS OpenGov is a free service provided by Kansas Policy Institute.  KPI is an independent research and education organization that protects constitutional rights, works to improve student achievement, and reduce taxes by helping government operate more efficiently.  If you find this helpful information, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution.